Best way to get NETFLIX and HULU Plus in Australia????

Hi Guys…..need some help ….Whats the best and cheapest way to get NETFLIX and HULU Plus in oz???


  • Media Hint or Hola Unblocker plugin.
    Cost = your privacy..
    I just install the plugin in a browser I don't normally use to try to minimise my exposure.

    Media Hint is preferable as it doesn't plaster ads over everything like Hola does these days.

  • This is the best guide I've found.

    • I agree. I have both Chromecast + Roku 3.

  • +1

    My preferred way is to use a geo-unblocking DNS service instead of a browser extension. This allows all devices on my network to access the overseas services, not just my computer's browser. I actually have a Chromecast and so am watching Netflix etc. on my TV and controlling it with my phone/tablet. It's a fantastic setup (and cheap).

    You also have impeccable (dreadful) timing… my favourite free DNS service,, has just closed down. However I recently moved over to using and have been very pleased with their service. They are presently in a free beta but have been rock-solid (and free). Via their website you can easily switch Netflix regions - so watch a bit of US Netflix for some US comedies then seconds later switch to UK Netflix for some Scando-dramas etc.

  • I watch Hulu/Netflix mainly on my PS3/Roku (depending on my TV). So DNS services are better IMO (I use Unblock-us)

    Not that it's really needed atm (although depends on when they change their policies and the card) I also have a Load and Go card with an address to a pizza place in Delaware (no sales tax) which I use for the subscriptions (to save on fees I buy annual subs). The good thing about using the Load and Go is it also works on Vudu. I buy cheap UV codes to movies for $1-5 and Vudu has a disc to digital service so if you have movies on DVD/Bluray you can get digital copies for $1 a disc.

  • I used to use Unlock-US. They are really easy to setup. Just change your router's DNS address and all devices in your house have access.
    A while ago I changed over to Getflix which is cheaper @$2.95 per month (
    Haven't had any problems since. Both services are super easy to setup, Just "set and forget".

  • Like scubacoles i use google chrome + hola! extension…

    This is if you are just watching through the web

    unblock-us and unotelly are good if you would like to view on other devices

  • Previously used UNOTELLY and can recommend them, especially if you take their top plan on 12months, It includes a VPN service that you can use from your mobile or hotel room when you are travelling. That is about US$4.95 per month when paying for 12months in advance.

    I have recently starting using Getflix which is working well. Its per month $2.95 no minimum term.

    Hope that helps you or anyone else.

  • +1

    To get Netflix, you can use a VPN or DNS like unblock-us. VPN may not work on Hulu because Hulu blocks traffic from VPN. To watch Hulu, your best option is to spend some time setting a VPN of your own.

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