This was posted 15 years 8 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Audiosonic DVH 596 HD Video Camera for $199 (same as Kogan Full HD Video Camcorder at $369)


This is my first post here, so not sure if this fit in the bargain category.

Saw this on the current Kmart catelogue, originally priced at $279 but now reduced to $199 ($80 off). As a badge engineered DXG 596V, the Audiosonic is identical to the KOGAN FULL HD 1080P VIDEO CAMCORDER CAMERA selling at $369 (except that it doesn't have the kogan sticker and the 8GB SDHC bundled).

Picture quality isn't that great if you compare it with other Canon / Sony HD camcorders, but for $200 PQ appeared to be quite decent w/ sufficient lighting (I got one of these at work). Optical zoom and autofocus are sluggish but useable, so probably not really that great for sport events if you ask me.

From the Kmart catelogue:

Review of the DXG branded device:…

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Last time they had this item on sale (around December) it was branded as "Life!" and hard to get in my local store - they didn't get stock of it.

    Regarding quality of this camera, reviews state it won't do image stabilisation at 1080p. You have to use 720p to get that feature. Also the sound recording quality may not be great as it doesn't use a standard microphone it uses one more designed for web cams.

    But, for the price it looks good.

  • +2

    No video camera will be able to do digital image stabilization at its full native resolution. Think of it as a smaller rectangle inside a bigger one. The small rectangle is the video you record while the big one is the image the camera sees. As the big rectangle moves around (ie you Mr Shaky Hands) the smaller rectangle moves within the big one to keep the recorded image stable.

    Unless you use tricky optical lenses (expensive) or a larger than 1080p sensor (more expensive) none of them will do it ;)

  • I looked around at some of the videos it produces, and while the image quality is passible, there is a high pitched whine which is quite noticeable in any quiet video. That breaks it for me - audio post processing for every single video? No thanks.

    Good price for full HD though.

    • Where are the videos? I'd like to hear how bad the whine is.

  • Picked one up today to give it a shot, worst case ill take it back for a refund. The video quality is outstanding compared to my tape Panasonic 3CCD NV-GS250 (cost a fair bit new). The low light quality of the Audiosonic DVH 596 HD isnt the greatest but still ok. When it has decent light the quality is fantastic. I grabbed an Sandisc 8 gig SDHC mem card for $34, threw it in and started recording without any reading of the manual. Getting the files off on to my Mac was simple, just plugged it in, mounted as a drive dragged the files off and Quicktime played them in all their 1080P glory. I will get the latest firmware and have a bit more of a play, but so far so good. Seems like a good price for someone that wants a good quality camera, yes its not perfect, but neither are the models that are 3 to 4 times the price.

    • Thanks for the review mate.

  • Picked up one of these last week and it's going back for a refund.
    If you only ever take video in good sunlight then this cam would be good.
    Drop the light down or anything that moves….poor
    Plus the zoom hunts far too much and you get focusing noise at play back.
    Lowish to low light forget it, my $180 panasonic LS80 point & shoot digital cam does a much better job
    indoors and out.
    Looked promising but hey at the end of the day you get what you pay for!

    the cam has the latest firmware loaded, nothing newer available.

  • Hi all, has anyone had trouble with the camera's MOV file on a PC… I have a fast pc and the files even with the latest update of QTime are jerky… Plays perfectly in the camera but once transfered the file is having trouble playing smoothly. I have tried different codec's. Have a Class 6 SD card… Any clues as it will end up on Ebay for $100 if I cant fix the prob. NO use having it if I cant Edit or even view the file properly…

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