Volunteer Work

Hi , I Know this forum and this site is mainly for bargains etc. But seeing an amazing and great response to ppl with varied questions, I thought i will post this question here.

I am new to Perth and wanted to know about volunteering jobs here, i googled it and searched on volunteer sites as well. But wat i am exactly looking for is some one who is doing a volunteering job and if they can share their real life experience it would be amazing. i am talking about volunteer jobs (non paid, helping ppl in some way or the other)

I stay close to the city. I would prefer near by areas to the city. Thanks.

I Love ozbargain :) all the people are very helpful..


  • +1

    I had a bit of bad experiences with a couple of volunteer jobs.
    Working in an administration section, they let me do just a boring job, like scanning, printing or printing out some mails and put in an envelope. I felt like I'm working alone or doing just only the very basic job which nobody wants to do.

    Another one, they asked me to try to work in a vacant position while I was volunteering in another section. Everything seemed ok and I expected to get a job in this position - I did apply for it too and the supervisor was happy about my work.
    Then they said they(the manager) offered this position to somebody else and asked me to keep working for them until that guy starts.

    I think to do a volunteer work in an office might not be a good idea, unless you need some experiences for you career.

    • thank u .

  • +5

    If you are going to do a volunteer job, do one that matches your interest, and also do one that might help boost your career in some way. This is especially helpful if you are developing your resume.

    Volunteer jobs are usually dead simple, like data entry, lifting / re-organizing stuff, basic customer service etc. but its important to show your enthusiasm even if the job is boring, because an unpaid job can sometimes lead to paid employment.
    It's important to make connections, no matter how brief your stint is… use these connections to get paid employment and to make referees.

    Sadly I can't offer any insights as to what sites you should look for to get volunteer jobs in the Perth area, but you could try
    https://govolunteer.com.au/ or https://volunteer.com.au/ to seek jobs in your area. Gumtree is another option.

    If you are getting a job that requires working with Children, remember to apply for a Working with Children check as this is a legal requirement.

    Remember that you don't really want to be volunteering all your life, volunteer jobs aren't regarded as highly as actual paid work, and second working for free for an extended period of time can wear down your motivation. You'll want actual paid work so you can put something substantial into your resume.

    • thanks, i have a paid job in IT. I was watching some emotional youtube video about helping ppl - like teaching poor kids/talking to old people in old age home or getting to meet orphan kids in an orphanage. Do you think things like this exist in australia ,perth in particular?

      • +1

        Scrimshaw's link to volunteer.com.au shows 2098 volunteer positions in Perth.
        Go take a look. There are very, very many organisations doing good work, including what you have mentioned.

  • +1

    I was reading a study last week that found that volunteering leads to employment in less that 10% of cases.

    I think volunteers should not expect employment but use the opportunity for self improvement, gain skills, confidence, socialization or for your good will (volunteer at animal rescue)

    Do not continue to volunteer if there is no benefit to you I.e boring jobs where your not gaining skills or your not enjoying it. make sure you have an agreement of goals and opportunities and if your expecting employment from it then make sure that the employer is also expecting to gain an employee.

    There are laws regarding volunteers and what that involves and what its not allowed to involve, sometimes companies are really offering you a role of employment without pay which is not allowed e.g unpaid interships. If your not gaining training and skills then reassess your position.

  • +1

    If you like science volunteering at Scitech is a fun option!

    • checked it, oops they need a working with children license, which unfortunately i dont have.but thx :)

      • +1

        Anyone can get a working with children check through the post office. It's cheaper if you get a volunteer specific one too.

  • +2

    How about joining WA State Emergency Service, were appart from helping local community you will gain lots of skills and nationally recognised qualification. This may even help you obtain a paid job as many employers respect SES volunteers.

  • thanks everyone. I will have a look at the sites now.Cheers

  • +2

    As a student, my sis used to volunteer with City of Melville. She would pick up an elderly lady and take her shopping once a week. there are opportunities for volunteering at your local council. I think at one point they were looking for helpers in the library.

    • +1

      I would not reccomend volunteering at a library unless its work experience through a librarian qualification. Its not a charity and this might fall under the illegal unpaid work category. The council hires librarians (who had to study and qualifications) and you could be helping to keep them out of paid jobs. The money saved will only go into some fat counsillers pocket. They receive funding from federal government under the libraries act so you are not doing the community any favours.

      • +1

        i agree thx

    • i live in vincent, whom should i approach for coucil. Is there a website or something, or is it in person. thanks

  • -8

    Why bother? It doesn't pay the bills or put food on the table. This is capitalism not communism, you want my labour, you pay.

    • We don't want your labour. I'm not sure who hires trolls these days, I am sure a job agency should be able to help you. Good luck.

      • sorry i didnt get u ?

        • +1

          Kwaker was replying to ethereal, not you.

    • +1

      This blokes not normal. Every comment he makes is negative, degrading. Wouldn't surprise me if he's chauvinist.

  • +3

    From time to time I volunteer as a youth leader for camps and breakfast/recreational clubs at high schools. I once used these services when I was in high school and wanted to give back what I was given. Maybe u can contact schools and see if there is any non profit organization that are running any programs.

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