This was posted 10 years 11 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS3 Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes & MGS Peace Walker HD for $24.95 Pre-Order on PSN


Pre-order on PSN Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes on PS3 for $24.95 and get Peace Walker HD PS3 for free!

Both games are digital downloads. Offer expires, and games will be available, on March 20.

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  • One thing I'd like to know, can you play Peace Walker HD on the Vita via Remote Play?


    • No can do.

  • +1

    I was wondering why Ground Zeroes was so cheap (even disc copies are <40$), turns out it is "first part of the Metal Gear Solid V experience". Shame this deal is only for PS3.

  • I had sworn off MGS games after having a kid as they require too much time (and it's not the sort of game I'll play with my son watching), but at this price, how can I not?

    • The story only takes around 2 hours to finish. So no need to worry about it taking up too much time

    • +1

      You are a bad father.

      • +2


        He's four and I let him play GTA V (sound turned off, from a save game with no weapons. He knows that if I catch him getting violent the TV goes off. He's also worked out how to set and follow the GPS/mini-map) and Red Dead Redemption (same rules as GTA, no shooting/fighting. He spends most of his time chasing wildlife on horseback).

        Spends most of his game time playing the Lego games, and Disney Infinity though. Plays Pocket Edition Minecraft, but can't quite get the hang of the controls on PC. Also loves playing old platformers in emulators (Sonic, Mario, Castle of Illusion, etc).

        Give it a few years and I'll have him playing no-kill MGS, Contra and Super Metroid :)

        • That's pretty awesome. I remember reading on Neogaf once of a user who let his daughter play Assassins Creed 4 who claimed he was 'never prouder' of her after she worked out how to slaughter half a dozen guards. Gonna try to remember your example myself!

        • I wonder how he will be in a few years time when looking back nostalgically, boots the titles up and is horrified that he is able to mass murder all of those cute digital animals he used to play with in his childhood…

  • I want PS4 version… and peace walker….
    sometimes they have PS3->PS4 discount , but I wonder how much will the upgrade be.

    PS4 MSV5GZ is $48 at bigW preorder now… hmmm

    • I ditto this… I have a PS4, but also have the MGS HD Collection on the Vita (which for some random reason doesn't have Peace Walker in it)… so its just absolutely annoying that you can't buy the PS4 version and get Peace Walker. I can see why they didn't do it (aka can't play PS3 games on PS4), but still…

      • I think i ll get the PS3 MSG5 now bcos of the peace walker and selling the used PS4 for $500 in brisbane, i only tested it for a few days and prepared for the MGS5GZ.
        PM me is interested :(

        • +2

          lol you're selling the future of PlayStation for a PSP HD remake?

  • I'm only interested in buying this for the PS3 -> PS4 digital license, anyone know if this will work/apply? I'm getting regardless of peace walker but would like to have for PS3 now and PS4 later for whatever the upgrade license cost is.

    • There is no upgrade for this game.

  • For some reason the link is not working anymore. Anyone else having this problem? Did Sony pull this offer down because MGSV:GZ is being delayed in Australia?

    • It's not working for me either… I didn't know it was delayed.

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