I know there's a million places where I get photo books made up, but I was hoping to get some suggestions as to where to get better quality ones. I've got some nice pics from a professional family shoot which costed a few hundred dollars and I wanted to print them in a nice album.
I am looking at something mid-range in price, you know, better than Big W, Snapfish, etc.
Where do the professionals get it done? Somewhere without it costing an arm and a leg would be nice!
Any suggestions will be much appreciated, thank you.
Where can I get great quality photo books made up?

Photobooks Australia, they are expensive, but they are cheap when they do their specials which happens very regularly if you can wait.
The print and paper quality is awesome.
Some professionals get it done here, as they also do custom boxes and slip cases for their photobooks.They use high GSM silk paper as a default, and you can upgrade to more luxury papers for a price.
I used the high GSM Silk paper last time and its very good, ALOT better than BigW, ArtsCow, Snapfish and what not you can get locally.Highly recommended.
If you hurry, you can grab a few of these prepaid coupons (currently on special until Thursday 11PM AEST):
http://www.photobookaustralia.com.au/prepaid/jan14xllcMust use by: 16th July 2014
I got that one last time (although it was $110), large and heaps of pages. Very professional Photobook for my Wedding. A similar book which my photographer wanted to charge me was like $700 from him!
Their service is good too, if there is any issues with any of the pages, they will organise a replacement book for you. Read online for reviews, most of them are good.
I've had similarly good experiences (especially considering the voucher prices) with Photobooks Australia (actually printed in Indonesia or Malaysia)
Be aware that you do have to pay shipping (~$15) at checkout when you upload your book on top of the voucher price.
try that Artisan site. they have been advertising all over social media. http://www.artisanstate.com
has anyone tried them?
they look quite nice and the price looks reasonable
This. I did my wedding album through Apple and the quality of the book and print was excelent. Cost me about $60 a book though (included about 20 extra pages).
I've used Blurb and Memento in the past - both are excellent quality and far above snapfish etc. Only difference between them is the quality of the apps and how easy it is to lay out your book (sadly, can't remember which was easier!). Haven't tried photobooks Australia, sounds like they're worth a shot too!
I have been happy with the quality of AlbumWorks HD prints.
asuka books does really good quality books. Not cheap.
http://www.asukabook.com.au/index.htmlPhotobooks australia does decent photo books at a good price. I have used them to do 4 books, all A3 sized.
They are good, but I know I can get better prints if I pay 3x more.Thank you so much for all your suggestions. Great to hear from people who have actually used these various sites and have been happy. You've all been a great help!
Most photo-books are laser-printed, which is OK but not great. I suppose you want one that is inkjet printed, like standard enlargements.
The oz-b way is to get the pages printed when BigW has a special on 11x14" prints, then mount them in a cloth-based album.Artscow deluxe book is cheap and quality is good. They use 750GSM paper (well I wouldn't call it paper anymore) and 180 degree lay flat. I couldn't ask for more when I only paid 30 bux with shipping…
My husband uses blurb. Quality is pretty good. Only thing is the images can come out darker if you pick the top of the line paper and you will need to adjust accordingly. He's been very happy and has printed out 5 albums using their service.