ING - 5% rebate finshed 3 months early?

Has anyone else found the same? I opened my ING account in September 2013 and have been receiving the 5% paywave rebate since then. However any transactions since 1st January 2014 have reverted to a 2% rebate.

Did it finish early for anyone else too?

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  • All good for me

  • Is this your first OE account?

  • Ohh god, I just signed up at lunch time today, and dropped the form off at the post office 30 min ago.

  • I am trying to ascertain when mine will stop! It has been 6months and 12 days since it opened and on that day I made 1st deposit. Am still getting 5%. my 1st purchase & cashback was 10 July and so maybe will cutout 6 months from then. If not, then I will keep my head down! hehe!

    • Nearly finished my 7th month of 5% and received email saying my 5% will finish soon and inviting me to refer someone for the 5% for 6 months for both of us! Yee Haaa!

  • PissLUR are you going for the 3rd time soon?

    • no, it wont work any longer, ing has merged all my accounts.


  • Yeah. I opened one using the refer a friend code and was getting the 5%. Now it's reverted to the lesser rate. The CSR has been working on it all day and just rang to say you need to be a "new" customer. I told him about a conversation I had when I opened it in December and couldn't log on because it was using my old client number. The CSR fixed it up, deleted the old number and assured me I would be getting the 5%. So now they want to listen to the recording to see if I was promised that. Fingers crossed.

  • So, reinstated the 5% starting from today for six months. They stressed this offer was for new customers only.

  • Mines still good :0)

  • Reviving thread,
    I'm still on 5%, and the account has been used for 7.5 months now. I didn't refer anyone.
    This is my 2nd or maybe 3rd ING account.
    Anyone else finding their 5% is extended?

  • So.. I joined last May, still got my 5% :D
    touch my ikea wooden desk

  • +1

    My rebate has just deactivated…
    Anyone else? And sure enough, some of the transactions from the last couple of days coming through with no rebate :(…
    instead of…
    being shown.

    Account Rebate % Rewarded
    Orange Everyday (OE) - xxxxxxx 5% No
    • Mine looks the same but it is well over 6 months since I opened the account.

    • Same here, Lasted for approx 8 months. Opened up a MEBank Account today to compensate.

    • as in, both of you have lost the rebate, right?

      • Yup, checked yesterday and it was gone.

      • +1

        Yes. No more rebates.
        Goodbye ING!

    • -1

      I noticed my 2% cash back status was changed to 'No' on 1 March, even though I deposited more than $2000 into my account during February.

      On 2 March I emailed ING and asked about that. They said to wait until Monday/Tuesday and see if the incorrect status is still there. Well, today is Thursday and one of my PayWave purchases made on Tuesday has just been confirmed as NOT having the discount.

      I have just sent off another message to ING asking why this is so when I fulfilled their terms and conditions during February. Awaiting an answer.

      I hope ING is just having an IT system issue and hasn't decided to sneakily withdraw the cash back. If they do I would never use the card again for any purchases. I get 0.5% cash back with a full NAB credit card.

      EDIT: I should add that I never abused the card (split a large transaction into multiples of $99.99, tried to extend the 5% period, etc). Since other OzBargainers have discovered the problem it's likely to be affecting many, maybe all ING customers. This is costing customers a lot of money!

      • I have received a reply from ING. They have forwarded my case on to the faults department and I should get a reply within 48 hours.

      • +1

        Okay, I have an answer from ING. They had an IT error that caused the withdrawal of the bonus.

        "I can confirm our I.T Department have identified a fault which affected a small number of clients who deposited funds into their accounts on the 27/02/2014.

        Unfortunately any amount deposited on this date was not taken into account when calculating the end of month deposits. This is the reason you were not receiving the 2% rebate.

        Our I.T Department are running a fix for this tonight which will correct the fault. You will be backdated for any eligible purchases from the 01/03/2014 and will continue to receive the rebate for the remainder of the month.

        I apologise for any concern this may have caused, if there is anything further we can assist you with please let us know."

      • I can't believe someone negative voted my post. I reported an ING IT error that other OzBargainers were experiencing above yet someone thought it was uninformative or a troll post? It's a bit petty.

  • -1

    I've cancelled my account today…

    …and signed up again today. Will post results after the first deposit goes through to activate the account.

    • +1

      First deposit has gone through, the rebate icon is green and I have my 5% back again :)
      Now just waiting on my Visa debit card…

      • Do you need to cancel all your accounts @ ING Direct, or just the Every Day account? I also have a super account and want to keep that.

        • +1

          I've got a super account with them too. It's on a different client id.

          Just select no when asked if you're an existing customer and I'm guessing you'll be fine.

      • lol. they have not fixed that issue yet.

        so as long as you can verify yourself using their online system, then its still good.(until they catch you and try to merge your accounts)

      • 5% confirmed to be working. First transaction cleared with cashback a couple of days ago.

  • 5% stopped for me 2nd March. I opened the account in September so yes- they've cut it short…Not good! It is my second account though (I closed my first account to get the 5% extra)

  • How did you guys close your existing everyday account? I tried looking it up on their webpage but wasn't clear on how to close.

    • Haven't done it myself, but others have reported that you just call ING.

    • I did it through their secure online messages. Balance had to be $0.

  • My cashback rebate is still active but status has also changed to "No". Looks like they have started to enforce the $2000 min deposit as I only put in $1600 last month. I'm guessing cluster and the others who did deposit $2000 probably got cut off due to an error when they were implementing the system change.

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