This was posted 11 years 1 month 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bertocchi Short Cut Bacon Rashers $9/kg or $40/5kg at Woolworths (Save $7/kg)


Some interesting reading:

The protein found in bacon is extremely valuable to maintaining our energy levels and a fully functioning, healthy body, with a minimum of those nasty, waist, thigh and butt expanding, fat-building carbohydrates.

Several university and medical center studies have shown that including bacon as a regular, moderate part of one’s diet naturally works to lower the body’s blood pressure and blood sugar levels, helping to prevent and/or alleviate the effects of diabetes, as well as heart disease, stroke and heart attack.

People have heard horror stories for years that bacon is full of harmful fat. But the facts are completely the opposite, as bacon helps to fully satiate our appetite with high protein, low carb energy, helping the body lose weight, raise one’s metabolism and build leaner, stronger muscles.

Bacon actually has less total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than many popular cuts of beef and chicken. While some fish has less fat and cholesterol than bacon, bacon has more protein power and does not contain toxins such as mercury.

Bacon is chock full of a very important nutrient called “choline,” which helps increase our intelligence and memory, from conception to senior status, and has been shown in university studies to help fight off the debilitating effects of Alzheimer’s Disease and other chronic mental impairments.

Bacon provides us with substantial amounts of the important, necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function healthfully. From bacon, we receive: 65% of our recommended daily intake of Thiamin (Vitamin B1) as well as 47% of our Niacin (Vitamin B3), 38% of our Vitamin B12, 36% of our Zinc, 24% of our Vitamin B6, 22% of our Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), 22% of our Phosphorus, 10% of our Pantothenate, 10% of our Magnesium, 9% of our Iron and the Protein to fat balance in bacon is actually 4 to 1, which is one of the highest protein to fat balances found in any meat, fish or fowl found on Earth.

Bacon makes you feel happy, satisfied & blissful, which greatly reduces stress in our lives and effectively relieves the negative effects of frustration, self-deprivation and sense of lack in one’s existence.

While it's true that nitrates and nitrites are unhealthy for your body, what most pro veggie, chicken and fish nutritionists fail to tell you is that you can easily avoid nitrates and nitrites by simply (A) not burning/charring/over cooking your bacon or by (B) baking your bacon in the oven.

Some people also choose to avoid nitrates and nitrites by (C) cooking their bacon in the microwave. However, some medical research shows a strong correlation between microwaved proteins (all meats and proteins, from beef to fish, from cheese to eggs and even milk) and cancers caused by protein mutation under the conditions of microwave bombardment, so we recommend using the oven, 205 degrees celsius, 8 to 10 minutes per side.

P.S. if you always include some dairy and citrus in your bacon meal, the vitamins A, D and E work to effectively prevent conversion of nitrates and nitrites into dangerously toxic “nitrosamines” in the stomach, rendering them harmless to the body.

Because bacon tastes so amazingly awesome, we’re a LOT more willing to set many of our finicky ways aside to enthusiastically eat many of the boring, icky, lackluster, so-called, “healthy, nutritious food items” that are supposedly good for us, as long as they come wrapped in bacon or with lots of bacon bits broken up and served with or within them.

While people over the years have mistakenly made jokes about bacon being a leading contributor to heart disease, actually there are in fact several studies that show the Omega-3 Fatty Acids and “choline” found in bacon can actually protect the heart from developing detrimental problems, as well as actually help HEAL such anomalies, after they have occurred!

Unlike the Omega-3 Fatty Acids supplements derived from fish sources, the ones that come from bacon aren’t chock full of poisonous mercury, like most of the popular fish oil versions are. So bacon Omega-3′s will not only help prevent heart disease, as well as lower your cholesterol, reduce inflammation and improve circulation, but also help you to avoid mercury and other toxic poisons being regularly spewed into our planet’s oceans.

And finally, believe it or not, a company in the UK called TMI Foods, has successfully found a way to use bacon fat and grease to manufacture a powerful, low emission, environmentally friendly, all-natural, bio-diesel fuel that can be used to effectively and inexpensively run anything from motor vehicles to turbines!

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closed Comments

  • +17

    You said bacon. +1

    • +5

      Kevin Bacon endorses this deal

    • +3

      Yep all I got from that rant was: bacon blah blah blah bacon blah blah blah BACON!!!!!

      • -1

        Please justify why you think it is a rant.

        • +1

          You're just trying to bait someone into a rant, aren't you?

        • +3

          because it's three pages long!

        • Because everyone can come up with evidence to say "what I like is the best" or "what I sell is the best".

          Thanks to the internet and biased opinions the truth is whatever you want.

        • -1

          I was specifically asking kwaker not 3 people. That is why I replied to his/her post. Lol

        • I gave them permission to answer on my behalf. Lol

  • +18

    yup, had me at bacon.

  • +6

    +1 for the work on all the wonderful bacon facts. you sold me

  • +1

    google Keto diet for more info

    • +2

      Keto works and has been a Godsend to me. None of this correct portions nonsense for me, love eating and the fact that you can eat basically as much as you like of anything without carbs is what made me stick to it. Lost 24 kilos in Jan-May 2013 before I started getting slack and going the bread etc, but still haven't put a kilo of it back on. The keto subreddit is what I used for dietary info and recipes.

      • +2

        So about a year on it? Im interested in knowing your age and whether you're generally feeling well?

        Supposedly its unhealthy in the long term.…

        • +2

          No not a whole year, I stuck with it (with a few lapses) for the 5 months, and since then I have limited my carb intake where possible, but without being zealous. Health is fine, I'm 6 foot 2, and just not having to carry that extra weight has been great, had a medical for work 3 months ago and was given the thumbs up. Have to eat a lot of salads as protein is expensive, also if I want a drink I have wine now instead of beer etc. My goto meal was a mad chicken caesar with pretty much a whole cos lettuce, couple of chicken breasts, egg, cheese, bacon and whatever else vegies (asparagus was good) that weren't carb intensive; it was basically half a bucket of my favorite food whenever I wanted it and the weight still rolled off.

        • +1

          Every time I've tried low-carbing it, I just couldn't eat that much meat, so I could only go it for a week or two at a time. I agree it works though.

  • +3

    Personally I like Aldi's budget bacon for $5/kg. May not be as pretty and neat but it's still damn tasty for breakfast on the weekend.

  • +2


    • +2


      tl;dr…. bacon

      • +1

        tl;dr… oink.

  • +6

    Free range or cruelty endorsed?
    Locally sourced or imported from the unknown?

    • +1

      no doubt cruel and imported. this is a supermarket dont forget.

      • +4

        I had some bacon at a small cafe in country victoria a few months back. From a local small farm. It was thick and tasted so much better than the pale bland flesh the supermarkets peddle. I guess quantity over quality is what wins handsdown at the checkout.

        A reason to not go silly: Bacon Pigs

        • +4

          sad but true, but little is ever going to change. while businesses are bribing "giving election donations to" the people who makes the laws you cant expect law makers to actually make real changes. you know about the whole "free range" thing with chickens? (there is no such thing as free range because its not a legal definition)

          on a brighter note… if you want quality bacon dont expect it from a stoopidmarket, make your own :)

        • +1

          That homemade bacon looks amazing.

        • +1

          try twice cooked pork belly. The fat part is just divine.

        • If it's within the price range, I advise you both to go in with 5 or so people for a cow (sure they'd do it with pigs too) - few hundred dollars and you KNOW the cow is well treated.

          My mum did that once and you share in all the cuts - steak, mince etc…Bessie is the best animal I've ever had on my plate and she was bloody pampered to the end! haha

          Check out your local farms if they do this kind of deal.

          Edit: You need a LOT of freezer space by the way!

    • Locally sourced or imported from the unknown?

      Bertocchi, local.

  • baco.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh druel

  • +11

    Seriously junk and misleading commentary. I'm surprised he hasn't claimed bacon cures cancer. Probably didn't want to mention the word because of the link between some cancers and processed meats. Presumably he/she cuts off all the fat before eating it thereby removing the primary reason for eating bacon. Particularly like this bit of nonsense: "Unlike the Omega-3 Fatty Acids supplements derived from fish sources, the ones that come from bacon aren’t chock full of poisonous mercury, like most of the popular fish oil versions are."

    • +2

      Was wondering if they've written this just for this post, or they had it lying around and from elsewhere. Seems a bit propoganda-ish. You working for the bacon/pork/ham industry?? (sure Lisa, they all come from the same magical animal) Anyhow - here's some alternat facts - the first link i found problems with bacon

      • +2

        Boy. That link's a real downer.

      • +4

        You working for the bacon/pork/ham industry?

        No, I'm just your average tightarse trying to post great bargains to save people a few dollars.

    • +1

      Also has a habit of copy/pasting text without quoting a source. Think there's a word for that.

      • Plagiarism, I think is the word you're looking for??

      • Also has a habit of copy/pasting text without quoting a source. Think there's a word for that.

        Are you taking a swipe at me dd22qq?

    • +2

      Considering the text is taken from a site called 'BaconToday' I'm not surprised it's completely biased.

  • +2

    hhmm… baconnnn!

  • best thread ever!

  • +1

    Personally i love bacon and sausages and quite frankly, it helps me stay low carb.

    • +1

      And the benefit of having a low carbohydrate diet is? Please don't recite anything from the 'fitness' industry.

      • +1

        The benefit is I get to enjoy what I eat and it satiates me unlike carbs which makes me feel hungry 1-2 hours after stuffing my face.

        • Try potatoes and other starches as they'll fill you. With carbs make sure they're low GI and wholegrain. Less processed the better.

          Just be cautious of long term effects from protein overloading.

        • +2

          Sorry, but who are you to give me advice on what to eat ? Also what makes you think to presume that I might be in danger of protein overload ? I only eat enough to maintain my six pack and to fulfill my daily activities. Also I get all the carbs I need from the brocolli and cauliflower I consume daily. Bacon helps give me some flavour every now and then when I want to switch away temporarily from chicken breast.

        • +1

          I inter mixed reading your comment with those advocating Keto above. Sorry.

        • Six pack?
          That's nothing to my baker's dozen.

    • Note some bacons are sugar-cured or have a lot of dextrose in them, making their low-carb status questionable. Always check the nutritional panel. On the plus side, the hight fat content (+20%?) would slow down the absorption of sugars making the bacon have a low glycemic index and a correspondingly low impact on insulin stimulation.

  • This video show man's best friend being teased with the promise of bacon.

  • +1

    Bacon is so awesome, even pigs will eat it. Now that's a testimonial.

  • Bacon from USA? It was from the USA last time they had the woolies mega bacon frenzy…Not that I minded. Was great fried up on the BBQ hotplate.

    • -1

      Is this bacon from the USA where there's currently a little PIG VIRUS spreading and threatening to enter Canada!

      Though it is not harmful to humans, unhygienic practices cause its spread.

      • +1

        Pigs are pigs

        • +2

          I mean he'd have to be ten times more charmin' than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm sayin'?

      • Is this bacon from the USA

        No, it's actually from Australia, made by Bertocchi.

        • Packed in Australia from imported pork (like most at the Supermarket) or from local pork?

        • +1

          Packed in Australia from imported pork (like most at the Supermarket) or from local pork?

          tommyc, I can only assume Product of Australia means just that.

  • The protein found in bacon is extremely valuable to maintaining our energy levels

    I think that refers to real bacon, not his imported rubbish pumped with hormones and preservatives…

  • Bacon. Is there anything it can't do?

  • I love bacon but my preference is for middle bacon. I've probably eaten short cut bacon when I've been eating out.

  • Is this a current deal, or starting nationally tomorrow?

  • +2

    wtf is this a wikipedia article?

    • +1

      Citation needed. :)

  • +2

    What do Hobbits eat? Middle Bacon

  • +1


    • hehe… you said it again. +1

  • +3

    Coles "down, down and staying down" had $12 shortcut bacon then all of a sudden their red hand disappears and I saw prices upward of $17… apparently not staying down?

  • no cons, bacon!

  • +1

    Bacon was almost half this price in this deal and only half as many votes.

    • +3

      That one didn't have the "Chicken Rights Committee" and the "Lamb Liberation Authority" co-operate on writing the wonderful sales pitch for the bacon :P

    • I remember working at woolies during that deal. So much bacon mayhem.

    • Bacon was almost half this price in this deal and only half as many votes.

      Is this a problem unity1?

      • No at all, just stating the obvious. The previous deal did not even hit the front page. There would be some that think the best deals only appear on the front page. This highlights why it's a good idea to through all deals because the best deals are not necessarily the ones on the front page.

  • +1

    Heh I was thinking this was a edited a pro smoking commercial from the 50s..

  • V. good price, pity I just bought $5 a 1kg from Aldi :(

  • Turtle bacon burger

  • Wonderful sales pitch is getting all the votes….

  • This is Baconnn!!!

  • +1

    don't have to persuade me to eat bacon! :P

  • Is this a Paleo Con ?
    (Conference does actually look extremely good & it's free)

  • So many bacon facts, I guess you've just broke up with your Jewish significant other.

  • Yay for bacon, but the fat is missing. :(

  • Can anyone advise of what we can cook in a microwave oven without getting cancer?
    Is microwaving potatoes still safe?

    • +1

      The radiation produced by a microwave oven is non-ionizing. It therefore does not have the cancer risks associated with ionizing radiation such as X-rays and high-energy particles. Long-term rodent studies to assess cancer risk have so far failed to identify any carcinogenicity from 2.45 GHz microwave radiation even with chronic exposure levels, i.e., large fraction of one's life span, far larger than humans are likely to encounter from any leaking ovens.

  • Informative!

  • For NSW, this is listed as $9.98/kg or $45/5kg.

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