This was posted 11 years 1 month 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

GetFlix - Access Netflix and Hulu Legally - 17% Discount with FB Like


Here's an Aussie grown service, similar to Unblock-Us and Unotelly, which rather simply allows you to circumvent the geoblocking that USA services put in place to restrict their services to USA residents.

End result, once you follow the set up procedure (have your PC, router, or media playing device point to the Getflix DNS servers), you are able to fully utilise US and UK internet streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, BBC, ABC, ITV, etc). See here for the currently supported services:

I recently switched from Unblock-Us to Getflix and to my mind there's been no difference at all, which is to say it's been working perfectly, and it's cheaper to boot at AUD $2.95 p/mth where as the others are about US $4.99 p/mth.

Tack on a simple FB like, and you earn a 17% discount for life. Pretty awesome all 'round really.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    I use Hola unblocker on chrome and its free , works for everything

    • +13

      Yeah but that method is suitable for computer. This is better if you have a media player.

      • +1

        Or playstation, xbox etc..
        I have it set up on my Playstations, and notice no difference in lag for multiplayer games using their DNS instead of my usual one.

      • I've worked out how they do this, and have ported the mechanisms to SQUID proxy on linux which then works for all clients transparently.

        You dont need no DNS hacks, just a crafty ACL.

        • +1

          Please explain, and you could win the Internets.

    • +2

      The benefit to services like this one, is being able to configure them to work on your Apple TV, Xbox 360 / One, PS3 / PS4, Wii U etc (for services like Netflix).

    • +1

      Hola unblocker inserts ads everywhere now. :(

      • MediaHint

      • +2


  • +8

    Looks like a good deal, pretty happy with Unblock-us though, not sure whether I would want to change.

    • Same here!

    • Exactly. I dDon't want to change everything over just to have this business collapse a year later.

      • +3

        What do you mean "everything"? It's just two text fields in your modem. If the business collapses in a year, you change back to unblockus and pocket the money you saved in the meantime.
        Don't change if you like unblockus and want to stay with it, but trying to make out that getflix is risky is just silly.

        • +1

          Personally it is not on my modem, it is on every device though except one.
          So that is 6 devices with the Getflix DNS on it, probably similar situation for others with Unblock-us.

          That said, it's not hard changing a DNS setting.

        • +2

          Why not set it on your modem and on that one device that's excluded set the DNS to something else?

        • And leave the DNS field blank on all devices except the excluded one?

        • +1

          if you set the DNS on the modem and leave DNS to blank/auto on devices the devices get DNS from modem settings - hence hcnage once on modem means change for all device that connect through it

        • Thanks, I have learnt my thing for the day, I can turn my brain off now.

        • I meant the shenanigans of having to cancel on one site, and set up payments on another site (also whose track record on security is yet to be proven over time), not the device settings, which I agree are quite simple.

    • +2

      Surely you can sign up for Unblock-us again if GetFlix goes pear shaped?

  • +23

    May I ask how their service makes it "Legal" as per your title?

    • +7

      Exactly. Circumventing geoblocking is against the T&C of Netflix and Hulu, so you could get banned or account cancelled with no refund.

      • +11

        Actually Netflix have a couple of customer service reps on some forums who are quite candid about the reality of using the service from abroad. Firstly if you circumvent the geoblock its 'them' not 'you' that get in trouble due to their licensing. Secondly they really don't care about it as long as you keep paying the fee. It's incredibly unlikely for them to kick you off the service. I mean, they even clearly accept overseas credit cards registered to overseas addresses and everything.

        Not sure about Hulu though.

        • +2

          Last (and final) time I tried Netflix they blocked my Australian CC, so I don't think it's strictly accurate that they allow them. I tried a few methods to get Netflix and none of them worked. I figure they make it this hard for a reason. I know others haven't had the same problem (and when I first signed up previously, I didn't, either) but I did and I figure something has changed. They may have changed their policy again and now let through Australian cards.

        • +2

          Mine works. Standard NAB card.

        • ive never had a problem, my bank actually contacted me thinking it was shifty and i told them it was me, other than that netflix thanks me every month by giving me good service

      • +5

        Breaking terms or conditions in a contract is no illegal.

        Still, OP is misleading. There is nothing illegal about using unblock-us

    • +7

      From their FAQ:

      Is this legal?

      This is the most commonly asked question.

      Consumer group CHOICE believes consumers who circumvent measures used to protect copyrighted content should be exempt from what could be construed as a breach of copyright simply because they’re accessing products and services that are being provided knowingly and willingly by the copyright holder.

      In addition, a spokesperson for Attorney-General Robert McClelland told The Australian "In relation to the use of VPNs by Australians to access services such as Hulu and Netflix, on the limited information provided there does not appear to be an infringement of copyright law in Australia." - see more here.

      With that in mind, you will almost certainly be breaking the Netflix and/or Hulu Terms of Use, so your Netflix/Hulu account may be suspended or cancelled without warning.

      I'm not sure how true any of that is, but it's what they say :)

      • +4

        I don't think CHOICE are the font of all legal knowledge. I agree with them—it shouldn't be illegal—and you're highly unlikely to get sent to jail, but that doesn't make it legal.

        • +1

          The attorney general though? What legal standing does his office have? :p

      • +2

        The point is that this service is no more or less legal than other services that do the same thing… IMHO the title is misleading.

    • +2

      Doing something against a private company's T&C is not illegal in terms of the law - you will never be sued or charged for this. However yes it may be a breach of the service, so the worst you may get is your Netflix / Hulu account banned. However this skirting of the geoblock has been taking place for years and I dare say the number of accounts banned for it are extremely close to zero.

      That's just my assumption however, and you know what they say about those…

      At the end of the day, it's an optional service - but really at $3 p/mth for this (free 2 week trial as well), and usually a 2-4 week free trial of Netflix / Hulu Plus, what have you got to lose?

      • Didn't netflix recently release their account locations in their earnings figures and something like 20% were from overseas?

      • Pretty sure Geohack got in trouble for signing up for PS3 T&C's and then hacking the console.

  • +3

    My current favourite DNS unblocker is Unlocator:

    Presently free as its in beta but is working perfectly for me. No idea when they're going to charge or how much it'll be. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post affiliate links but if anyone is signing up then feel free to use mine:

    Mod: Affiliate links not permitted

    For those who don't know the obvious advantages over the likes of Hola is that it works across a whole range of devices, not just your browser. I'm presently watching US Netflix on my Chromecast controlled by my N7 absolutely perfectly.

    I should also give a nod to my previous provider, but they're having a few issues at the moment as they migrate from their free model to 'free for most things but you pay for netflix' model.

    • +1

      How much does Unlocator Cost to use?

      At the moment we are in the BETA stage of the product, and the service is FREE to use. Once we leave the beta, the Unlocator service will cost $4.95 pr. month. (27 DKK pr. måned)

      • Thanks, couldn't see any details on pricing when I looked but I've been on it for quite a while now so maybe they've added some info since I checked.

        Any idea how long the beta is going to last? At the moment the service I'm getting is great seeing as its free.

    • Thanks for that info. Just used your link to sign up. I dont want the fancy services, just BBC iPlayer and thats one of the channels, so very happy, thanks. Also checking out tunlr, it looks decent as well.

    • thanks for the info, ill give them a try

  • Do you like their facebook before or after signup?

    • +1

      Sorry I can't recall exactly, but from memory it prompts you to "like" them during the signup process and confirms your discount then.

    • I signed up before hand, tried the free trial, then switched to paid the night before the trial ended and it popped up offering the 17% discount if you Like via FB.
      This 17% off deal was running last year as an end of year special, that was suppose dot end Dec 31st. Great service though.

    • Follow the link. Says it clearly.

  • I'm using Unotelly. I like the app that allows me to switch the IP service to my various locations. If Getflix has an app like that, it would be worth considering.

    • +2

      This pops up when you sign in form a different IP:

      "It looks like your Registered IP and Current IP are different. You wont be able to unblock any services from your Current IP Address.
      Click the button below to update your Registered IP with your Current IP. After you do this, you wont be able to unblock any services from your old Registered IP Address."

    • I've seen other apps that do the same, but never one that works as simply as it should.

      BTW the whole point of changing your IP settings is because you don't trust their DNS so using their app to change your DNS because you don't trust them seems kind of pointless to me because they could simply add some nasty code into the program you've just installed which could give them far more power.

  • Can someone explain how these sites authenticate you? All I needed to do on Unblock-Us was give them my email address and put in the DNS information. How do they know it's me connecting, even if I change my IP address?

    • all they need is your email address to authentic that it's you.. they then take your IP address and store it with your email address.. should your IP address change, it won't be recognised..

      much of a muchness, in terms of security… i mean, who is honestly going to stuff around hijacking your DNS settings.. it's not like they have your password..

      • Unotelly however has the option to 'Renew your IP' where you can login to your account from a new ip address (public global id not local) and hit Renew Ip to register that IP to your account.

        Unotelly's premium service also lets you use their services while you are using 3G/4G internet. Handy when you are roaming around etc.

        • Ah, that's right. Unblock-Us also has a 'refresh connection' button or something like that which pops up whenever I reset my router.

  • nice, i might switch from unblock-us

  • +2

    I have been using getflix for sometime and can recommend them. Never had a problem.

    • Same here. I switched from Unblock-US to Getflix about a year ago I think, and it's been great. I had no problem with Unblock-US, but Getflix was cheaper. I was actually lucky enough to get on board when the discount was twice what's currently being offered, so $1.95/month for me :D :D

      • My mistake - it wasn't a year ago, it was only in September (feels like longer). Service has been excellent though, no complaints at all.

  • Which is better, Netflix or Hulu? I am keen to get one or the other.

    Which is better for TV shows and large range of movies does anyone know?

    Complete newbie with this stuff.

    Cool deal by the way, thanks OP. Going to give it a go and configure my PS3.

    • For me, I find Netflix has had a lot of quality TV series to get through, including some exclusive in-house stuff (House of Cards is excellent). However after a few months you run out of new stuff to watch unless you resort to older content. Their selection of movies is mostly B/B+ grade stuff with a few A-grade titles in the mix, however it is getting better and they always bring out new content each week. Plus it has no ads whatsoever!!!

      Hulu I have only recently started trialling but I haven't really found much to like yet. I've only browsed through it briefly but I'm not a fan of the layout, nor the ads they enforce on their service. :/

      Anyhow I think you get a 2 or 4 week trial with both services so you should be able to check them both out at your leisure.

    • Hulu: TV shows
      Netflix: Movies

      That's pretty much it in a nutshell

    • +1

      Currently Netflix is free for a month to new customers and Hulu is free for 7 days.

      Give it a try and choose the one you like.

      • I signed up for Hulu's trial and got billed immediately! Turns out I signed up for an account a long time ago, and simply forgot. Thankfully they refunded me and closed my account. Un-thankfully I'm now bombarded with Hulu spam.

    • +1

      Netflix is awesome for Movies and alot of TV Shows BUT HULU is better for TV Shows especially current episodes of shows like Greys Anatomy, Grimm, Revenge etc etc the list is a long one.
      I subscribe to both for this reason - movies on Netflix and latest TV on Hulu - at a total of something like $20 a month including IP/DNS thing its a BARGAIN - the only upfront cost for me was the Apple TV.
      I recommend getting the trial for BOTH accounts if you can - someone can send you a link for I think Hulu not sure - but TRIAL both and see how you go but I recommend getting both and having an endless supply of entertainment — thanks to OZbargainers here I would never ever have known about these things and someone even gave all the instructions how to do it all a few months back - I have never looked back and rarely watch anything else ;-)

      • +4

        Doesn't it just crap all over Foxtel :)

      • +6

        Apparently if you switch Netflix to UK region you will get a lot of US tv shows as showing currently as Hulu does, but without the ads.
        UK Netflix people got Breaking Bad at basically the same time it was broadcast in the US.
        I switched the region with Getflix to UK and had a quick bowse, but didn’t do a full check on the US shows I currently download.

        • +1

          Yeah I have mine set to the UK region, lots of cool content and heaps of BBC stuff :)

        • I had no idea idea about that. Thanks.

        • +3

          I came across this site a little while ago that compares US and UK Netflix content, updated daily. Check it out, it's great!

        • thanks

  • +2

    Free and works with media players.

    • Moving to a paid model and have only 50000 free 30 day Netflix slots available whilst they move over. Not sure if they've all gone or not but you'll soon be paying for Netflix.

      Check out my post above for the guys I moved to, Unlocator.

  • how do i sign up for netflix, it doesnt accept my credit card, says its because im from australia

    • Use a random US zip code.

    • +11


      • +7

        I was unaware there was any other zip code to use.

      • +4

        And I believe all phone numbers over there start with 555…

    • -2

      For Netflix, you just keep trying your Aus CC details. Took me 6 goes for Netflix to accept it. Add a zero to the end of your 'real' Australian postcode - and check if its a real US one. Just play around with the postcodes, but make sure your REAL postcode is included in the numbers… e.g. if 2345 is your postcode… try to see if 02345 or 23450 is a postcode in the US… lower chance of future rejection by your bank

      • +3

        Incorrect. You don't need to do that at all with regards to your post code. Just choose a random one, in a state without sales tax, and you should be fine.

        I pay for my Netflix and my sister's on my CC, both are on different zip codes that don't even share a number with my actual post code. Result? Works perfectly fine.

    • Some states have different sales tax laws ……

      Not sure if it makes a difference with Netflix.

      I tend to use a real address eg McDonalds or Starbucks

      • If it's illegal to avoid sales tax by faking your state in the US, would it be illegal for us?

  • I'm happy with my VPN. I'm with one that's a bit more pricey for certain reasons, however I end up with about ~44 exit nodes around the world and 98% of my speed with OpenVPN. Have it set up on a second router that I can connect all my household stuff to it, but can switch back to my naked line by just connecting to the other router.

    If all you want is US Netflix, then find a suitable VPS (5GB HDD, ~128mb RAM, 100mbps uplink) from for like $10/year and go wild with it. Will cost you just cents per month and you can connect whatever you like, however you like.

    • +1

      N00b here, this VPS sounds good but can you explain how it works? eg: how Netflix works through it?

      • +2

        It's not very noob friendly, but some IRC channels on freenode (ie #ubuntu) and web tutorials might help you through it.

        A VPS is a Virutal Private Server. Basically, you're renting a computer in another country. You can log into it easily using very common software and interact with the desktop etc.

        From that point you just install the software you'd like to use as a VPN (ie OpenVPN) or proxy (ie Squid), which will make the computer act as a gateway for your content.

        GetFlix does the same thing, except they'll set it up for you.

        The benefit with your own however is that you can use whatever method you want, and you can share it with as many people as you want. Hell, you can even sell access to the proxy/VPN to a couple of your mates to recoup your own costs.

  • +1

    This seems like a decent idea. I've had nearly 18 months of perfect service from unblock-us with Hulu and Netflix, so I'm not ready to jump ship, but should the need arise I'll look these guys up first. Thanks for the post.

    As for signing up to either Hulu or Netflix, there is a ton of info on Whirlpool. Well worth your time, and they compliment each other perfectly.

  • Smarty DNS are currenty running a FREE 14 day TRIAL -

    use that with a HULU PLUS and NETFLIX trial to gain an idea on whether its for you ;-)

    • +1

      Getflix also offer a 14 day trial.

  • If signing up for netflix try and grab yearly subscriptions off ebay. I got one for $35 which was pretty good.

    • Could pls suggest any ebay seller? Thanks

    • +2

      can you send me the seller id ? been looking for one and all of them are over 45 USD now.

      • details please!

        • There are 2 on today going for $38 from the netherlands. They seem to be going fast these days.

    • +1

      I got one from someone over on WP for $35 (he said he had extras from Ebay) but I'll need another soon if you can recommend a seller.

    • I have been watching eBay for a month or so and there have not been any great offers. There was a half decent one from a Mexican seller, but the price for 12 month ended up over $60.
      When I checked on Saturday there wasn’t anything worthwhile.

  • Just use
    It's free and you just change the DNS to on the device you want to use it on.
    No registration required.

    • +1

      Can someone confirm this one works? It's potentially dodgy.

      • It looks like a rip-off of Very similar website with similar elements.

        Seeing as there's been lots of talk on the tunlr forums about how to pass only certain lookups upstream to their name servers for their proxying I think it's likely that someone has just set up a DNS forwarder on the allocated IP address and is just passing the geo-IPs lookups to them and piggy-backing their service.

        Could be dodgy if you don't want any old random guy in charge of controlling every lookup you do. Alternatively you could leverage the same tech they probably are and only pass the relevant domain lookups to them. Of course, this would mean you'd need to run some DNS forwarding product yourself like DNSmasq (at a most basic level).

        TL;DR I wouldn't trust them but in a 'controlled' environment they could have a place - e.g. if you just want to say 'when I lookup the IP addresses for *, use, otherwise use my normal DNS server'.

  • Tempted to take up this offer, however I've been with for years now and it has been rock solid.

    Can you switch Netflix regions easily with this service?

    • Yes, through the web browser, select region, save and restart streaming device if it is already on.

  • +1

    So what kind of internet download speed do you need to get decent quality out of Netflix/Hulu ?

    And what's the video/audio quality like? I'm sure it would be better than our crappy SD FTA channels, but is it as good as say a 720p rip?

    Also, how much quota does it chew through in a month?

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