Great sale for a well reviewed game. A lot cheaper than its console versions. Lowest price I have seem it before was $23
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 50% off $14.99 US (Steam)

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amazon has it for $12
you also get $5 credit towards Editor's Choice Sale in January 2014.
As mentioned above, Amazon is currently cheaper.
I could never get my credit card to work on Amazon unfortunately
Change the address to a US address a (I have a hotel address against my Amazon account from a stay there once). My credit card now works. It's a digital download.
Cheaper on amazon. Sorry mang.
generally greenmangaming and amazon has better deals, especially with the extra 30% off ( for gmg: EDELN-AFVRK-H0B0Q)
finally picked up skyrim: legendary for $13 (actually ~$15, a dollar cheaper than steam) with some leftover $2.50 creditAny idea where the cheapest version of this game for Wii U is at? D:
Sorry it's not a deal. But at least I shared it when I found a good price. Shame no one shared the Amazon one :(
Thanks I guess. I tried searching while I was on my phone and posting this/buying it and these results didn't show/were not easily decoded on a phone. Anyway thanks for updating others. I scored FC3 from amazon at least
It is a deal, just not the best. Thanks for the heads up anyway.
Was $12 on green man gaming the other day. Don't know if it'll be like steam and they will repeat the sale though ?