This was posted 10 years 11 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$5 Cheesy BBQ Meal with Medium Fries & Medium Coke @ McDonald's


Saw this on the telly….

Published on Mar 18, 2014
Got $5 loose change? Then get to Macca's for the new $5 Loose Change Meal. For just $5 get the medium Cheesy BBQ Meal with a medium Fries and a medium Coke.

Price differs in VIC/TAS. Available between 10.30am — Midnight at participating restaurants for a limited time only. Glasses used for display purposes only.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    But a lot of maccas still have the Cheeseburger feed for $5, which is essentially this and a apple pie or sundae.

    • Are you talking about this "Expired" one?

      • +1

        Yes, but you can still get it at 80% of stores, as long as the staff serving you knows what it is. And its officially called the cheeseburger feed. Don't need to say all that useless junk to get it.

    • I've been getting it for the past 2 months but yesturday i was told they no longer offer it.

  • +10

    The only problem is you're going to need some food to wash this down with

  • +1

    Saw this on the TV yesterday in VIC, $3.95

  • for 4.95 in vic, you'd rather get the double beef and bacon med meal… Same as above but replace the cheesy bbq burger for the double beef and bacon.

  • $2 chicken and mayo here in SA.

    Its just like the regular chicken burger but on a cheeseburger bun.

    I liked the old McDouble (double cheeseburger) for $2 as it was more filling but the $2 chicken and mayos are good value as well.

    • Its just like the regular chicken burger but on a cheeseburger bun.

      And with a much smaller chicken patty.

      • -1

        Its about the same size every time I've bought them here.

    • The $2 chicken burger is basically halves and 1/3s of the regular chicken burger from my last experience. Half cheese is dumb. Might as well do a 50cent chicken and mayo, except its 1/4 the size/serving.

  • +7

    $5.50 whopper jnr stunner meal w/ unlimited drink refills inc. sundae

    • A real Ozbargainer would get the $4.95 Cheeseburger stunner meal and ask for extra salad, seeing as it's free and all. Plus you get extra cheese too

      • do you really?

      • Uh, no! Their cheeseburgers taste like ….

    • +1

      The burgers are better at HJ's… but the local burger shop blows them all out of the water :-)

  • +5

    Since when is $5 'loose change'?

    • My first thought too.

      • +1

        Not to OzBargainers its not! $5 can buy you stacks!

        Things I've bought through OzBargain in the last 12 months for under $5:

        Mertline tweezers, compasses, flint lighters, etc etc. I'm set for the WW3/survival mode.

        Cat6 cabling.

        Woolworths specials.

        And about 50 chinese gadgets for $1 shipped that I cant even remember, that I'm sure will come in handy one day :).

        • +1

          haha tat's gold! :)

  • It's $3.95 here in Tas. $4.95 for the double beef and bacon meal :)

  • +3

    From the ad: "Better get a jiggle onto Maccas…"

    Now that's identifying your target market.

  • an extra 25c gets you a large cheeseburger meal… dunno what the cheesy bbq burger thing is exactly, is that just a marketing ploy or is there bbq sauce or an extra patty in there.

  • Can you upsize your McDonalds fries without upsizing the drink (ie. medium to large for 50 or 75c)? I know you can with KFC. I thought I had in the past with McDonalds but the lady who served me refused and said it wasn't possible.

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