Just found a Fruit Mince Bargain. Aldi Fruit Mince Pies with expiry date in mid-March 2014. 10 cents for a 6 pack at Aldi Fortitude Valley, Homemaker Centre. There were about 100 packs left at 1pm today.
Aldi Fruit Mince Pies - 6 Pack. $0.10 Cents a Pack [Fortitude Valley, QLD]

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Because unfortunately a capitalist economy doesn't work like that… :(
Don't you watch the news jv? Asylum seekers are more important than homeless people.
At that price, they are already practically giving them away…
Does anyone actually like fruit mince pies and cakes? They are the worst and sit in the pantry forever because no one wants it, only to come out to give to guests to get rid of it.
My sister does! She sent me a pic of the cake she made for Christmas, and I told her it would make an excellent door stop :)
We eat them slightly warmed with ice cream. Nom, Nom, Nom.
"They are the worst and sit in the pantry forever because no one wants it…"
Then who is the clown that bought them if no-one at your place likes them?
I like them. If absolutely no one liked them, then none of the supermarkets would sell them, would they?
Gee Whiz, I love them and feel cheated after paying woolworths 35c for my six yesterday.
Just went to Woolies In Beldon WA and they are offering 2 packs of them at the checkout for Free
I wonder how past their use by date they are?
See first line of description …
deserves a + just for beating the 16c ones I found at Coles just after xmas
Local Woolworths (Safeways) had some for 30c for 6 yesterday - Homebrand. Best before 26 March, 2014.
Look for them near the hot cross buns … that have been out for weeks now!
Why don't they just give them away to homeless people ???