If you want to go all Dennis Denuto on your copier then buy this stuff. Otherwise the good Aussie made Reflex for $4 a ream was a much better buy.
Cheap $2 A4 copy paper from Woolworths is Chinese rubbish

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I don't know about Fuji Xerox, but Essentials paper comes from China. Didn't have any problems printing one sheet, manually fed, last night, but I only print a few sheets now and then so I couldn't say if it prone to jamming or what. Perhaps the OP might like to be more specific about the problem.
we use the xerox stuff at work
we've been using it for quite some time now
havent had much issues with it and we go thru plenty of itWhat do you expect for $2?
To work like it should?
What does Australian or Chinese made have to do with the paper quality?
The Bike is Chinese. the car is Korean
http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/xteyh/a_chinese_car_hit…When did people let facts get in the way of stereotypes and assumptions?
The Chinese invented paper-making. Standards have dropped since 105 AD.
+1 for the Castle reference
Paper dust can clog up your machine as well. That's why I stick with reflex or name brand paper. In the end you're not really saving that much money anyway.
Cheap product =/= bargain.
Good product at cheap price = bargain.Eg New Great Wall at $12k is not a bargain.
New Mazda3 at $17k is a bargain.Why is this so hard to understand?
Years ago you couldnt post a paper deal on ozb without a comment that you should buy reflex as it is sustainable manufacturing. I'm always tempted when these deals are posted to comment the same but I don't. Anyway, I only buy reflex as I know it is a responsible producer.
Yes…. buy the dearest and you don't have to know anything more about it as it MUST be the best…. seems to work for the government OK!
You get what u pay for. i just steal mine from work FREE reflex very good paper.
Lol serious? It's a sackable conduct, and if they find out they will save it up and use against you if they decide to get rid of you for something else.
Geez this F**KN photocopier, what the F is wrong with this- F!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnN7U9Q8pvQWhat does "going all Dennis Denuto" supposed to mean in this context?
I looked up that this is the name of the bumbling lawyer in "The Castle", but what the heck does that have to do with some cheap copy paper?I normally buy $5 per ream Reflex, but at only $2 per ream, I could not help myself, purchasing 10 of the Fuji…. but, then, feeling bad about not buying Aussie, I went on to also purchase 5 reams of "Copy Right", made in Australia, at Aldi, for $3.50 per ream. Big W have a similar inexpensive Australian copy paper called "Ditto", on sale recently for $2.99.
The YT link above should cover it.
If you want to get analytical about it, Dennis may have used "good" paper and his problem may have been mechanical. But it's funnier this way. Trust me.
Someone has packaged the Dennis Denuto stuff nicely on youtube
I've never had problems with Reflex, but if other people want to save $2 per ream and risk screwing their photocopiers and printers, good luck. I made the point because it's usually not made very clear where this stuff comes from and people might think it's good quality Aussie paper. People think they're buying the Commodore of copy papers and end up with the Chery.
Hi Nev,
Being Chinese I am actually taking offence to your insinuation that Aussie is better than Chinese, "just cause it is" attitude.
Infact, i don't see why its even necessary to mention the origins of the paper, you paid half the price, and you are getting half the quality.
Suck it up and just chip in an extra $2 for your paper and move on with life.
oh, FYI Commodores are no longer "made in Australia" but hey, don't me burst your bubble when your next car is made in Asia somewhere (possibly China).
FYI Commodores are no longer "made in Australia" but hey, don't me burst your bubble when your next car is made in Asia somewhere (possibly China).
Actually they are, and although they won't be made here for much longer, they aren't being made overseas either, they just won't be made.
The rest of your post is correct, there is nothing inherently better about Australian made.
there is nothing inherently better about Australian made.
Dunno Bruce.
Would you mail order a Chinese pizza?If they could fix the delivery time issue, sure.
The Pizza Hut Pizza in China is 10X better than the crap here. Although the price is Double in China.
The Fuji Zerox is chinese made too. The advantage of Australian made is you know where it's from. There is only one paper-mill that makes A4 copy paper in Australia, in Maryvale in Victoria. So regardless of what brand it is, if it's Australian it comes from the same paper mill thats been making Reflex paper for decades. If it's Chinese, who knows where it's from and that the quality is like ? Any country that can let baby formula with Melamine in it onto the market is not OK with me. The quality is a gamble and a lot of people will not gamble with their photocopiers and printers.
No pizza for you then.
If it's Chinese, who knows where it's from and that the quality is like
wow easy there, patriot; we're not talking about where seedy knockoff products come from. Just because it's chinese-made doesn't automatically make it inferior (just like how being mexican-born doesn't automatically make you a servant- another needless stereotype still pervading american media(nbclatino.com) but i digress).
surely woolies know where their paper are sourced?
Woolworths brand frozens pizzas $2.49 when half price made in Italy. yum.
I'd rather eat Chinese paper!
Hope you don't end up with a paper jam. could be very uncomfortable.
Which one? Essentials or Fuji Xerox?