• expired

PS2 $99, Nintendo DSi $249, Movie tix $1, iPod Nano 8GB $149, Tomtom GPS $169 and more - COTD Baitathon


Ok folks, it's that time again. At midday on 27th May 2009, our good friends at Catch Of The Day are having another crazy one crazy deal an hour for 24 hours sale. I think we all know what happened last time (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/7373) so here are the disclaimers they provided this time round:

On the 27th of May we'll be running a little promotion. We'll be selling a lot of stuff that people love and want, at prices they could only dream about. Its all happening to get people talking about CatchOfTheDay. Quantities are very limited, and listed below. We can't predict how big the response will be, have mercy on our servers.

You may be thinking "Ahh they are only doing this to get new customers" and thats entirely true. For better or for worse we are doing this for the exposure. We'd like you to talk to your friends, shout high and low and let it be known that CatchOfTheDay.com.au is the most exciting online shopping destination.

If you think you may just find the excitement a little too much, maybe you have an allergy to server crashes - you should probably sit this one out. In the spirit of being very up front we’ve listed all the items and quantities available below. No promises or guarantees, if you get in, and catch something - congratulations. If not - top marks for trying, chances are high we’ll give it another run next month.

We have no way to predict how big the response will be. There is a high probability our website will explode under the weight of a million bargain hunters jamming the refresh button. Our server administrator sends his regards.

We are calling it the "Baitathon”. The sale will start May 27th at midday"

Here's what they are offering:

100 x Nintendo DSi @ $249
50 x PlayStation 2 @ $99
300 x Micro RC Heli @ $5
300 x 4pk Revlon lipstick @ $10
50 x TomTom GPS @ $169
300 x 1GB MP3 Player @ $5
250 x Movie Tickets @ $1
100 x 8GB iPod Nano @ $149
350 x High School Musical Electric Guitar @ $30
1000 x Trivial Pursuit Digital Choice @ $10
250 x Little Princess Quilt Cover @ $10
400 x Onkaparinga Baby Blanket @ $5

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closed Comments

      • curse you and your convenient present recipients… ;-)

        • it's going to save me a bomb! Prefer the cash in my pocket!

  • got the lipstick…

    • what haven't you got…..

  • the play station, guitar, IPod….

    • but then didn't want them either!

  • Dsi next

  • Coincidence that amberdbrickell has only ever posted comments in the COTD deals?

    … and keeps posting comments on here about the great "bargains" that she always purchases?

    *Be interesting to be a mod and have the ability to cross-check the IP address

    (Edited by scotty — all replies removed. Please keep on topic. IP checked and verified — don't think there's any conspiracy)

    • if you did, you would be able to see that I am sitting at my notebook at my home address in Victoria…near the beach if you must know…and no where near Mulgrave….

  • DSi - my kids have the DS and love it ;)

  • DSi gone in 2min 15sec

  • sold out

  • Awww crap-
    I had one in my cart and yet they were all gone by the time I went through Paypal.
    Shakes fist Damn you, COTD!!!!

  • so any guesses for what is up next?

  • Coming up at 9pm AEST: Onkaparinga Baby Blanket $4.95.

  • anyone want the blanket?

  • got the blanket…not a huge rush on these

    • they sold out pretty quick - I think there was just more of them than the other items

  • Nothing left that I want - I already have a GPS & the trivial pursuit game. Got 3 things - so I think I did fairly well. Much better than the fiasco last time.

    • I reckon they must of fixed the servers or something to be able to handle more traffic..

      • That - and they stopped people from being able to sign up during the sale

    • what is the digital game like?

  • its the same as normal trivial pursiut - only instead of a box of cards you have the handheld controller for the questions. The controller does 6 different categories (which you can choose & also download more) - you get to download a certain number of categories before the website you download them from starts charging for extra categories.

  • 11 mins to go….it's starting to feel like it is taking longer to come around…

  • Coming up at 10pm AEST: Tom Tom One GPS $169.

  • DAYMMMMM. That one sold out in under 2 minutes

  • sold out in under one min…WOW

    • Did you get one?

  • I hit "confirm order" at 58:25 and still didn't get one… >-(

  • +1

    ok this is absolute bullsh*t… i had it in cart an whole process in under 2 mins. and it still sold out!!! FARK.com

    • someone on WP got two…little unfair I think to those who wanted one anyway…

  • +1

    Wow, can't believe I actually got it.

    • haha!! lucky bast**** good on ya! m glad sumone here did :)

    • Enjoy, its actually a $300 + retail model.

  • i got one too :D

  • I'm gonna give this Baitathon a massive thumbs up, like another OzBargain user I had my internet shaped about 5 days ago, but it didn't prove a problem as the COTD site held up really well… I even managed to score a PS2!!! Yay. I was also on during the day at uni, and never once found the site to be down. Of course it was a little slow around the hour, but still pretty good considering.

    So far I've bought:
    - 1gb MP3 player
    - Revlon lipstick
    - PS2

    And I'm hanging out for the Trivial Pursuit game. Just checked the GPS sold out in about 5 mins! How has everyone else found it?? Oops just noticed ppl have already posted that :S Damn my slow internet :P

    • It has been really good this time…we won't discuss last time though! I want the game too…but there is a 1000 of them so surely getting one won't be a problem??!!!!

      • Haha yeh I've read about last time… I don't think I was around then tho because I don't seem to remember it? Were there some really good bargains last time?

        Do you happen to know the RRP of the game?

        • the game goes for about $60. last time there was more, but no one could get on the site kept crashing all the time..to the point that catch sent out an apology via email the next day as everyone was soooo annoyed…

        • do you want a game?

  • Just on a side note: wish there was some way I could combine shipping… I know its probs not possible coz it would be like putting an item on hold but would save me a few $ :)

    • yeah I know…guess it is how they make some money on the items…pain in the arse…usually they do combined shipping on their normal days but not on days like today's….

  • The Trivial Pursuit game sells for $84 in Myers last I checked.

  • QQQ

    There were 12 items advertised, so does this this mean the last item is coming up or are you going to repeat this again for the next 12 hrs

    • Including the Trivial Pursuit which is coming up now, that makes 12.

      • Oh then we can all go to bed…at last…

      • Hmm. Doesn't really answer the question. I think skinny asked what will happen from 12am to 12pm tomorrow? Repeating the same 12 items? Or having one item running for 12 hours (like last time)?

        • what was the item last time that ran for twelve hours?

        • Right sorry - after Trivial Pursuit there will be no further sale items until midday tomorrow when CatchAThon starts.

    • oh yeah hopefully…pretty please…(doubt it though….)

  • 11pm AEST: Trivial Pursuit Digital Choice $9.95. Tomorrow at midday another big event, the CatchAThon.

  • Yeh this time was great.

    I bought a PS2 and a GPS!
    Also i nearly had a IPOD Nanon in my grips but i forgot to log in. But i had the bite me screen when i refresh and unlike last time the servers were ok. No hung pages and errors!

    Gunna buy the trivia pursuit game too! lol. $9.95 can't go wrong. And shipping is really reasonable today for all the products!

    Top effort to COTD this time!!!


    • I agree with the shipping costs, I expected them to be much more than what they were…HUGE thumbs up!

    • Yeh very true, wish they were always like this lol

    • mate those were the 2 items i was ranting and raving for in this thread, but sadly missed out on both…

      am i dissappointed? yes. but that was the name of the game, coz when you have xx stock and xxxxx people going for it, some people miss out!

      will this stop me from shopping at cotd again? no, i managed to get on and have a crack, but missed out so tough luck..

      kudos to QQQ, the load balancing worked for the most part and at least people were able to load the page this time round. +1 also for disclosure on items, quantities and prices, even tho at the rate the items sold out sent many eyes rolling at the alleged quantities. having said that i was a believer that you prolly had the quoted stock, its just that there were stacks of recent users who came on board after the today tonight report only adding to the throngs of people wanting these goods.

      my recommendation having been a catchoftheday-ite for over 2 yrs, and now having missed out on a wii, ps2 and tomtom (all at the final confirmation screen) is to please install a queing ticket system which holds your cart for 5 mins!

      • Is the PS2 really that special? I thought they don't retail for much more than that since it's quite old. It's PS3 which is the expensive one isn't it?

  • last ten mins of waiting…

  • +1

    Another score! The website is actually handling this pretty good. Well done, CoTd in my good books.

  • good got one.. good night!

  • thank god that is over, I can go to bed now and be awake and up for tomorrows catch-a-thon

    Did get one by the way…am stoked got everything I was after…helps to not go for the big ticket items…

  • Alright got a game… now I think I should give my Paypal account a break lol :)

    • you and I both….don't forget catch-a-thon tomorrow…but bet it won't be as good!

  • gee saying "almost gone" thought they had 1000 of these??

  • As of this post there are 330 left. 670 sold in 8 minutes.

  • off to bed for this little black duck…been a long day….postman is not going to love me…lol! Hope you all had a little fun at least…..


    Got all my things I ordered upto 4pm already delievered this morning!

    Fastest ever delivery (even beat Dell! - some may not think that is a complement)

    QQQ - Is this how it will be from now, or is it just to impress your new customers?


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  • +1

    Bit expensive for a PS2, if you ask me.

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