From Amazon US
Seagate Backup Plus Slim 2TB Portable for AU $129.5 Delivered — 9.5mm Bare Drive Inside for laptops/PS3/PS4
This drive contains the highly sought Samsung M9T 2TB Bare Drive inside.
The hard drive is non soldered and can be used in older Mac Book Pros/PS3/PS4/non ultrabook laptops.
PS4 Installation Video:
Amazon UK Bare Hard Drive Link 150 GBP :…
Lots of reviews in that link —…
Disassembly and Naked HDD pics:
32MB Cache and Sata 3.0
Inside HDD Specs:…
Please don't ask why you should buy this over the Passport Ultra or Toshiba Canvio. Its obvious after the above points :P
Best price as per Camel for this drive on Amazon.
Good price. Ordered 4 :-)