I have some what of a random question that I've been thinking about for some time. When I get to work, from the front gate it's about a 10 minute walk to my work shop. My employer expects us to be at the work site on time and not to leave until exactly on the hour at the end of a shift.
Basically each day I am not getting paid for 20 minutes for the walk it takes from the front gate (which is part of the work site) to work. There is no place to park closer.
Are employers entitled to do this? I think time on should start from when you enter the front gate and time off when you leave the front gate.
Thanks for all the responses. From what I have read a good percentage of people seem to think it's not worth complaining about or that it shouldn't be paid while there is also support from my point of view. Things that have really stuck out from what I have read is that the walk is on site and as such I do have to abide by their rules. I am at risk of being hurt or injured by walking on site, more so than being in public really. Forklifts, cranes, cars and the such it is pretty full on and you have to be alert.
As someone else mentioned most of us do waste a lot of time at work. My boss is pretty relaxed and to complain about the walk would more than likely mean that he takes something away from us, whether it's not being able to use a phone at work, or having to work harder even! At the end of the day it's only 10 minutes each way and until something drastic was to happen at work against us the employees then it's probably not a great idea to complain. However that being said if the walk was more in the 20 minute each way and above range I would definitely have complained long ago!
Also to all the people who say they regularly work over time for free and 20 minutes a day is nothing… well that's your choice. You're either not good enough to do your job in the allotted time or your boss is asking to much of you. However at the end of the day you're willing to put up with it and that's your choice. If everyone stood up to their boss then they would have to pay for over time. But there is always brown nosers willing to work over time for free.
Can't they are banned for "safety reasons"