Government Program: Newstart Allowance ($250.50 a Week)

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I just got my PR the other week and some friends told me about this deal. you can get $250 a week but you have to show them you are looking for a work.

Alot of information is here…

you fill out a form and do an interview and it should be ok.

this deal is good for this period as many poeple that finished school last year and havn't got a job yet can do this deal.

If you have family or partners the free money amount changes but the link has information on that too.

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    • +5

      It is legal to seek asylum here. A lot of people believe they are queue jumpers

      And the legality of that is not disputed. The reason why they may be seen as such is because for each boat person that arrives onshore, a spot is taken away from an offshore refugee.

      Australia has had waves of asylum seekrs prior to this … Not sure why this is happening when people should be more civilised by this stage.

      Someone seeking to escape danger from their country would primarily be after safety, not opportunity/advantage.

      Nowadays, the trend is arriving onshore directly. As noted, if safety is the primary goal, it seems odd that the traveler would take the more dangerous route and engage in a planned journey.

      If foreigners know that Australia is not going to be soft and stop taking advantage of our government, and if they stop migrating upon the news… then it says something.

      Edit: made more succinct.

    • +2

      "Australia has had waves of asylum seekrs (sic) prior to this - for eg vietnamese during the vietnam war. They were welcomed into the country. Not sure why this is happening when people should be more civilised by this stage."

      By way of explanation…

      Ask Vietnamese who came here (during the 1980s actually since the reference to the Vietnamese War prompting the asylum seekers is incorrect; the Australian and USA experiences were quite different in this respect) and I doubt that they would say they were "welcomed" here. Many were ostracised. Cabramatta became known as "Vietnamatta". For a number of reasons they were not welcomed so your statement is incorrect. Some of the refugees were viewed poorly for taking some of the places at the best selective schools, but were unable to speak the language, impacting on other students. They got into these schools based on Maths assessments.

      Why aren't people more civilised? Where immigration is concerned much has been whitewashed through history. For Australians of that time it is a case of the parties up for election doing a "There will be no Carbon Tax under the Government I lead". Australians didn't vote for the abolition of the White Australia Policy. They wanted the retention of English as the required language of the nation. They approved Assimilation policies. The Government made promises it didn't keep (how unusual!). Australia was a planned Nation with policies in place to ensure that. Testing procedures that ensured assimilation were abandoned against the will of the Australian voters, permitting people to enter without the ability to speak the nation's language.

      Those persons who came here many years ago (from any background) had it much harder than those who arrive (by any means of transport) today. "Hard work" meant long days of physically hard labour in difficult climates with little in the way of facilities for low wages. In cases of immigration it wasn't because the "quality of life is better", it was to BUILD a better life, and that meant incredibly hard work: digging ditches, building roads, in many cases risking their life (e.g. Snowy Mountains scheme - and many of these returned to their homelands). They came to do the work, not to take advantage of the efforts that others had already made to build a nation and its infrastructure. These people, hearing Centrelink benefits being touted as a "deal" may well be unhappy that they went through years of tax rates topping at 60% and mortgage rates at 18 to 21% only to see newcomers have a much easier time of it, mostly in jobs that while they often include long hours, do not equate to the "hard work" of those who came before.

      Perhaps our Government would be well advised to fix our own problems with our indigenous people, whose Countries (plural) it is that have been given away to newcomers without their consultation or consent, before concerning themselves with issues of others. I would be very unhappy if someone stole my house, then invited or accepted others into it, even more so that when the wrong was recognised it continued without apology or change.

      As to international treaty… Many would have voted differently had they known what the Government intended to sign Australia up for.

      It should also be remembered that Australian citizens are unwelcome to live permanently in many other nations except under very strict conditions (in the UK for example, its easier if you are within a young age group, or have ancestry and in the USA its easier if you have money to invest in a business or win a Green Card lottery). There are limits to "globalisation" which apply to Australians too.

      Please don't believe that it is only recent entrants by boat that have risked their lives to come here. Settlers and convicts alike were fortunate to make the long journey and arrive unscathed. Many boats ran into rocks as they came down the coast. Very many died making the journey. Dysentery was frequent and other infections were present. Those who willingly made the journey often saw little chance for hope in their place of birth and knew that they were unlikely to see their relatives again. They knew that hard work awaited them on arrival if they were fortunate enough to make it alive. For many, if not most, what awaited them at home was certain death, from disease and poverty. Remember too, that many thousands of Indigenous people died at the hands of Settlers and through disease brought here by Settlers. It saddens me that few younger people and newer entrants know about the history since Settlement and even fewer know the cultures and traditions of our Indigenous people.

      For further explanation there is a (somewhat politically motivated and debatably biased) DVD issued by the ABC: "The Making of Modern Australia" which may provide a glimpse of some of modern history of our Nation. As a minimum it may prompt its listeners to learn more about the country in which they live and to research rather than assume.

      To live here is a privilege for us all - not a right, even going to the extent of putting one's life in danger does not grant a right to live in this most beautiful of Nations. Entry serves only to provide an opportunity to EARN that privilege. Ask not what Australia can do for you, ask what you can do for Australia. We should all be so thankful to the Indigenous people every day for the joy of living in their land.

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