What happened to the $2 McDouble?

I noticed most fast food places scaling back on their "loose change"/ budget menu. McDoubles were great always 2 bucks and $1 small fries. I noticed that they are offering a $3 double beef n bacon, seriously $1 for a small piece of bacon.

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  • +28

    Constant warehouse thefts by Hamburglar result in menu changes and price increases.

  • +2

    The minimum wage for a full adult in McDonalds is $18.60 an hour as a base. The minimum federal wage currently is $16.74. Now picture all those staff (and no, you won't find many teens working at 3am) and that big fat wage budget on top of all the other expenses and you have your answer.

    • +1

      Loose change menu only goes till 12 I think. I wish they brought back the $2 chicken and mayo. If you're less likely to go to McDonald's because they are no longer offering $2 McDouble's then it's probably a good thing.

      • I got a $2 chicken and mayo last week? Weston, ACT

        • Sorry meant Chicken and cheese.

        • +5

          Oh, yeah. I went to the drive-through once and accidentally ordered one of those. Came up as $3, and being socially awkward as I am, I just accepted the loss of the $2 chicken/mayo and moved on.

          Realised when I opened it that it wasn't chicken and mayo, lol. Was a feeling of relief knowing I could still get my $2 fix of terrible, terrible deliciousness.

    • Well there was one teen in Perth who would have had their hours cut back. The Age

  • +6

    I dont know how people shell out $5 and upto $5.45 depending on which location, for a crappy, tiny, little old Big Mac. McDonalds prices are not in line with the portion size of the junk they flog. Nor do they fill a drink or fry packet properly these days. I got greased of at drive thru for asking the moron to go back and fill both the fries and drink correctly. Like I, or any customer gives a flying f**k about your timers, that Ronald will whip u over if your a second late.

  • +11

    If you dont want to pay for maccas, dont get maccas. Simple.

    • Agreed with you 100%. When I feel like a junk hit, Id rather pay $7-$8 at the local fish shop for a real burger from now on

      • -2

        'Real Burger'. I can assure you most of them are of lower quality than Mcdonalds. The extra price they charge is not becuase they are made from the finest quality meats. Sourced only from mountains that have springs of alkalised water with a hint of fairy dust.

        • +1

          Thats not what I meant by "real burger". Im well aware that for $8 I wont have the finest quality ingredients. You missed the point- I was refering to size. Quantity. I do know what to expect when purchasing junk whether it be from McDonalds or the local fish shop. Queue all McDonalds employees to attack here.

        • +2

          Fair enough. If you were referring to quantity, then yes, I have missed the point a bit :p
          I'm not a mcdonalds employee but I imagine that most wouldn't care lol

        • +1

          youd be surprised of how defensive some of them get, especially the ones that make it to "shift manager", they take real offense when you take a swipe at the house of Ronald. The "big bucks" buys their loyalty. Im guessing I have a gripe with McDonalds, last week was the underfilled drink and fry incident, and the last time I went before that was the missing items incident. That timer puts them under so much pressure, that f**k ups become the norm. And the attitude they dish out is of disbeleif when you actually have a genuine complaint.

        • +1

          lol rubbish! i'm very rarely petty enough to to complain about anything in fast food but when somethings cold, wrong ect, they quickly swap it without any problem. and no i dont work there or nore do any of my friends.

        • and at least you know what your getting in your burger isnt some cheap dodgy imported meat and im sure as a compnay they have they have strict hygiene.

        • They only give 3 sauces packets with 20 nuggets gawddamit

      • 8 bucks will get you 4 mcdoubles. It takes me 2 maybe 3 and a small fries for to feel pretty stuffed /satisfied. If thats not value for junk fast food I don't know what is. Also 30 cent soft serves. Plus they are everywhere and you always know what to expect. Still pissed they skimped the extra slice of cheese and changed the double cheeseburger to mcdouble. Now this a blantant attack on everyday value.

      • +3

        I enjoy eating Grill'd burgers they're no t cheap but soooo… tasty!

        • +6

          I seem like the only person in the world that doesn't like Grill'd. I find the quality to be disproportionate to the time and money involved compared to Maccas, Hungry Jack's or KFC. Don't see what all the fuss is about, personally.

        • +2

          I too dislike grilld - it's such a rip, barely any change from a $20 for a burger, chips and a drink.

          Rather than going to your local corner shop or grilld you're better off going to a cafe or a pub and getting one there - probably cheaper too.

        • +1

          I am with you. I dislike the arrogance and smugness of the Grill'd staff and the overpriced menu with the stingy meat patties. This was my experience at Macquaire.

          They do awesome burgers at the Fuel bistro in the Star casino - go for a godfather nom

        • I dislike the arrogance and smugness of the Grill'd staff

          Yes! Even their fans exhibit this obnoxious behaviour – I gave them feedback on their Facebook page and got attacked by this Grill'd gang!

        • amen!

          Grill'd for some reason the burger is always gold. i think they keep the salad very cold before they put it on. Good for the freshness i guess, but it cools down the rest of the burger very quickly.

          far better value elsewhere

        • What I like most about Grill'd is the chips and even that is overprice LOL.

          yeah I don't rave on about the burgers but I wouldn't say no to it either.

  • $2 McDoubles are still available in my area, as far as I know. I don't eat them though, so my information might be a bit out of date.

  • +2

    I think i have some info of the McDouble. It has been replaced by the Cheesy BBQ burger - $2 also. Theres only one slice of beef though and no pickles (turned into bbq sauce). I actually quite like it the bbq sauce is pretty good in my opinion and for $2 its a good cheap snack. - Sydney, NSW

    • Maccas BBQ sauce is balls. The burger would be vastly improved with a smokey BBQ sauce however.

  • I've bought one every week for last couple months at many restaurant s you just ask and they give

  • +3

    I've given up on Macca's, not that I ever went there much. Rarely ever have it in Oz, only when I am overseas and want something cheap and cheerful (and use of the toilets which are usually cleaner than elsewhere).

    My major gripe with them - apart from the fact that the size of Big Mac's etc have shrunk so much, it is worthless - is that the food is always stone cold. This system they have now of making to order means your burger is always cold. Now young people just accept this along with poor service etc, but I am paying for a hot meal, and I want a hot meal.

    Remember when they used to make the burgers and have them there in a hot tray? Macca's area manager told me that they can't do that now as there are too many menu items. They gave me vouchers to appease me, but of course every burger I got with the vouchers, was cold.

    So like all good ozbargainers, I now vote with my feet. I can get a decent feed of food at my local fish and chip shop for the same price as a Maccas Meal Deal, and still have way more chips I can comfortably eat. I just heat them up next day with something else.

    • +1

      Huh? They make them fresh so they are now cold?

      I for one prefer a burger made straight away than sitting stewing in its own juices under a heat lamp for hours.

      • I believe before they had a time limit of only a few minutes. After that they were discarded.

      • +2

        Made them fresh is a completely misleading claim. They assemble them "fresh" from ingredients that have been pre cooked and sit in a lukewarm tray. Thats why its always not piping hot fresh, and borders on stone cold.

    • LOL. We do that. Do you eat all the crispy ones in the first sitting, because they don't reheat well, too?

  • +1

    they lure you in to a bargain, then change the content, then you need to order 2 instead of 1, so now you're paying double..

  • +1

    This burger was the post GFC market share wet dream. Do you know that McDonalds has around 43% of total market share for Quick Service Restraunts. Yep! it's outrageous. Maccas have learnt that they have to stop competing with themslves, and every 'special' burger is at least the cost of a big mac, but heading towards Grand Angus territory.
    However, I like Maccas as the service is quick and consistent. If I wanted to wait around for 45 minutes for a service like Grilled I may as well make my own.

    • I like Maccas as the service is quick and consistent

      Definitely got to give them that – can't say the same for HJ's. (Also, half the time, HJ's fries are cold and totally lacking in salt - unlike Maccas)

      • HJ needs to shorten their menu list, poor kids can't remember whats what..

        Buying a burger there is like buying a mystery meal

        though I do love their nasty greasy onion rings

  • they stopped them. pretty sure they wasn't making much money off them. they were a good deal. still get a double beef and bacon for $3 which is ok.

  • Wish they'd bring back the Lamburger - now that was seriously tasty. When we do eat there though, & it's not that often ( which is probably why we don't have a weight problem ) always ask for freshly cooked for both the burgers & the fries - have to contain the hunger for a few more minutes whilst it's being prepared but worth it. Staff have always been happy to do this request. Used to enjoy Hungry Jacks/Burger King but have found the quality isn't what it used to be. Basically good home cooking is the best but indulging now & again in these restaurants gives a great "Yum Yum" to the Tum & obviously saves us ladies in cooking!! Also a lot cheaper than you guys having to take us for an expensive meal!

  • +2

    Meh - haven't eaten at Maccas since Hungry Jacks introduced their $1 Large / $2 Extra Large Frozen Cokes … cant believe Maccas haven't tried competing with that! I've found Maccas change their 'loose change' items far too often, whereas at least Hungry Jacks keep it relatively the same - and make the changes obvious on their menus at their drive-thrus too.

    Used to occasionally have one of their <$3 burgers, but found the Maccas ones to be tastless, bland, or dried out - crap in comparison to Hungry Jacks' $2 BBQ cheeseburgers (sure, had a dud one of those on occasion, but can't get a cheap frozen coke or sundae @ Maccas too).

    • +2

      Everything's better at Hungry Jacks.

      • I dont know about that.. have you ever been to hungry jacks at central station? Went there once because i was in a hurry, never again.. only got a small cheeseburger meal and threw most of it away!

      • +1

        Especially the runs…

    • My local Maccas did have $1 frozen cokes, but that only lasted less than a month. I also noticed Oporto doing it at one stage, but again it didn't last very long.

  • Mmmmm… my local McDonald's did have a sign up on their golden arches mentioning the $2 McDouble until about six weeks ago. I've since been through the drive-thru a couple of times and was able to order a McDouble without any problems.

    Maybe it's a case of some still selling them, others not?

    • Must depend on which state you're in. The menus do differ slightly particularly promotions.

  • -3

    I go to my local MacDonald's, pull out a gun and say give me 3 double cheese burgers for $2 each. They always comply. I then ask them to empty the register. I pay them the $6 for the burgers because stealing is wrong.

    • That was funny as f***k. Thanks for the laugh

  • +1

    I always had a laugh at the McDouble and the double cheeseburger. $2.45 different in price and the only difference in the product was a piece of cheese.

  • Some places still have the loose change menu, but rare. Chadstone and the one near the red stairs in Southbank have it.

  • I think they all suppose to have it, they just don't advertise it

  • After they removed the $2 McDouble my usual budget feast is as following. x 2 chicken n Mayo ($4), small fries ($1) and soft serve cone(30 cents) I have my own water. Total cost= $5.30 .So a cheap n filling feed for 5 bucks … Drive thru staff arnt the most cheery when serving me, I don't think they're making much money/if any off me when you take into account all costs. I maximise KJ per $ while still have a nice diversity of flavour, protein carbs fat and sweetness. I had amore meal a couple of times and its too much food even for a big bloke like me.

    • 2 chicken n Mayo ($4), small fries ($1) and soft serve cone

      Not enough veggies (deep fried potato sticks don't count lol).

      Are there any salady bits on the Chicken n Mayo?

      • bit of salad on the chicken n mayo, similar to big mac. McDOuble has 2 patties but they are quite a bit thinner than the chicken.

  • +2

    I'm just glad we don't have to put up with the nauseating "That's A-More-a" ads anymore.

  • Is there any McDonalds Stores that sells the McDouble for $2 in the northern suburbs of Perth WA?

    Anyways I did try the $2 Cheesy BBQ Burger and I found the cheese too overpowering. I find it is better value to purchase the Hungry Jacks $2 BBQ burger and Chicken Treat's $2 Cheeseburger. Chicken Treat $2 Cheeseburgers are huge in size, with its thicker Chicken burger meat and its burger buns having more volume, compared to the burger size of McDonalds and Hungry Jacks.

  • Is it me or mcdonalds is way to over priced? Mc double should be least 50c, dam inflation.

  • Solid bump but it's back now at $3 WTF McDonald's?! It was just $2 back in summer

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