Good & Cheap 8.9" Netbook to run Linux - Which one?

Okay. I know there has been quite a few netbook discussions around but excuse me for starting up a new one because I think the scenario might be a bit different. The case is — one of my colleague is hunting for a Linux netbook, and her criterias are:

  • 8.9" LCD (not 10" ones) for portability.
  • Cheap — must be under $500 including everything delivered to your desk.
  • Must run and fully support Linux — she does not run Windows and prefer not to pay the Redmond tax. Any distro will do as she'll likely just load Fedora on it.

She'll probably use it for surfing, emailing, etc instead of any heavy stuff. What's the best one she could get? She has been looking at some of the ASUS Eee PC 90x but it's pretty hard getting one without the WindowsXP installed. Maybe the cheapest option is still pay the Windows tax?

Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • Yeah i was looking for one of those as well. They are incredibly hard to fine in Australia, and your best option is probably import one o/s via eBay or Amazon.

    As for models, Asus EEE 901 and 900A have linux (black colour only) on staticice.. i guess a plus side of getting the linux ones (apart from brutal speed-beating > windows) is that you get 20gb vs 12gb on the EEE's.

    As for the MSI Wind/HP Mini/Acer Aspire im not sure if they have linux preloaded and i doubt it.

    Overseas (i.e. US) EEE 901s are your safest bet for linux 8.9" (and pretty cheap atm going by AUD/USD forex)

    • Yeah. Pretty hard to find a sample of 901 Linux over here. Not sure where to shop in US so I headed to Amazon. Adding up the cost of postage to Australia + processing fee (if I use one of those mail forwarding service) — it actually costs around the same as a Windoze Eee PC 901 here :(

  • +1

    Scotty, there so happens to be Google news article on netbook manufacturers (ASUS) and the Linux OS online today: Has ASUS all but given up on Linux? and ASUS Linux insult will be Intel and Dell's gain

    best wishes to your friends netbook quest :]

    • That's a 7" 18 months old model…

      • Fair enough, I thought it was worth mentioning.

        I hope you find what your after

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