Find me a good plan (1GB+ data, $500+ calls)

So my current (stupidly expensive) Optus plan is coming to an end tomorrow night and I need to port my number :P but I also need a new plan.

Heres what I use:
About $500 worth of calls to various mobiles (I'm a computer technician and do a lot of callouts and minor phone support)
1GB or data, usually manage to hit about 90% of that going lightly (a bit of Spotify Premium/Free (depends on how I feel that month) a lot of Snapchat (don't judge)) and thats without taking into account Facebook usage (which is free on my plan and is only really used for messaging).

I also get unlimited SMS and use about 100 - 200 per month.

I have a Nexus 4 so I don't use 4G and couldn't care. I get acceptable reception with all carriers in my area and aren't too concerned with coverage.

Vaya (who the rest of my family have been with for over a year now (stupid contract)) have an $18 plan (Power Plan 18 (V2) - which seems to fit me quite well, but is there anything cheaper with similar value?


  • +1

    boost $40 a month.

  • You won't beat that $18 vaya plan (in terms of value for money).
    yes, you can pay more and get more, or pay less and get less.

  • +3
    The $20 plan is pretty much the same price as what you're paying, has features you describe ($500 of calls, one gb data, unlimited sms, no 4G). Downside is it's a one year contract, upside is it's the Telstra network (I was with an Optus based carrier before, geta much better signal now, can even get calls in the lift or 2 floors underground, which was never even close to possible on Optus network).

    If you want cheaper, it's going to be hard as most of the inexpensive offers have dried up, as Telstra and Optus put pressure on their resellers over the past year.

    • I submitted this plan to OzBargain, it hasn't expired yet and I connected on 13.1.14 after a 4 day porting wait,- very happy with the Telstra reception and the deal overall. I'd strongly suggest!

      • +1

        if the deal is still available then perhaps unexpire it?

      • $0.25 per extra MB is pretty bad. What do they bill in per KB?

  • All I can say after going through this exercise this month (and choosing an unlimited $40 Amaysim plan - unlimited calls and sms, 4gb data - better than my $40 Vodafail plan with '$220' of included calls) is that just make sure you look at how data is billed..

    I was all ready to sign up for the Aldi plan then I read the fine print about the minimum data billings being in blocks, so if I was understanding correctly, every single time my phone downloaded anything it would charge me at least the minimum data block as opposed to what I downloaded.. I could be misunderstanding that. but beware.

    Reception with Amaysim in my area hasn't been brilliant, but no real drop outs as of yet, except for a small stretch of the Eastern Freeway where I don't get data.

  • Ended up going with Vaya, I've put most of my family and friends onto them since they started pretty much (RIP Flexi Plans).
    Looks like the best value for money, I won't be going on a contract with them so when something better pops up (being hopeful) I'll be able to change.

    Thanks guys :)

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