Sydney Train fare increases Sunday

If anyone Starts work Monday and usually buys quarterlies 90 days, you will save at least 10 ( depending on distance) If you buy the ticket at your station tonight). Quarterly Valid to Friday 4 April If buy tonight (a week and a half before Easter long weekend). You save more if you buy yearlys, but I think the Opel card will be rolled out by then which should be cheaper overall.

2013 prices…

2014 prices…


  • +2

    Bugger. Everything is getting expensive nowadays.

    • +3

      And they're still wanting people to use public transport instead of private vehicles…

  • +4

    biggest rip. gets worse every year lol, no wonder the roads are always congested.thanks for the heads up.

    Half of the people that work for them need to be sacked - half of them are useless. At least they're getting better at announcing stuff - they're now audible.

    Good luck getting on a train on weekends to the city and vice versa. Half of the time you're on some dodgy bus with no aircon (just like some of their trains) cause their doing some track work (which has been done at night in other cities).

    and I won't go on about that underwhelming new timetable - I doubt the minister of transport ever caught a train in her life.

    • +2

      Half of the people that work for them need to be sacked - half of them are useless

      Which half do you want sacked? The Useless half or the other half?

      • +3

        Well definitely those responsible for the 90dB announcements every few minutes reminding everyone this is a quiet carriage.

      • There's a difference? :O

    • At least they're getting better at announcing stuff - they're now audible.

      Here's the reason:…

      As a passenger, this man recorded several months worth of railcorps service announcements, & the court agreed many of them were inaudible & worthless to visually impaired travellers.

  • +1

    Pretty sucky for it go to up tomorrow considering I have NO TRAINS FROM CABRAMATTA since Thursday until January 13 (happens every January but this time it's been cut short a week; what are they doing this time?).

  • +2

    i think they will just keep increasing the fare so opal will looks cheaper, but actually opal is more expensive compare with quarterly or yearly train ticket.

  • +1

    I painfully bought myself a yearly ticket which is a few hundred dollars cheaper in the long run.

    Opal is meant to be rolled out by the end of this year according to Sydney Trains, so I estimate actually completion date around middle of next year.

  • Wheeeeee, if you are on the dole you get half fare tickets and they aren't changing!

  • It would cost me $46 a week to use public transport.
    It cost me about $8 a week to drive my 125cc scooter including expenses on new tires/oil/amortization. Not counting how much time I save by not walking to and from the stations (and waiting there)

    And track work every second weekend is just beautiful as well.

    I'm from a major European city where you pay $30 a month for unlimited use of subway/buses/trams. If something really sux in Sydney, it's the transport. But I guess you can't have it all.

  • Thanks for the heads-up, OP. Will go down to the station and get my quarterly.

    • My heads up was too late. Expired yesterday, a few hours after I posted. Was a bit pointless- savings are quite minuscule.

      • No worries. Its the thought that counts.

  • Guess i should have brought my multi tickets earlier. Its a no win situation for me cause I work near the airport. Either 1.5hr travel each way with some delays but that usually occurs in afternoon peek cause some train has broken down or some line has fallen in north Syd or Hornsby.

    Or I can drive and get stuck in traffic on the M5 both ways. Whichever way you drive into the city is always congested.

    I wish I still worked in Parramatta, 40min bus trip each way from where I live.

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