• expired

$30 OFF Your Cart Total When You Spend over $5 @ VistaPrint

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Design your own Vistaprint products and take $30 OFF your cart total when you spend over $5!
Hurry, coupon code expires this Monday, 27th of January 2014.

Redeem the offer online by clicking http://www.vistaprint.com.au. The online checkout code is "FB2014 ".

Sorry no more FREE items :(

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closed Comments

  • +10

    So do I get $25 cash back?

  • Thanks! Just ordered some new business cards!

  • I'm confused how does it work. You pay $5 and they pay you $25 as a bonus is it given as a credit card refund payment or store credit?.

    • +1

      No they don't give you free money.

      If you order $40 worth, apply the code, you pay $10.00

      Not the best wording in the description.

      • -2

        That's not what the title or post says.

      • so if you order $30 worth, apply the code, do you pay $0 ??

        • Sound like the minimum spend is $5

  • it gave me free shipping on 500 buisness cards

  • This sounds like a mistake surely? Although I'd love to have some t-shirts printed - do they do that? They do don't they?

    • Ok so they do t-shirts and I can upload images and what not but I'll be damned if I can find anything but white ones, surely they don't do only white t-shirts? That's a warcrime :/

      • +2


        12 colours….?

        ( alternatively, the link you were originally given shows what colours are available in the pictures )

        • The UI selection / box design for colour choice on the tees is mind boggingly bad and for the premium shirt, only one colour.
          I've got shirts online before, even the premium ones are only just ok, the cheap ones (which they have 3 whole colours for,..) are generally dreadful. Like wearing a 1990's tea towel.

          Thanks though, very tricky to spot that little icon (and seemingly the only place you can choose colours, seriously poor design)

        • I disagree. The black shirts come out pretty good.
          The cheapest white ones are pretty average, it's true.

    • Ok I just managed to order 3 completely custom shirts, with fastest shipping for about $15 a shirt, that's pretty cheap and it's their premium shirt at that. I'm not big on white, at all actually but it's cheap.

  • You will still have to pay shipping. A good deal, but not incredible.

    • +2

      My shipping cost got reduced from $12.50 to 41c

  • +1

    Thanks OP, used the 'free shipping' link from last deal, and got me a freebie.

    • Usually when you manage this, you get a cancelled order and a nice email like this.

      Dear Valued Customer,

      We have recently identified an error in one of our offers which allowed you to order free items and receive free delivery at the same time.

      Since this does not reflect the nature of our promotions, we regret to advise that we are unable to honour such at this time. Please be advised that your order has been cancelled and will not be fulfilled.

      Please note that Vistaprint reserves the right to rescind, extend or terminate any offers at any time with or without cause. This includes without limitation, if the terms of the offer do not accurately describe our intent due to error or omissions.

      Again, we apologize for any inconvenience and ask that you contact our Customer Care Department at 1-800-021-631 Mondays – Fridays from 8am 10pm Est. or visit our Contact Us page for additional customer service options: www.vistaprint.com.au/customer-care/contact-us.aspx

      Thank you for choosing Vistaprint.

      • Yeah worth the risk, i have always paid in the past but didn't need anything 'extra' this time. No loss if it doesn't come :)

        • Order now marked as 'shipped' :)

        • what did u order

        • 1 single pen. (the $21.99 engraved version)

      • +2

        Or sometimes you don't get anything … not even a mail …

        • Same here- last few free orders- just nothing.

      • I used a deal last year that got me t-shirts, mugs, postcards and a whole heap of other goodies with FREE 7 day delivery and they just $1.87 each delivered. I ordered a few of them, some even using further price reduction coupons and vistaprint delivered every single item.

        (It was a great deal but only on 1 of my PCs and I could not share it otherwise I would have posted. Something to do with my cookie in the browser I guess, because emailing the link did not work)

        Just make sure your cart is not $0 and they seem to be very nice about it - always did to me and I had crazy cheap deals.

    • Could you post the free shipping link please, all the one's I tried from the previous deals say that they are expired.

  • I just order the large Fridge magnet and key ring….. and paid $5.73

  • Hopefully it works. I just held off ordering a shirt yesterday for next month's Springsteen tour. Today, $1.46 inc delivery

  • Im upto payment info and it hasn't given me the option to put in the code for the discount :(, where can i find this :)? thanks

    • Then you're a step too far… It's on the View Cart page! There's a box below your items on the left of the totals that says something like "Apply Coupon"!

      • found it, thanks :)

  • Thanks! I got a photo keychain and personalized notebook for $3.30 including delivery! niice.

  • The link takes me to someone's account TOM JONES=OP.

    Can you combine multiple codes? Free shipping and the $30?

    • Only if you have a link to free shipping! You can only enter one code in per order!
      And I highly advise trying to spend just a little! Everyone will tell you that since VP has been allowed back on OzB that they've cottoned onto the free orders and subsequently cancel 99% of them!

  • +2

    the shipping fees and your total will be cheaper if you use this link

    edit: this the correct link


    • +1

      How odd. I clicked the original link and got cheaper postage combined with lower item prices, but the updated link doubles the price of the items.

      Thanks for the link though. Works out cheaper than the normal :)

    • After using this link, the code above did not reduce the total for me until I put $37 worth into the cart. I'm not exactly sure where it kicks in.

      • Oh I see. It removes any other promotion (which seemed to be free uploads and general discounts). I have ~$57 in my cart and it is only discounting one of the items (the other full price item is untouched) and removing around $17 off my total rather than $30. Might be a problem with stamps?

        Anyone else having less than the $30 taken off your total?

  • FYI, the code is a oncer… No double-dipping…

    • make a new account


    • Still working, but you may need a minimum amount in the cart (>$30?) first.

      • nah… i got $35.95 but doesnt work

    • Possibly… just tried and total stays the same.

      • damnnn… i spent so much time to design my stuffs and get jus about $35 :(

  • ordered 1000 business cards (double sided colour) and a stainless steel card holder for 56c.

    • how?

  • Went to buy 4 mugs @ $9.95 each through a link (I'm collecting fictional company coffee mugs) and when you put in the code it changed how much I owed to $16.90. Before the code I owed $40.

  • Able to place a FREE order via 'apology20' and 'FB2014'.
    But now I guess these codes no longer works atleast for FREE items :)
    Can someone please also confirm?

    • what was your order? Any special links we need to use?

      • same link as in description, just used 'apology20' and 'FB2014' and it worked earlier but no longer.

        • about 2 hours ago,using 'FB2014', I bought 2 t-shirts (kid size) and 10 stickers for $11.90 delivered, thanks!

  • Expired, ordered 3 before expiry. Thank you OP!

  • 2 mugs and 140 return address labels (not the upsell) for $7. Including shipping of 63c

  • The link i posted still working
    Try this
    Make your order from normal link above $40
    Close your broswer open vistaprint from my comment above
    Go to your cart
    Apply the code
    Check out

    • You sure about it? I tried SignatureSoft Men’s T-shirts but it does not come FREE with FREE shipping.
      Can you double check?

      With your steps and using code 'apology20' I get a FREE item BUT its not FREE shipping.

      • +2

        I never said you will get free shipping, I meant you will get lower price for shipping
        And I don't recommend you place an order for free!
        Pay somthing to avoid you order to be cancel, $5 for stuff that worth $40 is a good deal. My orders are +$5 (worth around $40-$70),and never been canceled

        And sorry about the nigetive I am using my phone as going to sleep now ;)

    • What chocsyrup said is still happening while following your instructions. Not fully discounting or discounting at all if another promo is within in cart e.g. free uploads.

  • 140 Return Address Labels.
    1 Wall Calendar.
    5 Rulers.
    250 Business Cards.

    Product Total $8.22
    Shipping $0.78
    Total $9

  • -8

    Don't get too carried away. This company is notorious for canceling orders. See some of the previous comments

    I'm negging the company, not the OP

    • +2

      That's only if your order is totally free. If you spend just a little bit, your order goes through. I received an order for only 54 cents. pic(i.imgur.com)

    • +4

      I've made 66 orders with VP most with average item value under $2, some for a few cents (t-shirts included) and most with free postage. VP has delivered 100%. I never tried a zero price and zero shipping though.

      One order included:
      10 Christmas cards and envelopes
      25 business card magnets
      50 postcards
      100 postcards (another design)
      1 pen
      7-day delivery

      $1.50 the lot. They delivered.

      So don't neg VP if you tried for a zero price and zero delivery.

    • Notorious? I've made 3 orders with them that totalled $0 after discount codes with free shipping as well. I haven't paid a cent to these guys and I've still gotten all my orders, so I don't see a reason to neg this deal.

  • Apologies for the slightly off-topic question, but I'm hoping that some of you are a bit more on the ball than me :)

    I'd love to order some business cards and a stamp (both with uploads). For the same order, I've had prices ranging from just under $4 (including delivery) to almost $40 (including FB2014 or apology20). With the cheaper options, each time I get halfway through the checkout, the price increases! I've tried googling different discount codes, but each one seems to make it worse and I can't go back to the old ones - anyone have any ideas on how to get these ones at their cheapest? Or even the business cards, I guess? :D

    • VP can be a bit quirky. It sets cookies with the link you get to it with, then coupons can change the final price. Be careful of multiple windows if you playing with multiple links or coupons. Things can change. It's hard to do a walk-thru for you as the cookies in my browser are different to yours depending on the links you enter by.
      I cannot replicate some of the deals they say they are getting here. Spent too much time on it tonight just to save $30. I'm off to bed because in the next day or two I'll get another VP offer in my inbox…

  • Thanks… Picked up an Embroidered Polo and fridge magnet for $15.06

  • Got 2 custom white shirts for $4.95 shipped, thanks!

  • Hmmm promo says it has been successfully applied to cart but no discount has gone through even all the way to payment screen.

    Is this still working for people?

    • worked for me 10 mins ago. You have to add more items in the cart (above $30) and it gives you, on average 60% off all items in your cart.

      • Considering i had $35 in my cart im guessing something went a bit awry.

        • I got $55 off apparently. used apology20 instead.

        • Looks like its expired. Begone you wretched site

        • Same happened to me. Got the final payment screen and "accept without return stickers" was 36$ And "accept with return stickers" was $9
          Obviously chose the accept with return stickers and saved myself 92$!
          - return stickers
          - Callander
          - Tshirt
          - iPhone protective case

  • +1

    All my orders have been confirmed and shipped (except 1 t-shirt) everything got upgraded to express overnight also! (except a pack of pens) so tomorrow I will probably have the goodies. PS: All goods were $0 at checkout and $0 shipping (7 and 21 days selected)

    • What did manage to snag?

      • Pretty much everything everyone goes for automatically (the dearer stuff), I think I will stay off there to about Christmas time due to the swag I got.

  • got my 2 free orders today

    500 + 250 Business cards to promote my iHerb referral code
    2 T-shirts with superman logo

    Still have another 500 business cards (FREE) and 4 X T-shirts (paid $1)

  • Thanks OP

    Put in 8 orders using free ship from previous post, total for all = FREE

    Just checked, all 8 has now shipped, nice.

  • One of my FREE order shows SHIPPED :

    Order Status: Shipped
    Delivery Option: 3 Business Days
    Order Date: 21/01/2014 3:56 AM
    Estimated Date of Arrival: 24/01/2014

    Carrier: Toll Priority - Overnight

    It has Tracking # as well.

    But not sure exactly how and where to track this using that tracking number? Any idea?

    • Maybe here(online.toll.com.au) ? :)

      • Doesn't work, at least not yesterday.

        All my orders were shipped $0 with upgrades.

        • Got to my friends just now, if toll overnight expect it to be on your doorstep today, but for some reason it come Australia Post guy. Edit: Got the rest moments ago, seems he was trying to build a box pyramid.

  • +1

    Hey this code still worked for me! Just did it now. Went thru no problem! And this is more than 24 hours AFTER it's been marked as expired here.

    • +1

      did u get free shipping

      • Can confirm code is showing free items and free shipping.
        edit: Was able to place an order for free, had to use code and the link from msmhw's comment

        • yeo just tried. Still working

          Ordered more tshirts

        • lol, how many?

        • I have done lots of goodies, they are confirming/already shipped the ones with rush (3 day) as I ordered them 2 hours ago.

        • lol, how many?

          6 more tshirts

    • Obviously was reinstated as it wasn't working last night. EDIT: 1 new order is part shipped (put order in about 2 hours ago). For some reason I think their Web Dev is going to loose a few days pay.

      • Poor guy, maybe we should order him a free tshirt?

      • part shipped means its already cancelled or going to be cancelled.
        unless ur talking about one item being shipped and the other still in processing.

        • 1 ship, 1 in progress in the same order number

      • +1

        Well, I played for several hours with it last night and then first thing in the morning and it always showed as valid. But yes VP is a little quirky at times. And things do seem to work one minute, then not, then okay again. Always been that way really.

        It a bit like that link for free t-shirt and postage - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/131126#comment-1807037 That link in my browser shows a free calendar only. The T-Shirt is $4.99. Did not bother going to cart with it, I used another entry I have with a better option.

  • I think it does not work for Polo Tshirt (M) ..it removes the COST of Tshirt but charges for shipping, anyone tried?

    • Was 62c shipped when I tried.

  • I got my 6 mugs today but two of them are broken :(

    • With Australia Post or Toll?

      Could you hear it clinking inside when you got them?

      • With Australia post, yes i knew there is something broken before open it up from the clicking sound

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