My friends were suggetsing to me to upgrade it to 8gb (extra 120$). is it worth upgrading? FYI, i will be surfing web, doing some words/excel, PDF reading, movies..
is 4gb enough RAM for Macbook Pro 13inch 2012 model?

If you're getting the MacBook Pro, you can upgrade the RAM yourself much cheaper (~$40)
4 is enough.
For the activities described it should be enough. Plus Mavericks does a great job compressing memory.
Haven't heard of anyone compressing memory since the 90s (google SoftRAM).
Well, then you probably should read that before negging:…I not neg you. I hadn't heard of this, but it does not compress the memory, it compresses swappable content. I haven't read too much just now, but I really doubt many users will see much difference. Most people these days consider that if you need swap in the first place, you have probably already lost.
No. You'll be running out of memory if you heavily multitask. Any new box in 2014 should have 8GB minimum, 16GB if you can afford it.
I have a 2008 unibody Mac Pro 15". 4gb as standard runs browsing / Office Apps fine and iTunes.
If you are doing transcoding/ripping/running VMs you need 8Gb min. Upgrade yourself as suggested. Google it. It's not hard and you don't need to buy the memory from Apple.I've put 8GB and an SSD in my 'old clunker' - responsiveness was improved but in Nov I took the plunge and upgraded to Mavericks - the performance improvement, esp boot time, was amazing. I'd resisted all upgrades since 10.8 due to bad experiences with Windoze upgrades.
I'm always more concerned at the maximum the unit can run—> so that down the road, as I/programs require more, I can add it. Nothing worse than an older unit or cheap-o that has a 4GB max RAM…
Always sh*ts me to see a PC with "up to 8GB", only two slots, and both have a 1GB stick in (so you have to completely toss them to upgrade). Of course, now the towers are 32- 64GB max- in desktops anyway.
4GB is perfectly fine. No issues with 4GB RAM on my Air 13 Mid 2011 running 10.9.1.