Government Program: Newstart Allowance ($250.50 a Week)

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I just got my PR the other week and some friends told me about this deal. you can get $250 a week but you have to show them you are looking for a work.

Alot of information is here…

you fill out a form and do an interview and it should be ok.

this deal is good for this period as many poeple that finished school last year and havn't got a job yet can do this deal.

If you have family or partners the free money amount changes but the link has information on that too.

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closed Comments

  • OP is here to make fun of us?

  • whats PR? permanent residency?

    • +4

      Yeap, it's generally issued for:
      1) Highly educated professionals
      2) (used to) Some 2 years tafe eduacted fresh cook, hair dresser etc.
      3) Family member of Australian citizen
      4) Refugees

      Refugees and certain family member of Australian citizen can skip 2 years pending BTW.

      • +7

        1) Highly educated professionals

        Did u mean ozbargainers

        • on the contrary, it means the opposite of 4.

  • +1

    This is a good deal if you get redundant or just got out from school and trying find a job.

    You can also claim 30% ish of your rent via rent assist as well as health care card for 50% cheaper public transport ETC.

    I recall you need to get some 100 hours training program thing after initial 3 months of payment, so Centrelink never just hand out sweet cash for free.

    Tho the major issue of any such welfare system, including Centrelink, is they are not allowed to give up hopeless individuals.

    I have a friend used to ran a 'special education program' for people who's on this payment for 10+ years. Yes 10+ YEARS, I thought it's a joke..

    • I don't think it is that good of a deal for redundant.

      Since you get redundancy payments, if you get this, I believe you may no longer be eleigible for Reduncancy payment or you may not even be eligible for payments through centrelink.…

    • Where do you get concession rates on public transport? Definitely not in Brisbane!

    • +5

      Have you got any facts and figures to back that up?

    • +10

      Why don't you join the One Nation party then? You don't seem very tolerant of immigrants.

    • +1

      same thing like if you married an irish or europeans women, they also imported. some of them might have just arrived last week by qantas.

  • +2

    And I'm picking for op's next deal post…
    Free tours of Syria.

    Obvious troll is obvious.

  • Well didn't even bothered to mention the half-fare travel concession.. The fact your friends had to tell you about the deal I would say troll so lol.

  • +7

    Mods, why not just delete the post?

  • +2

    This is clearly some primo trolling. Why bother getting worked up?

  • -8

    We are now under attack of refugees and lefties getting negged for the truth we are saying about our own country?

  • -6

    Our comments and words are being totally berried in our own soil mates

  • -3

    Its time to rethink before we give up entirely this lovely holly soil
    Wake up

  • +4

    funny and sad how this thread brings out the xenophobia simmering underneath the surface. new citizens have a waiting period of 2 years or more to be eligible for government payouts or even medicare, in some cases paying the government hundreds of thousands of dollars for a family reunion PR (non-spouse).

    most of newstart payouts claimed by those born in australia and in monetary terms it is dwarfed by disability support pension rorts where in some cases young people with minor medical problems dole bludge without ever going out to find a job

  • +2

    TROLL - Definition In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally[3][4] or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.

    "Trolls aspire to violence, to the level of trouble they can cause in an environment. They want it to kick off. They want to promote antipathetic emotions of disgust and outrage, which morbidly gives them a sense of pleasure."

  • +1

    This is $13,063.3245 per year.
    It's an incentive to not work… pretty b.s!

    The math: 250.50*52.149

    • Anybody who thinks $13k p.a. is an incentive to not work really needs to switch jobs! :O

  • +5

    This is not free money. You have to run like a dog and report every fortnight, attend appointment and interviews. It's not a bargain neither a deal as this is a government system for unemployed people and students that does not have other income or job, it's not a new system and its been for a long time.

    • You can be earning at a part-time job up to a certain limit without it affecting your entitlement, over that amount reduces it on a pro rata basis

  • +4

    I bet this is a troll considering the OP used ID mohammed, said he just got PR and then immediately given then information by a friend.

    • mohammed as in the prophet?

  • I swear Australia becomes more like Nazi Germany every day. People need to calm down and stop hating on groups of people i.e. immigrants, young kids that accidentally kill someone when drunk.

    The government in my opinion makes them villains and in the process becomes the hero by "saving" us from them with harsh penalties, they should helping them with effective policies.

    I'll bet you $50 the exact same people getting annoyed at refugees probably wouldn't think twice of a "working holiday" if they wanted one or for their kids but having people come over here that are willing to risk their life on a boat isn't ok. Can't get much more unAustralian than that.

    Despite what Tony Abbott says seeking refuge status isn't illegal and it doesn't become illegal by being on a boat either, at most it becomes stereotyped.

    • +3

      Refugees and economic migrants are NOT the same groups of people. Australia is a salad bowl of multi-races. How is that Nazi Germany? Being protective of your country and its multicultural people is not a crime. It's the latter group of migrants we need to deter.

      If you decide to do on a boat journey to Japan because you know, wholly and with intent, you will have better transport there? Your call. Don't expect the Japanese to gather and supply (finite) resources to make you a fresh sushi roll upon arrival, especially for free of charge, like this "deal".

      • So what? Honestly who cares if they go on centrelink for a while? I don't mind because most of the time they are professionals who've got at least $50,000 to pay for the boat ride and who actually want to work. The way I figure it they end up paying for the others that don't get a job. Besides the far majority of everyones tax dollars comes from top ~10% of population and of all those tax dollars only about 5% goes to welfare. I don't know about you but I like the idea of putting people first rather than votes for bigots.

        • Then they could and should wait in queue. Why the self-entitlement, cheating, and queue-jumping? Choosing to come to Australia for betterment of one's life and opportunities is no crime, illegally gaining entry is unlawful. I'm not supportive of that and my stance is neither criminal nor unjust.

          If they want to build a life in Australia, do it the legal way and stop straining our resources.

          If you want to migrate from Australia to another country, do it the legal way and not strain their resources.

        • +1

          5% to welfare? I think you'll find its more up around 30%.

        • Seeking asylum is not unlawful in Australia. We are a signatory to the UN Refugee Convention, created post-WW2 for pretty obvious reasons, including the fact that a lot of refugees were killed because they had nowhere to go.

        • +2

          Seeking asylum is not unlawful in Australia.

          Never said it was.

          I knew an immigrant family who sought asylum as refugees. They applied legally for appropriate visas and statuses and waited more than two years. They deserve entry before queue-jumpers unless the others' situation was more urgent. More likely, it's the same or similar. Queue-jumping via boating shortcut is unfair.

        • I'll make it simple, if you saw someone on the side of the road who was dieing from being hit by a car would you drive past them? How is it different when it's someone from a different country?

        • -1

          That's comparing an apple to an orange.

          The person dying from being hit by a car was resulted from chance. The person driving the vehicle bears responsibility to provide assistance to the injured victim. [Edit] Yes, I could and would help.

          Queue-jumping asylum seekers CHOOSE to travel by boat as an illegal means of entry to Australia. To clarify, the mode and means to gain entry to Australia is illegal, gaining asylum is not. Travel at your own risk. Or, apply safely and fairly via the legal route. The responsibility for the welfare of these people lay with the state, that is, their country's governments to provide etc such that their people don't seek to flee.

          Appealing to emotion, wholly, to handle a situation will see no sound solution or progression.

        • Forgot to state: In the above response, I was referring to asylum seekers. Regarding economic migrants, absolute zero tolerance. They make a decision to move, fine; they're responsible for their choices, life, and safety when travelling illegally.

        • Queue-jumping asylum seekers CHOOSE to travel by boat as an illegal means of entry to Australia.
          To clarify, the mode and means to gain entry to Australia is illegal, gaining asylum is not. Travel at your own risk.
          Or, apply safely and fairly via the legal route.

          Ah, the myth of the queue.

          Seeking asylum once onshore isn't illegal either. You can (and many people do) dehumanise refugees by calling them queue-jumpers or economic migrants, but the vast majority of asylum seekers in Australia are found to be legitimate.

        • Within your link, read under the heading, Asylum seekers take places away from refugees in overseas camps. In that sense, not a linear queue but it is an unfair advantage and entitlement. Perhaps that may be why the immigrant family I met waited more than 2 years for completion of their documentation.

          Under heading, Asylum seekers are queue jumpers, it asserts that:

          "…refugees are persons who are outside their country of origin. This means that you cannot apply for refugee status if you are inside your own country. In order to be recognised as a refugee, you must leave your country and apply for refugee status in another country."

          So… many of these travelers could be 'legitimate' asylum seekers, after all. I am not making any outright accusations, just a thought. Why not travel a shorter distance to a safer (UN signatory if plausible) country nearby? Why the treacherous distance to Australia, specifically, unless Australia was the shorter distance?

          I do not see it appropriate for a person to claim bigotry just because there is another viewpoint, in particular, concerning the issue of immigration. Emotions alone will not solve problems.

          Economic immigrants are in existence. Denial of a problem is not the solution. Already stated: economic migrants are NOT the same as asylum seekers.

        • I'd be interested to know if you would wait an average of 170 years in a resettlement camp while you or your family had near-zero prospects. Me, I'd get on a boat before the whole family's future was ruined.

          Do you know what protections there are for refugees in places like Malaysia or Indonesia who are not signatories to the UN Refugee Convention? None.

          It is interesting that you try to flip around the denial of refugees' legitimacy to the denial of the existence of economic migrants. As you say, denial of a problem is not the solution.

        • +1

          So you'd advocate that if a system loophole could be taken advantage of, people should take the shortcut and be opportunistic? Yeah… Real fair. What about the refugees who did it fairly and are still waiting for their turn?

          wait an average of 170 years

          Hm… Seems like an unrealistic waiting period.

          If it were my family, I would wait. I could not put a child on a boat and intentionally put their life at risk, alongside mine. So, should they be injured on a boat journey, that would have been my fault and I bear the guilt. My government should have taken care of me such that I don't seek to flee. If I must immediately escape, I would choose the shortest path.

          Yes, I am aware. But if you're desperate for immediate escape, you're not left in a position of choice. I did insinuate the better option by finding the nearest UN treaty-signed country, which Australia will most likely be one of the furthest. Hence, my query as to why people would choose the more dangerous route if it is primary safety sought.

          I did not deny the legitimacy of refugees (status); they exist. It's a world problem, plainly. I am pointing out the fact that there is every possibility (and probability) that an economic migrant fakes documentation and slips through.

    • +4

      People need to calm down and stop hating on groups of people i.e. immigrants, young kids that accidentally kill someone when drunk.

      Umm, yeah…coz they're the real victims, right???

      • I never said they weren't doing the wrong thing, just that people straight away think some guy killed someone on purpose rather than just him and his friend got too drunk had a fight and the other guy died from the fall (which is normally what happens).

        • +4

          Tell that to the people (men & women) on my caseload who have permanent physical &/or cognitive impairments after being assaulted by drunk A-holes that retrospectively try to blame the grog for their antisocial behaviour…let alone the families of the people actually killed.

          Don't try to excuse the outcomes as purely accidental either; IME it is more often the result of a cowardly, pissweak king-hit attack on someone who cannot defend themselves.

          It is criminally & morally wrong, and it deserves the entire gamut of community loathing reserved for the scumbags that perpetrate these kind of gutless assaults.

        • "IME it is more often the result of a cowardly, pissweak king-hit attack on someone who cannot defend themselves."

          Oh cool sweet so more than 50%, lets apply a blanket rule with minimum jail sentencing, that makes sense. That way we can incriminate everyone (even you have to admit some people are going to get caught out) and waste tax payer dollars.

          I believe if someone can't be rehabilitated they should either be given life or death. I'm not saying we shouldn't jail people who are a threat to others and need rehab. All I'm saying is 1 year is enough to teach anyone a lesson, after 5 years they are just becoming institutionalized and won't be able to join society even if they were innocent and doing things like taking away every possible mental escape i.e. taking away TV removes people from any chance they have at imagining themselves as anything other than a criminal. People act how you treat them.

        • +1

          Oh cool sweet so more than 50%, lets apply a blanket rule with minimum jail sentencing, that makes sense.

          Yep, it's called ZERO TOLERANCE and it works very well as a deterrent…the scumbags that you're so keen on championing here will soon get the message once they realise that they can't weasel out of atonement by blaming everyone but themselves for their cowardly actions!

          All I'm saying is 1 year is enough to teach anyone a lesson…

          One year for what often could ostensibly be classed as murder; plea bargains to manslaughter notwithstanding; gimme a break…

          after 5 years they are just becoming institutionalized…

          Ok, so now you've circled back to making the perpetrators out to be the victims again…well boo-hoo, they deserve everything they get and bloody more if you ask me!

          You're not gonna sway me on this voolish; like I said, I frequently play a part in dealing with the aftermath of these attacks, so I get to see the impacts up close & personal. We currently have an up-swing in the frequency & ferocity of these kind of assaults, it needs to be nipped in the bud immediately…these people are a cancer on society & they need to be excised with the same extreme prejudice they show their victims!

        • -2

          Zero tolerance does not work as a deterrent, stop spreading the bs that punishment is the key to fixing problems.

        • Venom, perhaps you should stop spreading the BS that tolerance of antisocial behaviour is the answer too…

          [edit] Humour me though, what would you suggest other than response-cost measures for criminal behaviour???

        • -1

          Where did I say tolerance is ?

        • I'm still waiting to hear how you're gonna revolutionise the penal system without punishment for criminal offences Venom??? :p

  • +2

    We move closer to Nazi Germany every day.

    Abbott is about to financially strangle the ABC which is the last signficant, Independent (imperfect) source of national news that is not controlled by the monied super elite.

    Once he has threat-tamed the ABC he will then ram through his wacky Nazi Liberal eugenics breeding farm policies like $200 love cheques and $75,000 for upper income women under his nutcase paid parental leave scheme. He will then jack boot crush the unemployed with slave for the dole and anyone he doesn't want to breed.

    All that Will be left will be the compliant, unquestioning right wing media guaranteeing Abbott a dream run into the next election.

    Oh and if he needs to burn some books with ideas that don't comply with his thinking then that wont be a problem because no media would dare oppose him.

    Prepare for the death of a thousand cuts.

    You can have ''freedom'' as long as your thinking complies with Abbott's. Anything else is not supporting ''the team'' and must be crushed.

    Nazism in a different costume.

    A comedian once lambasted Margaret Thatcher with:

    ''We are going to make a nation full of Nice People… And all those people who don't want to be Nice People are going to get their bottoms smacked''.

    It's the Liberal way in a nutshell.

    Heaven help you if you are not a middle-to-high-income productive economic unit… because no one else will.

  • +7

    This free money is one of the main reasons that attract FAKE ASYLUM SEEKERS to Australia. I migrated from a country in South Asia and currently working.
    When I visit my home country one of the questions I get from the Locals there is that how much free money an Asylum seeker gets.
    According to my knowledge a refugee family(2 adults+ 2 kids) get more than $1000 a fortnight + healthcare card + donations from welfare groups (this includes free cars in some cases), subsidized housing and many more.
    they get all those benefits for doing nothing in Australia.
    This benefit scheme is like a magnet for the people who don't want to work. and People smugglers using this to promote their business.

    The asylum seekers coming to Australia from South Asia are coming for non other than these economic reasons.

    • +1


      Its a vicious cycle.

      THe lure of 'free' money, why would anyone want to work once you get here?

      PLus with handouts you never had to work hard for it.

      To bad our generation hasnt evolved from using cash… cos i recken if you tracked half the spending from being on the doll you will see some interesting purchases not 'need' related.

      • -1

        So when you can't find work, the government should have the right to track everything you purchase - why? - to take some of the money back!?

        Seems the two guys above that said Australia is looking more like Nazi Germany every day weren't wrong.

    • "According to my knowledge a refugee family(2 adults+ 2 kids) get more than $1000 a fortnight + healthcare card + donations from welfare groups (this includes free cars in some cases), subsidized housing and many more."

      Your source?

      "The asylum seekers coming to Australia from South Asia are coming for non other than these economic reasons."

      Genocide by the Sri Lankan government (for example) surely counts as "economic reasons" - can't make money if you're dead, yeah?

      • The following article show that a single person get over $400 per fortnight. So 2 adults + 2 Kids can easily get over $1000 a fortnight.…

        Sri Lanka had a terrorist problem and it was finished in 2009. Many people have died during the 30 yrs of conflict(its not a one day or one month war). But the country is recovering from 30 yrs of war.

        It's always easy to blame the government, in fact that's what all refugees who come from Sri Lanka do. because without blaming the Sri Lankan government they can't get refugee status. The people who came as refugees and already settled in Australia also take part in the blame game, otherwise they can't bring their remaining family and friends to Australia.

        I have traveled to Nothern and Eastern part of Sri Lanka last year, The region is developing rapidly it will get better over time.

        • +1

          Per capita "$405.84 per fortnight – over $260 less than a pensioner" isn't actually anything I'd consider a huge imposition for the nation, given our limited refugee intake and the reality that $200 per week doesn't go a long way.

          I like how you gloss over the unpunished genocide and continuing violence by the Sri Lankan Government.…

        • +1

          As I mentioned earlier,
          It's always easy to blame the SL government. Otherwise no sri lankan can get refugee status in the western world.

          what my point is without the blame game, western countries should assist in the development of North and east of sri lanka, then the people who live there can have a better life, and stop getting onto the boats.

        • -1

          Yes, so genocide is fine, then. Let's avoid the blame game.

    • +1

      Woah $500 a week to spend on a family of four ? Yeah I'm sure that free money can buy them luxury.

  • +1

    Would love to have a look at the mentioned article in the Indian newspaper, of course if it is in English. Any link? Thanks.

  • +1

    Price match at OW? :p

  • +3

    Clearly a troll, look at the handle…

  • +1

    So many intelligent economists… zzzz

    Dodgy unemployment scammers making up a tiny portion of our tax bill.

    If we were serious about the economy, we'd be docking the aged pension, including residences in the asset test and cutting of operations for those over 65.

    The old have never had is so good, though they like to drag out the bottom 1% on today tonight, and A Current Affairs as woe as me cases. When it comes down to it the portion of tax $s that caters for the old, who also happen to own most of our property is exorbitant.

    The baby boomers claim to have paid taxes and deserve the aged pension, I say pfft, in previous decades the majority of people paid barely any taxes as the tax rate was much steeper, the rich paid up to 60%. Todays tax system is much flatter, if you include indirect taxes like GST, fines and fees, the middle class/lower class are pretty much scre'ed. They're keeping Pensioners alive.

    Cut the vote rate of the old by half to a third, then you'll see real action by the Government.

    Gex X/Gen Y the most heavily taxed generations with the less benefits.

    If a baby boomer ever complain about the consumer society we're living in, tell them this is what allows them an aged pension..

    rant.. rant.. rant….

  • +4

    speaking of pensioners squeezing govt money.
    My previous neighbor was a pensioner who himself is a migrant from eastern Europe. He used to tell me his story about brand new houses cost around 10K-12K or 5-6 years old houses costing around 7K-8K, pay only in cents to gallons of petrol. what I got to know from him was that he had worked hard and contributed for the Australian economy back in the days.

    He said he bought 4 houses. but now he has given those houses to his son.
    Now he is getting the government age pension and rent assistance (he lives in a rental property because otherwise he wont get rent assistance). I asked him why he is in a rental property while his son has 4 houses. without any answers he showed me his next door neighbors (who came as a refugee from Pakistan)house.
    He said it's not unfair to get money from govt because he has done his fair share to the country, While others get free money or doing nothing.

  • +5

    OP's display name explains it.

  • +1

    not a deal and i dont think it should be on ozbargain

  • Hello, just wanted to add that I know a family that has been 'living on the dole' for awhile.. its ridiculous really, they just receive money through their 'student allowance' while being unemployed for over 10 years in Australia. And even when they do work, its overseas so they dont pay have to pay tax.
    Recently the son has also been following in the footsteps, applying for youth allowance. I know they are doing this through the system and its probably legal, but I do think that people living in Australia, as well as being born here, are obliged to contribute to its economy by paying tax. Especially when there is nothing stopping them from looking for employment, well.. other than laziness.

    • forgot to add that they started 'studying' to receive the benefits of the govt income lol

  • +2…
    The biggest welfare recipients is the gov, and the lovely Rothschild-controlled central banks they work under.

    I don't see many complaining about a few billion dollars that were siphoned off to a select few insiders looting the public purse recently. Nor much talk of the wars we are supporting with our war buddies, looting the public and killing millions of innocents for 'our freedom' and covering these atrocities with thick coats of propaganda, when all it is is an illegal occupation and resource grab for a few insiders profiting immensely from resource contracts, drug trafficking and arms deals.

    I don't hear much complaint about the bubbles the gov actively promotes, nor the high debt situations nor the the very policies they support guaranteeing the very job losses people complain about. Nor the Carbon Tax, nor the UN 'big boys' clubs siphoning untold wealth to a few taxpayerless elite. Nope, instead let's focus on the small-fry welfare state, which is - in the end - merely a symptom (and expected result) of the state's policies.

    The gov loves u, and it loves robbing Peter to pay Paul, in a 'fair' welfare state where in a past life people used to take care of their own and their loved ones and were not brainwashed enough into thinking social welfare was a good idea, let alone something to be 'managed' by the corrupt State.

    Again, the gov is the biggest welfare recipient. People should really be directing their anger to the real crooks, not the small-time dole bludger. How much are we paying for the local & foreign policies the gov supports? Do we have a say? Absolutely not. No anger there?

  • centrelink payment waste of time try to get them.

  • -2

    People on here will go the measures to cheat businesses out of money on loopholes,etc on bargains that result in free or cheap products, yet taking money from the government is too far ?

  • +1

    I walk around Melbourne city and find it is a shit bowl of humanity and dont even feel like I am in Australia any-more, I work with various nationalities and find some of them to be hugely useless, they can have degrees or masters but it doesn't mean they are a hard worker, they don't care about integrating into the local culture or anything, its all about what this country can do for them.
    They are happy to collect pay for being lazy and working at half pace of the locals, taking tons of personal calls and text messages and arrive late and leave early.

    The past 10 years has seen a huge influx of immigration to what we have now, this isn't the nation I grew up in. Its now a toilet others brought with them.

    Im sure mr Mohammed2 wants his Sharia law of rape etc to be implemented here too, oh the joys of multiculturalism is always about making the import feel comfortable.

    • +2

      PS if Australia is becoming Nazi germany ill help set up the MG42,s

    • Welcome to any large city in the world, Melbourne isn't yours, you are just xenophobic.

    • I find it sometimes useless that so called highly efficient persons spend hours doing a job, which can be done in in a hour or two.
      When you tend to do it faster, you are told to slow down to let others live in the workforce as it is a trend for years in the culture to relax.
      That said, it is not a wise comment to call all other nationalities to work less.

      There are bad eggs in every society. If you work hard that does not mean your whole community do the same.

      • +2

        There are bad eggs in every society. If you work hard that does not mean your whole community do the same.

        Well said.

  • Too many conditions and eligibility criteria with centrelink, I am a full time student and never been able to claim a cent from them, so glad for ozbargain and the money it has saved me. $250 would be a great help for me with transport costs, food etc but what can you do.

  • I find quite alot of the hostility from the locals in regards to this is because there is just too many foreigners who come here and take everything.

    1. Steal Jobs.
    2. Steal Milk Powder.
    3. Steal local potential husbands and wives.
    4. Inflating house prices so none of the locals can actually afford them.
    5. Eating poisonous mushrooms (oh wait thats not a bad thing!)

    If you don't have a job, it just means you aren't looking hard enough or aren't trying hard enough. Either that, or you think you are too good for a job which is offered to you.

    I remember when I just got out of Uni, and looking for a job. I took what ever came to me. Where as most of the people from my grad year was like "oh thats too little money, i want more money… i ain't choosing you".

    Now almost 4-5yrs later, I'm a highly paid manager, where as they are still working at woolies or some video rental store. With a useless degree since they were too picky.

    • +1

      On the contrary, I think you'll find it is often more difficult for foreigners to find a job here, especially if they have language barriers or difficulties.

      For example, an Asian migrant who is still at his/her early stages of grasping the English language could easily be discriminated against, in favour of a local, for most jobs. Sure, he/she could find a job locally at an Asian supermarket / restaurant, but this may result in settling for a much lower wage (eg many Chinese restaurants pay well below the minimum wage). In any event, they will probably need to work much harder in order to sustain their job and pursue their career.

      I'm not sure where all this hate towards migrants is coming from. It's definitely not an easy path to success for them, but hell, they do try.

      Also, good to hear you're a "highly paid manager", thanks for letting us know.

      • +1

        NO,I agree there's some point harder in the beginning, but it's mainly personal.
        I got my first job at min. wages in office but now is more than average income in 3 yrs.
        It's mainly smart or lazy.

        • You should check out the house prices in Melbourne. $1 million means nothing to them.
          Inflated majorly by the influx of rich Chinese who don't even care about the price and just purchase it.

          Same issue with Sydney.

          For their international student kids? LOL Strata Fees of $100,000 per year

          Buying all the Australian's Baby Formula

          They have alot more money than the average aussie, so their buying power is so huge that it often drives the prices up. And when I say up, it is like 100k sorta up, not just $1 up.

          Eventually we will have a similar problem that Hong Kong is currently having with housing being so damn expensive because of foreign investors and even common groceries and every day living will be inflated due to the increased demands. Go ask them why they hate the mainland chinese so much, all their common day items are bought up by them and everything is a shortage or gone up in prices by 2 or three fold.

          An example of their massive buying power:
          I remember dropping by Audi when i was getting my car serviced at another place. A chinese parents and their international uni student rocks up and the father goes "Kid which one you want?" and he points and says "That one" (Audi R8 Spider ~$400,000), then his dad goes to the sales person, "We want that one, how much you want?" …. No negotiations and out the door they go.

        • It's sure your personal feeling! Rich people are rich, if you're not, stay at what you are and work harder to what you want.
          I will not and never want a $400K AUDI, an A4 is enough for myself.
          In Aus, Living expenses is high but we still alive! And Ozbargain helps!
          In HK we have this:
          Don't jealous the rich, Don't rip off the poor!
          Keep it in your main!

        • Further, I don't have any problem buying milk powder for my babies at all. Most of toddlers over 1.5 yrs old manly drink fresh milk in Australia. They buy what they want.
          Don't really relay every news you read, go out and have a look.

  • +1

    To OP! have you put this thread to humiliate migrants? what/s wrong with you? go find some work..

    • -7

      no I put this thread because i recently found out about it and it's a good deal. this is ozbargin so good deals come here. it's free $250 a week. you guys love filling in forms for a free dog treat sample so why not this? free dog treat is ok but free money is not? what about when you open bank accounts (fill in forms) and get free $50?

      • +1

        thanks for your clarification. Hopefully you'll understand my point.

      • +3

        Maybe should spend less time on Ozbargain and more time looking for a job. lol.

  • Was reading through a thread on Whirlpool recently in which someone who worked for a Job Services Australia agency claimed that "for every decent, employable, eager and motivated job seeker we see there are another 20 completely unemployable basket-cases". On the other hand, it's commonly suggested in these discussions that 'bludgers' are a very small minority, and the vast majority are keen to work.

    I'm always left wondering where in between the truth sits.

    • +3

      I was a on newstart for a short while after uni.

      The job centres do nothing just the bare minimum to get their handout from the Government.

      Most of the job centre workers themselves would be on the dole if they didn't have their jobs.

      I'd say the majority are despondent, they want to work, but there has been no real opportunity for them. Going to the job centres was actually counter productive, it made you want to look for work less. It would be more like Abbots pickup rubbish scheme, a punishment for not having a job than actually helping.

      The person who worked at the job services agency probably just just saw the negative impact of people going to see them, the unemployed would not be exactly excited to see them and eager to do their dodgy courses.

      Having said that I do believe we have a significant minority rorting the welfare system, in particular the disability Pension. Thats more due to a crap job centre culture, and an "Australian" culture of entitlement - not going to do the crap jobs.

      But any serious efforts for financial reason, should be targeted at the aged pension.

  • +1

    Some very great viewpoints in here, but doesn't everyone realise that this has been the ULTIMATE TROLL POST? :|

    • self opinionated venting is the Australian favourite past time

      • +1

        Wow…just, wow! What a hypocrite! :O

  • social welfare has been the biggest expense in Australian budget Costing the tax payers 138 billion dollars in the past year.….

    I agree that the country should have welfare, but it needs to have better screening to identify the welfare cheaters.
    Government needs to spend more on infrastructure to bring the underlying costs down, then the businesses can survive and more people can have jobs.

    Australian government debt was increased by nearly $200 billions during the past 6 years.

    So we can expect some serious cuts in the next budget.

    • +3

      If you look at the breakdown 85% of it goes to assistance for the aged, veterans and dependants, people with disabilities, and families with children. Its not like welfare cheaters or job avoiders contribute largely to it.

      • +1

        Its not like welfare cheaters or job avoiders contribute largely to it.

        can we stop clouding the story with such facts….

        people are outraged here about the handful of dollars going to the dole bludgers we are told (by the likes of TT/ACA) we are to hate and blame for our countries downfall….

      • I didn't specifically said that the govt should axe the social welfare completely.
        I agree that most of the people who receive the social security benefits deserve that payment.
        but my point is that the screening should be tougher to keep the cheaters out of the system.

        The government can spend those savings on other things such as healthcare and education.

        • +2

          my point is that the screening should be tougher to keep the cheaters out of the system.

          so you want to throw even more money at trying to solve a problem that isnt really even there (unless you live in the imaginary world that is TT/ACA)?

          why dont you get angry at company tax breaks which means the rich and large companies dont pay there fair share, if any at all tax?

          my guess is because thats not what the media you watch tells you to be outraged about…….

  • +4

    Two issues:

    Re migrants -
    I am an economic migrant and getting a PR here in Australia is HARD and very COSTLY. The application fee itself is around $2000-3000. The fee to get immigration advice is through the roof and the stress does have an impact on your private life. No one, I mean no one go through all these problems to go on the dole. I have friends who migrated and all of them are hardworking and highly educated folks who pay taxes. The argument that people migrated here to take advanatge of the welfae system is FALSE. People migrated here because the quality of life is much better. They pay taxes too!

    Also, please bear in mind that the immigration policies in Aus has always been based on the ideal that there is an aging population here hence younger and skilled workers were encouraged to migrate here.

    Dislike the foreigners just because? Welcome to the 21st century and welcome to the concept of globalisation!

    Re Asylum seekers -
    It is legal to seek asylum here. A lot of people believe they are queue jumpers - there is no queue jumping. Australis set up processing center soverseas when in fact they should be receiving the asylum seekers locally in Australia. They ALL go on the same queue. Most importantly, many asylum seekrs jump on a sinking-boat because they waited TOO long for their visa to be processed in Australia. Some of them have waited for 5-10 years. A lot of them have children who do not receive any education or entertainment in the processing centers. Some of the conditions in processing centers are outrageous, almost equivalent to jail.

    Under international treaty, EVERY country that signed up has an obligation to provide asylum. The numbers of asylum seekers in Australia is NOTHING compare to other countries. Because its being made a huge political issues, the government spent HUGE amount of money, excessively, to have them processed overseas. It could be done so much cheaper and effectively but people just like the idea that the asylum seekers aren't on the main land of Australia.

    Australia has had waves of asylum seekrs prior to this - for eg vietnamese during the vietnam war. They were welcomed into the country. Not sure why this is happening when people should be more civilised by this stage.

    • +5

      in Australia is HARD and very COSTLY. The application fee itself is around $2000-3000. The fee to get immigration advice is through the roof and the stress does have an impact on your private life.

      yet obviously the outcome is worth it.. risking your life and your families lives for by putting them on a leaking boat and hoping that the aus tax payers will pick up the bill for the millions of dollars wasted in rescuing people who set out knowing they are sailing into trouble…. (not assuming you came by boat but that people are willing to do that to come here)

      The argument that people migrated here to take advanatge of the welfae system is FALSE.

      the argument that all came over to take advantage is false
      the argument that none come to take advantage is also false
      the argument that some and possibly even a majority come to take advantage of the welfare system is most definitely true
      i have worked with, for, and known many migrants/"refugees" who move here, get on the welfare then work cash in hand so they get even more money. its not only isolated cases but happens a lot in my personal experience.

      the government spent HUGE amount of money, excessively, to have them processed overseas.

      indeed and its sad. they should turn boats back to there port of origin. it would not only be MANY times safer (has been proven to help stop people smuggling in those dodgy broken down boats) but it would save a lot of tax payer money.

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