MOD: Remove defamatory remark. OP has also received full refund from Lunchalot. See follow up comment.
The restaurants that you supposedly book at have never heard of and will not honour your booking, even less the entitled discount that you prepaid money for.
1st experience - Casablanca. They knew nothing of lunchalot and have never heard of any discount scheme. Lunchalot antagonisingly sent me an email asking how much I 'enjoyed' my meal and added credits towards bogus booking of restaurants with discounts. Looking at the listing of Casablanca the following day after lunchalot had apparently clarified with the restaurant, their discount went from the promised 50% to 25%.
2nd experience - Fratelli. Again made a booking with was not honoured.
3rd experience - Iceworks bar. 1st booking, the restaurant was closed even though lunchalot had a listing for them. I made a booking for the following day and the booking was NOT honoured. AGAIN.
4th experience - Casablanca again. After the first round, I was sure that I would get a table at Casablanca despite the MUCH LOWERED discount which lured me to join lunchalot in the first place. AGAIN THE LUNCHALOT BOOKING WAS NOT HONOURED.
I have demanded a full refund of fees which I have paid to lunchalot, which they are 'working on' and have not replied since my email 10 days ago. Now I have no more communication from lunchalot.
fool me once, etc..