This was posted 10 years 11 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Big (The Movie) - Free on Google Play


To celebrate their 2nd birthday google play are having a big sale. Including the film big for free.

At a carnival, young Josh Baskin (Tom Hanks) wishes he was big — only to awake the next morning and discover he is! With the help of his friend Billy, Josh lands a job at a toy company. but the more he experiences being an adult, the more Josh longs for the simple joys of childhood.

Run time
104 minutes

Actors Tom Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins, Robert Loggia, John Heard

Related Stores

Google Play
Google Play

closed Comments

  • +1

    So what, Big deal!

  • +1

    Title could be amended to say… big, the movie, free for download.

  • This deal is in a league of its own - no money pit- have the gumption that it will go like a volcano ..but that's me in the 'burbs talkin' (in Melb, not Philadelphia) and not going go sleepless. Wish I was at a bachelor party though…

    • A+ for effort.

      • C for execution though :-P

        • +2

          F for +1 votes :P

          T.Hanks for the Chuckles

  • +3

    A great movie!

  • +1

    Nice! Thanks OP

  • This old movie? We all already have it in VHS, DVD and Blu-Ray format. Now we gonna download it in digital format purely because we are OzBargainers. Haha, now where is that link to the Amazon ebook of being a hoarder again?

    • +5

      I don't know where I put it, maybe it's under my eneloops and torches somewhere and the exotic samples I get from donga. I can't search for it at the moment because I'm packing for my 15 holidays I got from theearth and tightarse. I got the money by selling all the $10 games I got from the Goodguys.

    • It doesn't come on Blu Ray here in Australia. You have to import it from the USA and surprise, surprise it's region code locked.

  • +1

    Great movie, shame I have to create a Google Wallet account to purchase it for free…

    • +3

      it costs nothing but the DRM wrapped around your soul

  • +1

    i dont want to use CC google play is asking me CC details any work around.

    • +1

      Buy a Google Play gift card from Dick Smith, Big W or Woolworths. Redeem it to your account. Then go back to this deal and try to buy it, but on the google wallet popup dialog box, change the "Pay with" field to Google Play balance.

      • So to get your free movie you have to go buy credit and put it on your account. The smallest amount being probably $15 or $20. Unless your using a google smartphone (granted a lot of people) its probably kinda pointless then.

        • The guy asked about an alternative to giving CC details, not how to make it completely free.

        • credit card details didnt work for me at all. Invalid payment option. In the end i gave up.

  • Thanks OP! I haven't seen this movie in a while.

  • Thanks. So do they regularly have free movies then or is this just a strictly one off for the birthday

  • -6

    BIG deal.

    Old movie.

    Maybe if it was 300 ROE it would be worth the bandwidth, otherwise I'd rather watch a fly dance on butter.

  • Probably expired the buy link has disappeared.

  • -1

    This movie is a bit odd, especially when the older woman screws Tom Hanks. Wouldn't that make her a pedophile ?

    • The film was made in a time when people didn't care so much about being so damn politically correct about everything. Films were light hearted and fun. Now it seems that young people demand shock factor, violence, special effects, etc. In general, films these days are rubbish. I know you won't understand what I'm saying, but it's true. it's all about money, in-and-out… As is music.

      If you can't appreciate this film, I feel for you. You're missing out.

  • It says $24.99 for me

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