Best whey protein - Bang for buck?

Hi all,

I'm trying lose some weight(~5kg) and gain some muscle, with intention to look fit. I wanted some opinion AND reasoning on what is a good whey protein supplement out there.

1) What's the best value for money product and best store/website to buy from? Musashi is stores is too much of a rip-off.
2) I've heard good things about Gold Standard whey. Thoughts?
3) Are there any detriments to drinking whey shakes?
4) I'll plan to have 1 and/or 2 shakes in a day. Will I notice any results from that?

Any other tips/advice - I'd love to hear them :)


Ps: Not looking for cretine and other products. Aim is just good fitness. Not bulking up insanely.


  • +5

    1) Bulknutrients: Easily the most reputable and probably one of the better bang-for-buck protein stores in Aus
    2) It's okay, but the protein composition is lower than Bulknutrients
    3) Nope, it's a SUPPLEMENT
    4) Depends, it's a SUPPLEMENT

    Drinking protein shakes will NOT make you have any noticeable gains if you do not work out. It isn't just some magical formula that will make you have a six-pack in a few weeks.

    It's also quite hard to lose weight and gain muscle simultaneous; as it's simple calorie intake/burnt

    • Is this only considering Aus stores? Can you buy online from worldwide and just wait for delivery or does shipping make it too expensive?

      Yeh, currently working out regularly, but feel hungry during the day, and jumping on junk-food. I;m sure shakes would be healthier and more filling.

      • +6

        You're overly fat because you eat too much. You don't need to consume whey protein, you need to eat less. Get some willpower. Unfortunately you can't buy that, you'll have to make your own.

        • I'm not overly fat…~5kg is all i need to lose, but yeh, agreed I need to cut down on eating too much crap. I just assumed exercise played a bigger part to weight loss/fitness over working out etc.

        • -6

          Totally not the case

          If you're having troubles curbing the cravings like me, why not try OxyShred?

        • +2

          Make sure you're eating at a slight caloric deficit including the calories from your shake and you should be able to achieve what you're after.

        • I had some Herbalife shakes and lost 10 kilos in a week, I disagree with your comment. (I think the shakes were mostly whey protein, I didn't exercise at all btw)

        • $100 per kg? Herbalife… You will do just fine with any protein tbh

      • +1

        Is this only considering Aus stores? Can you buy online from worldwide and just wait for delivery or does shipping make it too expensive?

        Well, I considered all stores that I know of(Vitacost, iHerb, BB, NBS, Venom, etc)

        jumping on junk-food. I;m sure shakes would be healthier and more filling.

        Yeah, definitely would
        However, you get sick of the taste; so its best to get different flavours

  • +2

    Optimum nutrition gold standard is one of the better tasting proteins out there. Its quite popular as well and the reviews about it are pretty good if you google it.

    I usually buy the 2lb one for $33. I find that you can easily get bored of the flavor especially if you are drinking it x2 per day , chocolate is one of the flavors which i find to last longer in terms of 'tasteability'

    If you want details of the supplier pm me

    • +1 The GF and I are going through the different flavours ATM Chocolate Coconut tastes like Coconut Ruff is ok.

      strawberry ok
      Milk Chocolate Good

    • This interest me alot, PM sent

    • PM Sent also, cheers

      • guys, just buy 20kg unflavoured WPC from Bulk Nutrients.
        Tastes fine unflavoured and you can just add whatever you want for flavouring.

        • I've currently got 5x1kgs of various flavours of Bulk Nutrients WPC and another 1kg of their WPI. I'm after variety ;-)

          Also, I've yet to try ON, in any flavour, and would prefer to start with this smaller 900g, rather than the more common 5lb (2.2~kg)

        • @nismo: Ahk fair enough. I just like to buy unflavoured in bulk and then I can add any flavour I want if I ever feel like it (usually Milo for me)

  • +1

    1) I get whey protein isolate from Bulk nutrients. They get a pretty bad name here on ozbargain due to not sending out free samples reliably. I have no problem with them. The 5KG bag is a bit unruly though. The WPI is a higher percentage of protein compared to WPC (Whey Protein Concentrate) and it mixes into milk a bit easier.

    2) Not sure.
    3) They taste delicious and you will be hooked. No real disadvantages, it is like drinking a crapload of milk without all the water/lactose (sugar). You'll eat less real food, feel fuller.
    4) I've been having 1 shake a day for a while now. I do feel myself eating less junk food and less food in general. The benefits have been lovely for myself (vegetarian who doesn't get a lot of protein from food sources). If you couple this with exercise you will see benefits.

    Tip: Eat less, exercise more.
    Mix it with skim milk or water for even more "gainz" (weight loss).
    Don't go overboard.

  • +2

    lose the weight first, then start exercising for muscle gain. Maybe 2-3 months down the track start supplementing your diet with protein powder if you're still keen.

    • +9

      ^ This +

      If you're gonna lose weight, lose the weight first while trying to just maintain your strength if you're new to lifts you'll still gain quite a bit (forgot the word something about being new?) of muscle but it's just inefficient and a waste of time and money to do so.

      IMO don't go with NoBull, DUE to their POOR Customer Service you can google it but their lawyers already got rid of all/most of evidence if you want but here's the cliffs.

      • Sold cut protein <70% (advertised 97%)
      • Said it was for 1 batch, but was more than that (close to a year).
      • Even with NMI tests from customers, they denied and refused to compensate customers etc.
        Even I got stung and got it tested and they refused to do anything.

      They Fixed the Problem but not worth my business with their treatment and the whole saga I'm off protein supps, whole foods all the way.

      • +1

        Fraid I too was stung :(

      • +1

        of time and money to do BOTH

        Typo sorry.

      • Wow - didn't know about this
        have made 5 or 6 orders through NoBull since an Ozbargain a couple of years ago
        Undoubtedly would have gotten some of the 70%
        I did notice large changes to the website and my last order wasn't 93% guaranteed or whatever their packaging used to say
        Problem fixed hmmm
        Prices are cheaper but I am going to try Bulk Nutrients I think
        Thanks for the info

        • +1

          Sorry I was so tired I typo'ed again, this hurts the credibility in my statement but I still have the tests results (doubt it means anything now) but yeh it was WPI93% not 97.

      • -3

        Again with the NoBull bashing sigh

        There's more to it than meets the eye. Yeah ok I may have got stung by a bad batch too but I'm at least happy they resolved and communicated the issue they had with their supplier as well as their affected customers (first case I've heard they denied a refund for the affected batch). I'm still a loyal paying customer.

        I just recently sent Bulknutrients a sample of Nobull protein to have tested; for some reason they insisted I send it to them rather than them send the protein testing kit and so I did. I purposely didn't disclose that it was Nobull to prevent any bias. They came back with a 90%-95% estimate for the the WPI 93 and were keen on knowing the brand of protein. Told them it was Nobull and I haven't received a reply ever since.

        Take everything with a grain of salt… or protein lol.

        • +1

          Mate why are you loyal? Seriously? Were they loyal to you? Nup! It's business, not BFFs.

          It's like buying 98RON petrol for your car, only to find out you were only really getting 91RON…for a year.

        • +4

          Mate why are you loyal? Seriously? Were they loyal to you? Nup! It's business, not BFFs.

          From memory I've seen Slix_88 mention he knew the owner of NoBull. That's why

    • I think I disagree with you, but I'm not sure enough to warrant negging your comment.
      When you say "then start exercising for muscle gain", what do you mean exactly?
      Weight gain and weight loss (or muscle gain and fat loss) are two goals that, for argument's sake, cannot coexist at the one time, however they are reached through diet, either a caloric surplus or deficit. How you exercise can be the same for both. You don't do cardio and avoid weights to lose fat, if that was your implication by 'lose the weight first, then start exercising for muscle gain.'

      OP, protein supplements are just that, supplementary. There is nothing special about whey. You can meet your protein allowance with chicken breast, or with a protein supplement. Whey is just meant to be a cheap (per serving) source of protein. Something that is lost with Australia prices.

    • +2


      Start lifting and eating lean. Theres no more efficient workout than a core routine with squats and chest. Youll start gaining muscle under the fat which rockets your metabolism.

      Jog, pilates, yoga, swim on your off days and youll be seeing results quick.

  • +1

    It's good that you have the motivation to make change. One piece of advice is to remember that WPI is simply a supplement and protein is just a piece of the puzzle. Balanced nutrition and moderated calories is ESSENTIAL to a body recomp. Weights, weights and more weights is also handy!

    You may already know this, but consuming large quantities of protein through nutrition and/or supplementation doesn't mean that you'll look swole overnight. If you're a redditor, maybe consider jumping on some subreddits /r/loseit, /r/fitness, /r/keto (maybe), /r/bodybuilding, for heaps of free information which can be super useful to get your head around the shit tonne of information you should know to help you achieve your goals.

    Good luck!

    • sweeet. will check those subreddits :)

  • +8

    The best advice I could offer is to stop asking for health & fitness advice on OzBargain…all you'll get is clueless bro-science that often flies in the face of the what is known by health professionals about human biology & physiology.

    You need to speak to a qualified Dietitian & Exercise Physiologist if you want real, evidence based advice.

  • +2

    I see lots of blokes who have great musculature but it's hidden under too much fat. These are also usually the guys sucking down shakes all day. Get a good work out system happening first, then fix your diet, then consider supplements.

    For most normal people supplements do NOTHING. Remember a supplement is specifically to allow you to recover quicker when you are doing a very heavy workout program. I run up to 150km a week and in my own tests supplementing with protein and carbs post run has very little effect. If you are planning to use protein shakes as meal replacements I would encourage you to get your diet right first. If you really are working out 10-20 hours a week you might need some supplements, until then fuggedaboutit.

    For instance, one of the easiest things you can do is not overeat dinner. This will cause your body to scavenge fat while you are asleep. Wake up hungry in the morning? Great! Have a nice big breakfast. Stay away from sugar, minimise fat, don't drink too much beer. Your body will respond well to this.

    But like Stewballs said, our advice is free- if you want a proper program, see a professional.

    • I see lots of blokes who have great musculature but it's hidden under too much fat.

      Really depends on their goals(i.e. a bodybuilder will have a different physique from a powerlifter)

      For most normal people supplements do NOTHING.

      Somewhat subjective

      Remember a supplement is specifically to allow you to recover quicker when you are doing a very heavy workout program.

      Very wrong, SOME supplements will do that
      It should be noted that a supplement is exactly what it sounds like.
      See wikipedia: A dietary supplement is intended to provide nutrients that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities
      Which can vary from Vitamin C, Iron, Protein, Creatine, etc

      If you are planning to use protein shakes as meal replacements I would encourage you to get your diet right first.

      +1. Diet is extremely important

      • Yeh, i underestimated diet. Being doing 10km runs weekly now, and regular weights but hadn't altered diet one bit. Trying to work on that now. Harder than doing exercise regularly IMO.

        • +3

          yeah that's the problem isn't it
          health - all health not just fitness - is largely driven by what you eat not what you do
          Lots of people work out hard then reward themselves and undo all the good work
          I found some very interesting info in the book $ Hour Body by Tim Ferris
          Don't take it or anything as gospel but investigate the workout and diet info
          Please the chapter on the half hour female orgasm is interesting

      • I see lots of blokes who have great musculature but it's hidden under too much fat.

        Really depends on their goals(i.e. a bodybuilder will have a different physique from a powerlifter)

        Nah, I'm clearly seeing a lot of the same guys at the gym that kaos is, they're just fat…as they're talking to you chunks of pizza or KFC are flying out of their mouth whilst they tell you they're 'bulking up'…all the time you're thinking, "yeah bloating up is more like it!" ;)

        For most normal people supplements do NOTHING.

        Somewhat subjective

        Well, I suppose that for some people, brightly coloured smelly urine is a life goal. :p

        A dietary supplement is intended to provide nutrients that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities

        Agreed, for some people lacking specific dietary nutrients a supplement is useful…however, in most cases they are utterly superfluous for the fatties mentioned above, who are already consuming far more than they need for metabolic demand & even hypertrophy.

        We all agree on one thing though, diet is king…sixpacks are made in the kitchen! ;)

  • +1

    Definitely bulk nutrients! I bulk buy with friends and split the delivery costs 5kg each = ~97 bucks for 5kg flavoured (Strawberry, banana and choc mint are all good).

    I've been training on and off for the past 8 years (by no means do I have the time to go more than an hour four times a week), and I found strong lifts to have given me the most progress when I followed their program down to the letter.… (website looks dodgy i know).

    Over 3 months I lost only about 3 kilos, but i lost a lot of body fat so I'm pretty happy with this program. This was also in the context that I didn't go all out eating a crap load of chicken, cottage cheese, tuna and what not but eating sensibly most of the time

    I was one of the earlier customers of no-bull and their choc-mint was amazing. It mixed incredibly well and tasted incredibly good. After the whole fiasco I realised why it tasted so good…The fact that they tried to cover-up the whole thing has burnt all trust.

    • Thanks for the advice. I'll take a look at the site :)

  • +4

    There is only one way to lose weight. It is basic maths. burn more calories than you eat. At the same time, you do not want to burn muscle!! One way to make it easier is to have a weekly calories deficit rather than daily.

    Protein powder only works if you have a training program that suits you.
    You can lose weight and get muscles without supplements.

    • If you are constantly hungry, try snacking on nuts. (not peanut) The contain essential fat for muscle building. To avoid over eating nuts, portion control. I use small containers.

  • +4

    Hi and good luck with the weight loss. Some tips I have from losing 40kg in 2 years which may help:

    1) 80% = Eat less: you can reduce portions, reduce number of meals per day (or count calories later down the track)

    2) 20% = Exercise: Cardio to burn energy and weights to increase your metabolism

    3) <1% = Supplements: Not necessary. But some people struggle to hit their protein goals or struggle to reduce calories. Protein is food. You can either go for a meal replacement bar/shake (ie around 50% carbs) or a lean protein like WPI (which is around 90% protein)

    For me, protein is protein so I go for the best tasting stuff. The best tasting bars are QUEST BARS! and the best tasting protein shakes is BSN SYNNTHA 6!

    Hope that helps

    • Thanks for the advice, and great job on losing that much weight! :)

  • ProfessionalWhey is pretty good. Buy in 20kg bags. Its very lean protein; which is cheap when considering per gram of protein per 100 calories.

    This won't replace all the protein in your diet. Maybe limit protein shakes to account for 50-60% of your daily protein intake.
    You will need to count calories and macro nutrients in your diet. You will need a good amount of carbs on lifting days.
    Use a macro calculator if need be.
    You can follow Berkhams leangains if you need help.

    You will get nowhere without good lifting. If you are new stick to compound lifts with good form - deadlift, bench press, weighted pullups/chinups, squats(if the mechanics of the movement suit your body). Follow Rippetoe SS if your completely new. You are not obliged to do cardio.

    • I've wanted to give professional whey a try but am reluctant because they don't offer a guest checkout option. Not keen having an unnecessary account created or having to remember another password for what could possibly be only a one off purchase depending on the experience. So I look for alternatives.

  • +1

    try they have a good whey and they are local made in Sydney

    • +1
      I buy their undenatured WPI to get the max Glutathione levels.
      Myopure is run by a Doctor but I thought he imported the Whey from NZ and US.
      Undenatured whey is cold processed and therefore loses less of its nutritional value during processing.

  • +2

    Mate, I'm studying a Masters in Sport Science and something that really frustrates me is the way that companies play on peoples ignorance to make $$$. My advice to save money and still get the benefits of protein is to drink 20-25g of low fat milk post work out, which will be around 500mL. It is cheaper and has many other beneficial nutrients. Alternatively if you like the portability of powder, buy powdered skim milk. Its insanely cheap and effectively the same product as protein powder.

    But hey, don't take my word for it, read about it from the AIS:

    Are protein supplements useful?

    Generally, athletes can obtain all the protein they require from a good mixed diet. Occasionally, an athlete may require a supplement when a practical way to consume sufficient food cannot be found. Many protein supplements are very expensive due primarily to the amount of marketing that accompanies products and the processing required to extract the protein from cow’s milk. They tend to provide very large amounts of protein and little other nutrients. There is no need for the amount of protein provided by many supplements and there is certainly no justification for the extra cost. The most suitable supplement is one that provides both protein and carbohydrate. Good alternatives to protein supplements include homemade fruit smoothies, liquid meal supplements such as PowerBar Protein Plus powder and 20 g skim milk powder added to regular milk.

    This paragraph was taken from:…

    • I can't think of much worse than drinking 500ml of milk after working out.

      I personally like protein powder because it tastes good and you don't have to guzzle down a ton of stuff to get the effect. I no longer weight train but would put vanilla ice cream flavour protein powder with the milk for my weetbix in the morning and it tasted delicious.

      • When I would go to the gym between uni classes I would use skim milk powder mixed with a little bit of milo. I would advice trying a few different mixtures to get a flavour you like, perhaps ovaltine or nesquick.

        As the OP stated whats the best 'best value for money product' in that regard comparing two products that do the same thing you can't go past skim milk powder.

        Here is a simple comparison with a product advised, Bulk Nutrients WPC.
        Skim Milk Powder (1kg) - $6.50 35g Protein/100g = 1.86c/g Protein
        WPC (Choc) (1kg) - $27, 76.5g Protein/100g = 3.53c/g Protein

        You can see from the comparison above that WPC is almost 200% the price of skim milk powder.

        For 'bang for you buck' you can't and shouldn't go past skim milk powder.

        Add to that milk:
        Dairy Farmers Skim milk (2L) - $4 35g Protein/100g = .57c/g Protein

        • Skim Milk Powder (1kg) - $6.50 35g Protein/100g = 1.86c/g Protein

          Don't know where you're getting your skim milk powder from- mine only has 3.5g protein/100g

        • according to, woolies homebrand skim milk powder has 35g protein per 100g powder

        • +1

          On the Woolies website it also lists it as 3.5/100g

          If you can find me some cheap 35/100g skim milk powder I will be very thankful! :)

        • Not sure but they probably mean (3.5/100g) after you make liquid milk from it (mix it with water)

          Skim milk powder doesn't work well for me since it contains a lot of lactose, and i don't digest it very well

        • Yeah right, it says
          Servings per package: 40.0
          protein: 8.8 g per serving

          40*8.8 = 352 g of protein per package ($6.12)

    • Not denying that milk can be a great source of protein, but I would think 500ml at a time is quite high in fat.

      • Skim milk is around 2% fat. Full fat is around 4.5%.

        I wouldn't consider those number quite high.

        • Woolworths Full Cream Milk = 17g fat / 17g protein per 500ml serving
          BN WPC = 1.9g fat / 23g protein per 30g serving size.

          Comparatively speaking the protein powder just seems to have a far superior protein to fat ratio. 17g of fat can be 30-40% of a persons daily fat intake.

        • +1

          Actually has less fat per serve than BN WPC - though BN WPC has 27% more protein, though powder is less than half the price per serve.

          Coles Skim Milk Powder = <1.4g fat / 17.5 g protein per 500 ml serving = 28 cents (based on 1kg bag)

          BN WPC (1 scoop with water) = 1.7g fat / 24.1 g protein per serve = 68 cents (based on 2kg bag)

          Couldn't find Woolworths price so used Coles instead.

          More information on protein requirements:…

        • +1


          That's quite interesting actually, thanks for that insight.
          Might start buying some to try, I'm definitely not going to go all GOMAD and drink 1L+ milk a day though.

        • @CheapManBuns:

          Let me know how it goes!

    • OP was wanting to lose weight and gain muscle so I would disagree with razzamatazza's suggestion to used skim milk and skim milk powder.
      Skim milk powder is definitely not the same as protein powder.
      Skim milk powder is typically 35% protein and the rest is carbohydrates (sugars) which for the OP are just unwanted calories.
      Protein powder (Whey Protein Isolate) is typically 87% protein with virtually negligible carbs and fat. It's a bit more expensive than skim milk powder but doesn't have the unwanted carbs in it.
      The Whey Protein Concentrates contain less protein (~75%) and more carbs. They are a bit cheaper than WPI but OP will get better results from WPI.
      With regard to drinking skimmed milk, this only has 3.4% protein (3.4 grams per 100 ml). To get one serve of protein (which you can get from 35 grams of WPI protein powder), you would have to drink nearly a litre of skimmed milk. And the 50 grams of carbs in it would hit you with 200 additional calories.
      Now that I've got that off my chest, this is my tuppence worth…
      Venom protein powders are cheap but I don't personally like the flavour, and there are always nasty tasting bits in their powder, something like bicarbonate of soda. I've just gone over to Sports Supplement Direct which is a little more expensive but I prefer the taste of their Isolean Vanilla Whey Protein Isolate with 87% protein.
      And most importantly, for OP to "gain some muscle, good fitness, not bulking up insanely", he needs to work out. Ideally, he should go to a BodyPump class two or three times a week. Otherwise he is completely wasting his money on protein powder, in fact the calories from the protein will just make him put on weight (fat not muscle).

      • I'd like to see some price and protein per 100 grams of the products you mention above as I provided for skim milk/skim milk powder.

        Also your body has an upper threshold for absorbing protein, any additional protein isn't absorbed and pissed ou .

        • These are prices and protein levels. I've corrected your error in skimmed milk, which only has 3.5g of protein per 100g, not 35g of protein. (Even steak only has 28g of protein in 100g)
          * Skim Milk Powder (1kg) - $6.50 35g Protein/100g = 1.86c/g Protein
          * WPC (Choc) (1kg) - $27, 76.5g Protein/100g = 3.53c/g Protein
          * Isolean WPI (4kg) - $120, 87g Protein/100g = 3.4c/g Protein
          * Dairy Farmers Skim milk (2L) - $4 3.5g Protein/100g = 5.7c/g Protein
          I agree that skimmed milk powder is the cheapest source of protein, but it comes with a lot of extra Calories, that for people who are trying to lose or maintain weight are unwanted.
          To get a 35 g serve of protein (140 Calories from the protein), the fat and carbs of the products also contribute an additional amount of Calories:
          * Skim Milk Powder - 50g Carbohydrates, 0.6 g Fat = 205 Calories
          * WPC (Choc) (1kg) 3.7g Carbohydrates, 2.8 g Fat = 40 Calories
          * Isolean WPI (4kg) – 0.8g Carbohydrates, 0.7 g Fat = 9 Calories
          * Dairy Farmers Skim milk (2L) - 50g Carbohydrates, 1 g Fat = 209 Calories
          Just on your last point - While there may be an “upper threshold for absorbing protein” in terms of building and repairing muscle, any additional protein is digested and used for daily energy use (or laid down as body fat).

  • +1
    1. Bulk Nutrients offer the best price WPC. Don't bother with WPI unless you're lactose intolerant - the extra price doesn't translate into value for money.

    2. Bulk Nutrients is more pure than Gold Standard and is half the price, gram for gram of protein $100 vs $180 for 5kgs.

    3. none that i'm aware of

    4. depends on what else you eat. If you replace a meal you'll lose weight, if you don't replace a meal, you'll put on weight.

  • Just to piggyback on this thread, anyone have an opinion on WPC and WPI from bulk nutrients in terms of flavour?

    I just finished 5kg of WPC chocolate (I drink it with milk), and toward the end I HATED the taste, almost to the point of throwing up. I might've just got sick of the flavour. I might try some other flavours, but still waiting for BN to introduce the 1kg bags for 5/10kg orders.

    Are the WPI flavours any better? I tried a few samples but didn't really taste a difference.


    • But if you're after weight loss throwing up can be very effective! :D

    • +1

      Unfortunately that is the problem with having 5kg of the same flavour. I believe BN will be shifting towards 1kg bags/different flavours for a 5kg order in the near future.

      I am about 3.5kg into BN Banana WPC. Still quite like it and not sick of it yet, but have just ordered 5kg of Strawberry WPC. I know i'll be sick of the flavour by the end of the 5kg, but I am like that with any flavour protein usually.

      I am also about 2.5kg into a 4kg bag of BN Vanilla Micellar Casein. Without a doubt this is the best flavoured protein (albeit a slower absorbing protein than Whey) I have had and I have ordered another 4kg of the same flavour along with my Strawberry WPC. Not sure about the Vanilla WPC but I would imagine it would be similar in taste.

      I don't think you'll find much of a flavour difference between the WPC and WPI.

      • yeah BN will be shifting towards 5x1kg bags. I'm about 3/4 way through my strawberry wpc from BN and its still pretty nice. Also have cookies n cream, which is alright.

    • In terms of value for money, you're MUCH better off buying unflavoured and adding flavour in yourself.

      Protein powder - even when bought in bulk, is still $15-$20 per kilogram.

      Flavouring is a lot less than $20 per kilogram.

    • Yeh, realised it was counter-intuitive off comments on this thread and a bit of reading up. I didn't realise I couldn't achieve both goals effectively simultaneously. Guess I'll try lose the 5kg in the next month, and then try building muscles.

  • I'm trying lose some weight(~5kg) and gain some muscle, with intention to look fit.

    In case this blindingly obvious fact has not come up yet -

    Eat for health, exercise for fitness.

    • You should have your own Lifestyle Show! But seriously you have hit the nail on the head, it really is that simple. It amazes me that most people cannot do this, and need to follow some kind of crazy fad dieting protocol to try and lose weight, which inevitably fails at which point the person blames their genetics or some other stupid thing :/

  • -1

    Why do people look straight to supplements when they want to get into 'training'? You need to work your ass off in the gym to get fit; do that and stop eating ANY junk food. It's seriously that simple. If you don't know how to train, get a personal trainer, if you don't know what to eat, get a dietitian. You won't need supplements for a long time yet my friend.

    • +1

      Agreed, I'd also add you need to really limit your alcohol consumption too. Apart from the empty calories, it has a negative effect on your training eg reducing testosterone (Google alcohol and fitness … there are heaps of articles on it)

      • -1

        Also try not to wank to much as this also reduces testosterone, hehe.

  • If you're going to take a supplement with the intention of improving your health choose one that doesn't include sucralose or any other artificial sweetener. Both Bulk Nutrients and Venom have unflavoured protein.

  • ProteinDirect is a good alternative to bulknutrients.

    You don't need protein powder to lose weight.

    Just eat less.

  • +1

    Venom Protein are pretty good in my opinion. Just bought 4 kgs of Whey Isolate for $111 the other day, keep on the look out for savings voucher codes on their website.

  • Prepare for negs if Bulknutrients isn't recommended…


    • Is it that good at providing the best value for money in Australia?

  • There's an Amazing company called Yor Health that has products with a special 'Nutrient Delivery System' (NDS) and you can sell to all your family too and friends and become a Millionaire! ;)

    • I like it! Where do i sign up!

  • You can get better results from eating chicken and other sources of protein. But if you really need to supplement your protein needs with a powder I would check out:

    I buy their 20kg bag and it lasts between 6-12 months lol Like if you bought 'naked whey' as they call it at the health stores etc, you get totally ripped off. They charge like $100 for 3kg, you get 20kg for $299.

    They also sell in 1kg bags.

    • Do you flavour them with anything?

      • No, I find the taste not too bad on its own. But generally I mix it with either skim milk or chocolate milk. You could easily blend in some banana or other fruit to make some type of smoothie.

        I am not a big fan of it with plain water, only done that a few times when I had already hit my calories / macros for the day.

  • From my experience the cheapest option is Venom protein, almost the same price as bulk nutrients with slightly less percentage of protein content. Shipping is free and also fast in capital cities - 1 or 2 business days for Melbourne.

    1) Talking venom in numbers, you can get 4kg of WPC for 100 - 14 = 86 bucks using ever-working discount code BBB that makes 21.5 bucks per kilo. Or for orders greater than 150 bucks discount code 20OFF is always working so you can get for example 4kg WPC + 4kg Night-time protein for 195 - 38 = 157 bucks that makes 19.6 bucks per kilo. If issh could provide numbers for bulk proteins it would be really interesting to compare them.

    2) I've heard good things about Gold Standard whey. Thoughts?
    Heard good things as well, though protein is a supplement, and is going to be beneficial only if your current protein intake is insufficient. Only important difference for gold standart can be either taste or how nice it blends with water/milk.

    3) Are there any detriments to drinking whey shakes?
    Milk and milk products intolerance

    4) I'll plan to have 1 and/or 2 shakes in a day. Will I notice any results from that?
    again back to point 2 statement, it's a supplement and is going to work if you don't have enough of it from normal food. Though what is enough - 2g per kilo or 4g per kilo is more opinion based than factually based - is a personal question, only solid fact is that all excessive protein will go straight to the toilet taxing your kidneys. So you should find out yourself what is your dose. I'm for example also taking 2 shakes per day normally and 3 when it's training day, but looking at them as a guarantee that my protein intake is sufficient, also after I've done a/b testing (couple weeks with and couple without protein) I've found that results are slightly beneficial for me when I'm using protein shakes. It can be of course different for your case, so you need to make similar test yourself.

  • How important is Protein in the development of Muscles?
    Interesting commentary from this Dr. McDougall (quack??) at


  • Bulk nutrients is the way to go. Like them on facebook and get some samples or just buy their travel pack for about $10 which has all of their flavours. Choc and vanilla are good. Strawberry and cookies and cream are ok, bannana tastes like thoughs fake bannana lollies you can buy.

    Yes the unflavoured is better for you due to the lack of artificial sweetners but it tastes like absolute arse.
    You can add your own stevia and cocoa powder but it still sucks in comparison to a bit of sucralose.

    Finally, they aren't counter-intuitive goals, re; losing fat and gaining muscle.
    If you eat clean (wholemeal pasta, brown rice, meats and veges) and workout regularly (~4 times per week) for at least 3 months. Then you'll notice a difference.
    Take weekly photos and judge yourself by the photos, not just seeing the scales come down because muscle is heavier than fat.

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