DISCLAIMER: You will need to think outside the square. You will need to take a risk.
If a man in a shady cloak came up to you and said here's $50,000.
Turn it into $2k a month for me - use the least amount of money possible as what's left over is yours to keep.
The Rules:
- No illegal activity whatsoever
- Must be postive cashflow - no tax deductions
- Realistic in our current economy
- International investments allowed
- Monthly revenue of $2k can be averaged over the year (for dividends etc)
What I'd do:
I would purchase a website already generating revenue on Flippa of $1.5k or less. Make a few modifications (SEO, cosmetics, run some ads etc) to maximise its revenue potential. It should only cost $10-$12k depending on the life of the site.
Pocket the rest of cash.
What would YOU do? Let's get creative!
Any sort of passive investment is out. You are asking for 50% pa return for the life of the investment.