Hey guys,
My last computer has finally died and now looking for a cheap license for windows 7 for its replacement. Just starting up a masters and trying to keep costs down.
Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Sweaty Penguin
Hey guys,
My last computer has finally died and now looking for a cheap license for windows 7 for its replacement. Just starting up a masters and trying to keep costs down.
Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Sweaty Penguin
Depending on your university course, you may be able to get it for free and not just pay a lower price.
All those prices are for upgrading from windows 7. I have no versions of Windows OS as I'm trying to run parallels.
I can't even find and full OS on the microsoft website.
Also my uni doesn't have any pricing except for upgrades to 8.1
you dont buy it from them, its part of the MSDN package. if you are doing a computer course you get it for free, or in my case i got a friend who was doing a course to get me it.
ask the computer science (if thats what its called, ive never been to uni) guys and they prob know more about it
i tried to google it for you, but my work blocks it.
spoke to uni,
Even they were confused at the lack of student pricing. They could only find upgrades for older OS or office 365
if u have winxp, upgrade to win8 then free upgrade to 8.1 from the store
Try Linux..
ZorinOS even looks like Windows 7.
And definitely worth talking to the uni.
Linux Mint is awesome.
7 is obsolete, coming on 5yrs old. Go for 8.1:
plus there is cheaper Office 365 there too. I fiddled with Linux during my degree but always went back to Windows in the end. Way simpler.
Ive have a look and most of the low prices are merely upgrades from older OS. So i can't get use those sadly
My desktop computer is in the process of dying also. What I've been wondering about is whether I can uninstall Windows from that system and use the license key with an upgrade on a new system.
There are reports on the net about people doing so, but whether it's that simple I'm not sure.
Not legal if it's an OEM copy.. but you can do it.
@ Sweaty-penguin
You can install any version of Windows 7 and clean install to 8.1 over it. ANY.
So in your opinion buy Windows 7 and upgrade up to 8.1
Im trying to run parallels through my rMBP so i don't have any previous microsoft OS
No he's saying "acquire" a copy of Windows 7 and then pay for a 8.1 upgrade.
Seriously though contact your Uni.. Microsoft do special Uni rates for all their software.. Depending on your course you may even get their software (not just Windows) free!
google "Windows 7 Torrent". download, burn to dvd, install and presto.
Is it safe to do this ? Might be full of virus/trojans masking as Windows 7.
I have one of those self activation ones (torrent). Still working, upgrade it to Windows 10 legally and it becomes genuine.
Just contacted M/Soft and they don't peddle Win 7 now. What do you guys think of this for a Uni student needing Win7 and m/soft Office:
Getting rid of the Dell 2006 laptop w' XP. Need Win 7 so is this worth looking at:
You should just buy a laptop with Windows 7. Check MSY, they have notebooks that include W7 license. Toshiba C50 for instance.
That desktop is ancient, is all the way in Canberra (you're in NSW), not worth looking into and there's no specs given apart from the CPU clock speed and drive.
I can see that there's 2GB RAM installed.
Ok thanks scrimshaw, that's good info on the age of that. Just looked up MSY CBR (my closest), interesting reviews, so I don't think I'll be going there: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2068611
The reviews are a year old, may not neccessarily reflect the service you get there today.
MSY has also upgraded their online ordering systems so they are better than what they were in 2013.
Other than that try looking at Lenovo or Dell's online ordering portal, hopefully you can still select Windows 7 on most of their laptops. http://shopap.lenovo.com/au/en/laptops/thinkpad/edge-series/…
its a well priced no frills shop without the starbucks/Harvey norman experience so forget mainstream reviews. Places like gamedude in qld once had licensed copies of windows os out complete with registration numbers which could be copied/photo's and used
Any update here for 2016? How to get Windows cheap, for a normal non-student person.
Play-asia have cheap keys.
I haven't bought one, so can't really comment on it.
/r/microsoftsoftwareswap on Reddit. You can get 'legit' keys for around $20 USD.
I've read/heard good and bad ones about reddit ones. Some work for ever, and some last a month before they get cancelled.
Install gentoo.
Ask you uni, you might be able to buy it cheap through them.
Otherwise, you can get Win 8.1 cheap from Microsoft: http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msaus/en_AU/list/ThemeID…
Given your username, why not look at Linux?