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Sony Xperia Z 4G $0 on Vodafone $30 (24 Months Contract, 2 Months Free for New Connections)

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I know buying phones on telecom contract might not be most OzBargainers' preference. However with recent disappearance of cheap plans & $10 drop on this particular handset I think it might be a good price, especially for those who do not want to fork out a large sum for the handset upfront.

Sony Xperia Z 4G (Sony's top of the range phone around this time last year) — 1.5GHz quad core, 16GB storage, microSD slot, 5" full HD display, 4G LTE, locked to Vodafone.

$0 handset repayment on Vodafone's $30/month plan that gives you $200 call/SMS credit + 200MB data. Total minimum cost = $720. They are also running an online promotion at the moment with 2 months free access fees on new connections. So that's 26 months for $720.

$399 might get you an Australian stock of the same handset. That means the plans are $320 / 26 = $12.31/month, which is not bad. I guess TeleChoice $10/month 24 months plan is cheaper but no 4G.

Vodafone is getting better especially with their 4G.

Edit: and don't forget about the cashback!

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closed Comments

  • +10

    They are also running an online promotion at the moment with 2 months free access fees on new connections. So that's 26 months for $720.

    Its actually 24 months for $660 with 2 months free or $560 with Starthere $100 cashback

    • Yeah I wasn't sure whether it's 24 months for $660 or 26 months for $720, but thanks the reminder about the cashback!

      • easternculture is God?
        Not Morgan Freeman?

        • +1

          easternculture is Morgan Freeman

        • +5

          Damn auto correction. Now I have to use my mod power to edit my old comment.

        • Such blasphemy on my part… on here scotty is God!

    • Hi there,

      I'm strongly considering getting this offer. I'm a bit confused about the $660 though. 24 x $30 = $720. So where does the $660 come from?

      And I take it that if you go through Vodafone directly you 2 extra months, whereas if you go through Starthere you get $100 off, but not he 2 extra months?

      Also, is there an NRMA discount? There have been on other Vodafone contracts.

      Also, does being a returning customer make any difference?

      Also, is 4g better for network reception? I only use mobile data very occassionally and often suffer from not having reception, when I'm in a store or such - will 4g improve on that?

      • +1

        I'm a bit confused about the $660 though. 24 x $30 = $720. So where does the $660 come from?

        You get two months free so you take $60 from $720 to $660

        And I take it that if you go through Vodafone directly you 2 extra months, whereas if you go through Starthere you get $100 off, but not he 2 extra months?

        You still get the two months

        Also, is there an NRMA discount? There have been on other Vodafone contracts.

        Mentioned here

        Also, does being a returning customer make any difference?

        You don't get 2 months free

        • Well done. Except for returning or renewing existing connection I think you can call to negotiate which Vodafone will normally let you get the two months free just like any new connections.

  • +16

    Good deal with the cashback, but only having 200MB a month for a modern 4G phone seems like a massive handicap.

    • +6

      Couple of Youtube videos and GOODBYE DATA!!

    • +2

      Did a speed test on Telstra 4G. Pulled 70 odd MBs. If Voda is anywhere close to Telstra's speeds, the 200MB will run out and you will be paying 10c/mb without even noticing. Doubt Voda's notification will come in time.

      • -1

        Voda sends you texts plus you can always use their app+widget.

        You can also purchase Data Packs.

        Voda's speed can be higher than Telstra's.

        • +2

          +1 for voda 4G speed. absolutely insane, but 500mb (for me) wasn't enough, so I went to LC 1.5gb for 2/3 of the price :)

        • LC?

        • +2

          Live Connected, used to have really cheap plans, not so good lately….and service is not their strong suit.

        • I get about 3MB/s on Telstra. You can pull 200MB in a minute at that rate. Doubt their system is that fast to send notifications, and you respond and stop the the usage or add a data pack in time.

          4G is FAST. 200MBs is getting less by the minute.

    • Virgin Mobile has bonus 1gb data promo now on $40 or above plans.

  • +4

    Yea… 200mb kills the deal

    • +2

      Yep. I'd stick with Hello Mobile or Lebara over them any day.

  • +3

    Phone is worth 429 bux at centrecom.. Not worth it if youre only after the phone.. Even if youre after the service, still aint worth it coz 30 plan gives you next to nothing.. Might as well interest free a phone with harvey if youre only after a handset

  • +3

    Phone: Worth $400
    Vodafone: 4G is decent but still
    $30/month plan: Worth $5/month due to 200MB data

    Overall even with cashback I wouldn't go for it :(. Disappointing.

    Edit: Just read that datapack is $10. Could be good with that for som people.

  • 1GB data pack for $10 this is a good deal for a premium handset

  • +5

    Why would they even include just 200Mb? Totally useless. Mobile data plans need to get with the times.

    • If you just use it for email and light web browsing then 200MB is enough. As soon as you start streaming anything or watching video, or even playing some games, you're going to run out.

      • Also, make sure you disable app installs/updates via mobile data, assuming you can still do that on Android…

  • -1

    Why don't Telstra have $30 plans anymore?

    • +3


      Close enough - Telstra network (outside of country/regional areas, fails over to Optus)
      $20/m - $500 calls, unlimited SMS and 1GB data

      • Beware you get 3G wholesale, not the NextG network

        • Hence my comment;

          outside of country/regional areas, fails over to Optus

          For most people they will never notice the difference, but yes, best to be informed.

      • Thanks for posting - I hadn't seen that.

  • Is the cash back only available on new connection or existing customers as well?

  • I never got my vodafone cash back froim a year ago. Gotta say its unreliable.

    • Was that through Starthere as well?

  • +2

    What's the point of 4G if you only have 200mb to use?

    • +3

      So they can sell you more and finally make money on this?

    • +3

      Same reason people buying fully sick SS or XR6T to drive on 60kph public road :)

      You can get bolt on extra data from Vodafone though.

    • +1

      They sign you up onto additional data packs. That's how telecoms make their cash these days.

  • Vodafone has removed free vodafone to vodafone free calls in the $30 plan. It starts from $40 plans now.
    Vodafone network is still crap and I left them last month after year of wait to see the imporovement after 4G.
    Their Customer service was good offering credits, but had to change after the contract was over.

    I am not sure if it is still active, but NRMA members get additional 10% discount as well on the bill.

    • RAC membership in WA 5% off monthly access only

  • +1

    Just beware.. even though its claimed to be waterproof, my phone got damaged when I wash it. And I couldn't claim on warranty because the water damage voids its warranty!

    • +3

      Why did you wash your phone…lol

      • +1

        Are you saying you don't put your phone in the dishwasher? Pfft.

      • if i had to guess… maybe he doesnt like using a greasy/dirty/grimey phone?
        and because the xperia Z is waterproofed for 10mtrs for 30mins?

        • Should have chosen the quick cycle instead of heavy duty then I guess.

      • If I had a Z I'd want to use it in the shower every day, do stupid things like drop it in a jug of beer, etc. All these stories of the water resistance failing makes that sound like a very bad idea though.

      • +1

        Well The main reason I chose this phone was because of the advertised waterproof. Plus i work on a site a lot so it gets dirty easily.

        I closed my ports but obviously the rubber flap wore out and water got in. Apparently this is quite common in Sony forum.

        • Phones advertised as waterproof aren't exactly unless there are no flaps & holes (eg. earphone jack, usb). IMO unit has to be completely sealed & have magnetic charging/usb port.

          Used to have a Moto Defy before & what I did was hold/put pressure the flaps (warn out & don't stay in place due to age) & use some duct tape to cover the earpiece, mic & speaker while washing it to have little to no water seep in. I have experienced water get in before & its a pain getting it to dry out & also have to use a backup phone.

          They should just nano coat ALL the components to make it foolproof. Moto G is headed in the right direction even though its not marketed as waterproof…

    • +2

      Sorry to hear. I have a better experience: I'm washing my Z about two times a week due to work since its' release and my phone is fine. I've read somewhere that warranty is only void due to water damage if water got through your ports, i.e. the flaps are not closed or closed properly.

  • My contract has already expired and I'm wondering if I should get the SGS3 or this, which one of the two is the more powerful machine?

    • +1


    • SG3 is older, smaller screen, only HD and slower processor.

  • Thanks OP, I just placed an order for my daughter, I went through Starthere.com.au, and after placing the order I cannot see the activity, does it take a while to reflect at the starthere website ?

  • Pity it's the Z and not the Z1.

    • The Z is a rushed out unit with the most horrendous screen. Sony then release the z1 meant to correct all the errors made in the Z so getting the Z would be a huge stupid mistake.

    • it was a few months ago :)

  • +2

    word of advice! BE AWARE OF THAT 200Mb DATA OFFER! It will come and bite you hard if you don`t have wifi at work or home!

    • If you only check emails, use chatting app or surf internet sometimes, 200 MB will last a month.
      Its only video streaming or opening big attachments which takes the data usage.

      • Then, you don't need 4G. 2G plan will suit you.

        • Thank you, but I don't use Vodafone and don't want to change either to it.

          2G is too slow. Can you show me a link which says Surfing internet is good on 2G?
          4G gives a good experience in downloading the email headers and surfing internet and it does not mean you need to see youtube videos or stream videos.

        • +1

          Unlimited 2G + unlimited talk + unlimited text for $2/day with T-Mobile prepaid* = bargain for USA jet setters
          (it was $1/day when I used it in 2012… so it's 1/2 the bargain it once was, but still a bargain)

          *thats the link which says Surfing internet is good on 2G

        • You deserve a +1 for finding that.

        • It might be in 2012, but its 2014. But glad you spent time on finding that.

        • +1

          At least with a 2G plan you'd be hard pressed to blow through 200MB a month….

          But being realistic for a moment, 3G speeds are usually as fast, if not faster than most ADSL2+ connections. I know mine is! But that's thanks to the marvels of copper!

  • Anyone else having trouble signing up to the starthere website? I've tried two different email addresses, facebook account and even tried using different browsers =="

  • I have never paid Vodafone any less than $50-60 on their $30 plan. Avoid the plan. you're going to be paying heaps more once you get your bill..

    add: its a trap

    • +1

      You have the wrong plan and should have upgraded on the first month when exceeded the included data and value.

    • New year resolution for you: don't talk too much

      • It probably came from excess data. 200MB is not a lot, and at 4G speeds you'll blow through it just loading up ads and not even realizing it. Then you get hit with excess charges per MB.

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