• expired

[Android/iOS] Norton™ Mobile Security 1-Year Protection FREE (Reg. $30)


Norton Mobile Security provides comprehensive protection for your Android™ smartphones and tablets, iPhones® and iPads®. It can stop criminals from accessing your private information, restore lost data and help you recover your lost or stolen device.

Protects all your devices
Helps recover lost or stolen mobile phones and tablets
Keeps your mobile data safe
Restores lost information
Protects against digital threats

Note: Select 12 month protection
Enter the coupon code stay_safe_NAM
Any CC detail is required
Use any address with additional "0" to your AU post code.
Uncheck the auto renewal before proceeding payment.
Check the conformation email (May be in spam folder) and follow the steps..

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Also free - "Norton Zone 5GB storage" - add it to the cart along with the discount code.

    I was able to make multiple orders with the same ID, CC and e-mail. The free 5GB is per Norton Account - multiple orders give the same product key.

  • +3

    This is probably worth repeating, even though it was mentioned by the OP: be sure to uncheck the "Yes, renew my subscription automatically. (Recommended)" box — the text is pretty small and it's easy to miss. ;)

  • This is about as useful as buying carburettor smoke. Free or not, it's still pointless.

  • If it is anything like their PC product, you will know it misses most threats, will slow down your phone and use most of its storage. Free does not make it good.

    • +1

      Norton hasn't been slow anymore for a long time. And it's a lot better than other scanners like avast bit defender and mse.personally I use nod 32 and malware bytes.Kaspersky is good too.Norton isn't that bad anymore.

      • +2

        norton needs a name change because decades of reputation about it's bloat isn't going anywhere.

  • Seems to instantly link the code to the email you sign up with. Anyone found a way of getting more than one and stacking them?

  • Protects all your devices
    Helps recover lost or stolen mobile phones and tablets
    Keeps your mobile data safe
    Restores lost information
    Protects against digital threats

    I'm calling this bs for iPhones® and iPads®.

  • what's a good free one for android? ever since i got my tablet, I am sick of pop up and lovelink.us when surfing the internet

    • Have you been installing apps from sources other than trusted ones from Google Play and Amazon?

      If you have been pirating APK's like a naughty boy, then chances are you've downloaded some malware onto your device. Get rid of the offending apps and then re-download them from a safe source. Or, do a factory reset which will forcefully uninstall all your apps.

      • nope, only google play and amazon. and have already done a factory reset :(

        • Pop ups aren't very common on Android (or mobile devices).

          Are you perhaps talking about Airpush ads — the ones that appear in your notifications drawer? You can use Airpush Detector(play.google.com) to find out what apps are pushing these ads.

          If your Android version is at least 4.1 Jelly Bean, you can untick the "Show Notifications" box inside the (Settings => Applications) to permanently disable notifications.


          For other kinds of ads, you can use Ad-Away(sufficientlysecure.org) which blocks ordinary ads in the browser as well as the integrated app banners inside certain games and apps. Ad-away only works on ROOTED devices though.

      • Come on, the apps from Google Play and Amazon are full of junk, you don't have to use pirate apps to get an android device full of crap. Have a read of the reviews for amazons latest free app of the day http://www.amazon.com/Noodlecake-Studios-Inc-Micro-Miners/pr… as a good example.

        My phone is rooted and I use the mother of all ad blocking http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1916098

  • +1

    You most likely will not experience any threats within a year.

  • Free bloat! Get your free bloat.

  • awesome cheers mate. merged it to my existing one. so now got 491 days.

  • Norton junk, just trying to capitalise on newbie fear of viruses/hacks on mobiles.

    You dont get viruses on phones, so you dont need Norton bloat (and you certainly dont need to subscribe to their crap either).

    Threats on your phone are malware apps that leak data outbound, and physically losing your phone.

    Other than commonsense for passwords, email access/links, and foolish user settings for wifi and bluetooth, there are only two apps you need….

    Clueful = Will tell you when you install new apps, what their permissions are and rate them accordingly. For instance, there are some 'free' games out there that'l leak private phone data out there (like your contact list, mobile number etc). Clueful will warn you of apps that require too much access to allow you to make an educated decision on whether you still want it on your phone.

    Cerebus = Hidden security for your phone. Has similar features to Apples "Find My iPhone", but a hell of a lot more remote features and security functions. It'll allow you find your phone, lock it down, and if necessary delete everything from it remotely.

    Norton can get stuffed. What are you paying $30 a year for?
    A false sense of security, that's what.

  • I registered succesffuly and get a Order # but no product key which is required for registgering a new purchase. So how do I extend my existing cover to get benefit of this offer?

      • +1

        You get the 25 digit product key in the email as part of the invoice.
        or if can login into your Norton account you will find it under the Products tab.
        you can also chat with Norton support to merge licenses.

  • My apology for being not careful enough to spot the product key & serial # further down the email I get from Norton. But I still need to find1 a way to merge the new purchase to extend my exisitng licence period. I think I need to contact their support to know how to do it.

    • you can only do that by chatting to their support.

  • is it already expired…coz it says please enter a valid coupon code..Am I doing something wrong?

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