• expired

TPG ADSL2+ Plan Free Upgrade e.g. $49.99 - 55GB now


ADSL2+ Plans Monthly
Access Charge Monthly Download Quota
(Peak + Off Peak) Buy

Super Fast Starter /10GB $29.99
10GB1 (3GB+7GB)

Super Fast Basic /30GB $39.99
30GB1 (15GB+15GB)

Super Fast Standard /55GB $49.99
55GB1 (30GB+25GB)

Super Fast Medium /75GB $59.99
75GB1 (40GB+35GB)

Super Fast Heavy /110GB $69.99
110GB2 (50GB+60GB)

Super Fast Premium /90GB $89.99

Super Fast Premium+ /120GB $129.99

ALSO off peak extended to 9am (1am-9am)

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Referrer gets $100, up to $1000 a month.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    mmm… By adding another 5GB, they have taken out the VOIP from the plan.

    I am not sure if I'll agree that it is an upgrade or more a sidewards move!

  • good deal, i m a heavy user…gr8 news…now can download 5 gig more…good find..thans

  • wow, thanks 4 the reminder to upgrade my plan. ill change when i get capped.

  • -1

    good post, a few questions. if i go for the free upgrade is there a contract restart? and the bundled mobile is now $14.99 not $9.99, does that mean if i upgrade it would rise the price of my existing bundled mobile to $14.99?

    • Yeah it would need to follow the new regime.
      I'm on the original 70GB Plan with mobile - not worth moving for a 5GB increase with a $5 increase per month.

      I don't think a contract restarts unless the result of moving plans means paying less.

    • -2

      i didnt mean to vote negative, im neautral on this one,\,

  • From memory doesn't TPG renew your contract with them for 12 months when you change plans?

  • +1

    i dont like the fact my bundled mobile goes up $5, this deal is not worth it to me.

  • yeah, I think this can get a lot of people staying with them for another 12/18 months..
    I like the 9am extension though :)

  • no huge incentive here….they've dropped the higher end caps that had the large offpeak allowances (200GB plan for instance)…at least from what I can tell.

    110GB for 69.95 any time is ok but unless I was nut's into streaming thing's I'm happy to schedule downloads for offpeak periods.

    Sure some people will have an attractive "upgrade" path anyway.

  • -2

    I don't think any of these apply for existing users. It's for new users. Sucks coz i just upgraded from the $40 plan to $50 where 15gb peak wouldve been plenty.

  • -1

    You can always upgrade your plan to the higher bandwidth plan for FREE, no restart on your contract.

    I had a look the other day to see if they have increased anything but they didn't. But now they did :D Thanks mate.

    Edit: and OMG, 2 more hours of off peak xD

  • awesomeness. thanks for the heads up.

  • Wish they would come to Perth already.

  • +1

    sigh i need more than 200gb…

    these days, games are getting bigger
    movies r getting bigger

    need more space >_<

    • -1

      All legal I hope :)

  • If I only pick the same plan I am in (e.g. from 8/12GB to 15/15GB) do i need to pay any fees?
    Also does it mean that the monthly cycle restart?

  • Great Deal. cheers mate

    no extra fees if you upgrade to a plan on same amount or higher amount.
    see here:

  • 5GB more :) not bad :) thanks!

  • so do we just call them and ask for it?

    • Just go to their website, login, change your plan to "your current plan + 5GB" plan

  • -5

    sorry but its gotta be a negative from me. i'm currently on a 150gb plan (110+40) for 69.99. Under the new plan, I'd only get 110gb altogether. I know they've made it better for lower plans, but it's a -ve for me.

    • dude, why -ve. It doesn't affect your current plan at all.

      This is a bargain for other people, not for you. But it still is a bargain, what's wrong with u? :)

      • because when my contracts up and tpg kick me off and make me choose a new plan, these new ones are hopeless.. 25% less quota for the same price.

        • Whilst I recognise this for the most part is a good deal, I understand your negative vote as for you, it doesn't represent good value. I cancelled out any negative's you received for your vote at the risk of probably receiving negatives for mine.

          You have a fair reason to vote negative even though for the most part, many users will see a benefit, there may be some, such as yourself, will actually see the reverse opposite.

        • stupid reason

          so it doesnt satisfy 100% of users… yeah deserves a neg.

          The deal is good, just because its not awesome for you doesnt make it a neg. Neg if it's bad value in general

    • You don't need to change plan when current contract expires.

  • Sorry can someone just confirm. I just got TPG $49.95 50gb 18 month plan like a month ago. My monthly download quote ends on the 23rd this month. So upgrading, won't affect my plan, and it won't restart my 'month'? (ie change my new month day to the 13th?) If so, pretty sweet deal thanks.

    • it won't affect your current plan, but the day might be changed to 13th

    • It will reset your month end date as well as reset your data.

      So the trick is finish you d/l as fast as possible then select a desirable month end day :)

      • Oh ok…but would that really be the best thing to do lol? Cause since it'll start a new month, you'll be charged again (right?) meaning you didn't even get a month's use from the previous month (time wise). Or will the 'month' just extend to the new date for free this time only. So in my case will the month get extended to July 13th for no charge, then restart from there?

        • I recently upgraded from the 20GB to 30GB plan (same price). I can confirm it does charge you for the new month, change your new month date and restart your quota. HOWEVER they do credit you what you didn't spend the previous month, this is deducted from the new bill. So in short, you pay for what quota you've used and credited the remainder onto the next bill.

          • @kds123: kego (and others) - so in short. say my plan turns over on the 19th of the month and I am on the $50 plan. if I go hard for say 3 days and d/l say 30 GB (total, peak and off-peak) then do this upgrade to 55GB on the 21st, then:

            1. I will be resetting my month and quote to the 21st.
            2. I will be charged $50 for my 3 days usage - 19th - 21st
            3. I will be invoiced my normal $50 from 22nd June and my d/l quota resets, and receive a credit for approx $45 (for no. 2 above)

            Can someone please confirm. As I would like to know if I am better off resetting before or after the turnover date?

  • Grr, still no ADSL2 for my exchange.

    • same here — again TPG ups the offer for ADSL2+ customers, but screws over those suffering on ADSL1; with no way of switching to ADSL2 (other than suffering more gouging from Telscum).

      not happy.

  • hows TPG's Customer Service?

    • TERRIBLE, well in the call centre anyway. ive found that email communication is much more thorough and effictive. and have got results that way pretty quick.

      but the service works and they are cheap.

      • +1

        Yes, I agree - it's very hard to communicate with them… not very helpful, but yes - cheap! :)

        • +1

          right on smogg9, perfect anology

      • I agree that it takes hours to get through to customer service but I think I've never talked to the customer service ever. I applied for my service online (I think they called me to confirm some details) but then it works like a dream after.. some other friends with other provider says their ISP is great because of great call centre and all.. what they dont realise is that their connection does not work half the time hence they have to spend unnecessary time calling the ISP to fix something that should work to start with.

        :) TPG's ADSL2+ is coming to my area in Oct.. definitely a PLUS!!

    • Not that crap. About as crap as regular customer service

    • Expect to be connected to someone in Bangalore. Bad!

    • T.E.R.R.I.B.L.E

  • GR8 stuff
    just got another 5gb added to my peak limit for the same price
    TPG don't contact you about these upgrades so was good to see it here.

    • Did your monthly cycle restart? Were you charged for a new month or was it just extended for this time? I think I'll just wait till the day before my month ends cause I don't want to waste $50 on only 2.5 weeks if I'm going to be recharged another $50

  • Called them up and there's insufficient copper. So how do I get telstra to fix this? I currently have bigpond cable with them so I doubt they would want me to get adsl.

  • very very hard communicate with them. and even you can talk to them. not helpful anything, hehe. Cheap is as cheap. But it's still good for internet if you've got no problem when you connect to them.

  • Couldn't see any mention of this, but from what Im reading on the site, the change in off-peak times doesn't count for the 110GB plan. I was considering changing, but Im on the 150GB plan (40GB peak and 110GB Offpeak) and Im not sure if I want to change for +10GB peak and -50GB offpeak. I haven't paid attention to how much offpeak Ive been using T_T

  • Its a step backwards, and i really dont see how its any kind of deal. Upgrades have always been free.

  • I just did this. I was on the $50 50gb plan. I got this email

    Dear Customer, Thank you for choosing TPG Internet as your ADSL provider. Your change of ADSL service has been processed. Your ADSL2+ Ultimate Medium /50 package has been cancelled.A credit of $58.05 has been applied to your account, representing the unused portion of the package, less any outstanding usage charges and the Early Termination Fee (if applicable).

    Wait so exactly what happened? I received back $58.05? What for? Unused portion of the package? I used like 99% of my bandwidth for this month and it's meant to start a new month on the 23rd so that's like a week remaining. Can someone tell me what I'm missing here.

    • hey manbearpig - I'd appreciate if you let us know what happens to your account. I think it will update overnight maybe. I am not sure why $58 has been credited when you pay $50/month.
      If you could let us all know what happens - ie. does your new month start on the next day, its appreciated

      • Yep my expiry date was the 23rd but now it has changed to the 18th. So today started a new cycle. Also in my account usage page it says

        Account Balance: $8.06 in credit

        Usually this is at $0 since it's paid by credit card.

        I don't really get why but I think I was credited $58.05 for some reason, and then charged $49.99 for the new month straight away, leaving $8.06. So I think I was actually credited $8.06 for the remaining 6 days even though I had used up all the bandwidth. Plus that would mean I wasn't charged for the new month at all since I was credited $58.06 in the first place. It seems odd but that's the only way I can explain it. But someone else above said they were charged for the new month so I'm kind of lost..

        But at least I guess you could upgrade the plan like a few days after your new cycle, use up all the bandwidth and be credited like $45 :P. Cause it seems like you're credited on the days remaining, not bandwidth.

        PS. My off peak quota had actually gone to -3239mb before changing…kind of weird how this happened. I remember going over my peak quota by 1gb or so last month too and I wasn't even capped. Does this happen for anyone else? I know TPG don't update the usage page regularly but I'd have thought the system or whatever would know exactly when you reach your limit and would cap you. I guess not?

  • Well this is a free 5gb and the off peak time is now 1am-9am instead of 1am-7am so that's awesome. Guys it also says that people on the $49.99/50GB or the new $49.99/55GB will soon be able to upgrade free to the Super Fast 80GB(40GB+40GB)with VOIP plan which is also $49.99. Cheers.

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