• expired

Hitachi 70" Full HD 100hz LED TV $1679 Delivered - Dick Smith Online


I'm aware that Hitachi electronics are made in China and just given an Hitachi badge but at this price it seems like a good deal. I can't find any other 70" televisions even close to this.

The Hitachi 70" Full HD LED TV comes packed with features to enhance your viewing experience. This includes a high definition tuner, an HD panel to experience superior 1920 x 1080 screen resolution. Equipped with three HDMI ports, this TV also includes an Audio Return Channel that allows connection to a home theatre or sound bar to enjoy fantastic sound quality. Using the PVR function, pause live TV and continue viewing at a later time. You can also share your precious photographic and movie moments with your loved ones by connecting any USB stick or SD card to the connection port.

- 70" Full HD LED TV
- 1920x1080 Full HD screen resolution
- PVR via USB
- ECO Friendly - low power consumption
- 3 HDMI Inputs
- 1,000,000:1 Dynamic contrast ratio

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    • +6

      Consumer guarantee. I'd argue for 3 years

      • -1

        Yeah. Who would buy a 70" TV that they expected to use for only a year?
        You could rent a 60" Bravia 3D LCD for less (over a year.)

        • +4

          A one year warranty doesn't mean the manufacturer designed the product to only last one year. When you buy a laptop, do you think it'll only last a year?

        • You need to read my post again.

          A one year warranty does NOT mean the manufacturer designed the product to ONLY last one year.

          Look up "planned obsolescence". THAT is when the manufacturer designs the product to only last a certain amount of time.

          You've bought a computer or laptop which most likely only came with one year warranty.

          Why did you buy it if, as McFly claims, the manufacturer only expects you to use it for a year?

        • +3

          I said "buy a computer or laptop", not "build a computer with parts that you buy individually".

          Some computers come with 2 and 3 year warranties. The computers people normally buy from shops usually come with one year.

          Do you replace your hard disks every two years and discard the old one as it will supposedly fail right after the second year?

        • +2

          The components inside the computer will still be under warranty from their respective manufacturers,

          That is totally incorrect.


          The limited warranty extends only to the OEM and may not be assigned or transferred without Seagate's consent. The OEM must clearly state in its contracts or warranty statements for its end users that any product warranty to its end users is from the OEM and not from Seagate.


          If your Product was purchased as a component integrated within a system by a system manufacturer, no limited warranty is provided by WD. Please contact the place of purchase or the system manufacturer directly for warranty service.


          Can I contact Intel directly for a processor replacement for an OEM or tray processor?
          No. You need to contact your place of purchase or computer manufacturer in regard to OEM processor warranty replacement. Intel does not provide warranty service for OEM processors.

        • -1

          If the badge reads HP…yes.

        • +4

          At the end of the day it does not inspire confidence in a brand that isn't entirely known for their TV's you want someone to move away from the big names to buy your product but your not confident enough to back your own product past 12 months then you will have to hope the perception that might bring with it does not scare away consumers.

          everyone needs to chill we all know its very likely the thing lasts 3-5 years.. but peace of mind when you spend that much money is def a good point to raise.

        • Depends if it's HP or not….

        • You need to read my post again.
          I never said the product is designed to last one year, or that the manufacturer expects the purchaser to use it for one year.

          scud70 said it quite well (excepting the lack of punctuation!)

        • I never said the product is designed to last one year, or that the manufacturer expects the purchaser to use it for one year.

          You said:

          Yeah. Who would buy a 70" TV that they expected to use for only a year?

          Why would someone only expect to use the TV for one year? Because they think the manufacturer designed it so it'll break down after one year?

          Big names like Samsung and Sony only offer one year as well. Does that mean Samsung and Sony don't have the confidence to back their own product past 12 months?

          If you were trying to say what scud70 meant, then your original post really doesn't convey that very well. A customer expecting a product to only last one year is different to a manufacturer only giving one year warranty, which even all the big names do.

        • Because they think the manufacturer designed it so it'll break down after one year?

          How about the quality might just not be that good. Might…

          Does that mean Samsung and Sony don't have the confidence to back their own product past 12 months?


          Anwyay, the point is that the statutory warranty on a television is not going to be limited to one year. A TV is expected to last at least 3 years. I and I'm sure many many others have had the same TV working well for over a decade.

          (Probably should have said scud70 also said it quite well.)

    • +2

      Buy with your newly acquired citibank signature card and get extended warranty for free ;)

    • +33

      not 4k
      NOT $10,000

  • +13

    You realise it was down to $1511.10 on the weekend (and last night) as per the first item in my post

  • -3

    70 inch for 1.679 k. Not 4k..
    Its good price

    • +5

      I'm sure he meant 4k, as in 'not 4k resolution'… not $4000.

  • Good price if you want a huge screen, but you'll want to sit waaaay back to hide the likely, average picture quality.

  • 55" is where it's at for 2.5m seated distance from TV.

    This I know :)

    70" is bloody huge!

    • Agreed. Pixel density is rubbish at this size.

    • +2

      Now I know why my eyes hurt, watching my 110" projector from 3 and a bit metres!

  • Prefer decent 65"
    Pixl deinsti dosnt matter ull b sitting way back

    • Yeah, 55"-65" is the sweet spot for most rooms (I reckon 60" is perfect). 70" would only be advisable if you have a huge room with 3.5+ metre viewing distance. This would be a very small minority of people. In most cases, it's much easier (and cheaper) just to move the couch forward and buy a smaller set.

  • +1

    So tempting, but my 64inch Samsung is going strong (despite needing repair under warranty) and I told myself I wouldn't upgrade unless it's to 65+, 4k res and less then $2500.

    70inch seems massive but I thought that about 64inch and after a month youre used to the size. After 6 it seems small. As long as there's room for a bigger TV, i think i'll want one. Lol.

    • -4

      Tempting? Why would you even consider this if you have a Samsung plasma? The picture quality of LED is far worse.

    • +9

      TV's always drop a size after a month or so ;-)

      • +11

        It's usually after the first wash.

    • Going off the single review on productreview (by a 1 review poster) it would appear as though you get what you pay for in terms of the image quality of the screen and sound performance (does not apply to anyone using an AV system).

      Best check this one out in store and decide for yourself if bigger really is better.

  • -6

    A cheap LCD might look shit, but good ones IMO are just as good as Plasma. My 40in Samsung M8 series LCD was awesome. Much better for HTPC use then the Plasma I currently have or previously had. I would expect this one would look shit due to price and brand, but when I get a 4k TV it will be LED/LCD.

    • +3

      Really? When I grow up, I want to be a product reviewer with my own website and a LIKE system, but no dislikes.

  • +1

    I have the Sharp 70" and I have absolutely no regrets a year later. If anything, I feel bored watching the more normal 40" TVs.

  • +1

    I still have my 50" Conia which I bought like 8 years ago… they're risky buys… sometimes it works for you, sometimes it doesn't.

    • My 55" wingding that I got 3 years ago is still working perfectly. When it dies I'll consider that it was $1000 well spent.

    • Colblair, i had my 50" Conia since 2008, waiting for it to break and buy a new one and it never broke :P I'm really impressed with the Conia, but in the end i had a deal for a 64" Samsung which i couldn't refuse and sold the Conia.

  • Price backs to 4K?

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