This was posted 11 years 2 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Last of Us - $39.95 on the Sony PSN Store. $35.95 for PS+ Members. Persona 4 Golden - $24.95


The is the final deal in Sony's 12 Deals of Christmas.

  1. The Last of Us - $39.95 - Additional 10% off for PS+ Members making it $35.95.

  2. The Last of Us + Season Pass - $55.47. Additional 10% off for PS+ Members making it $49.90. This includes the game plus the season pass. The season pass includes 2 multiplayer DLC and one single player DLC. So this will give you the game, the multiplayer DLC and the upcoming single player DLC 'Left Behind'. The season pass by itself is $29.95.

  3. Persona 4 Golden for PS Vita - $24.95. Additional 10% off for PS+ Members making it $22.45.

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  • +6

    For anyone after a hard copy TLOU, it is in the Big W catalogue for $44 starting Boxing Day. You "should" be able to use the $10 off coupon, making it $34 + $5 = $39 delivered.

    • +7

      For anyone wondering if hard copy or digital copy is better for the same price, I would take the hard copy for 2 reasons. One, possible bandwidth limitations. I think the game is around 30GB or so. The fact that this is still an issue in 2013 (or almost 2014) makes me sad. Two, you cannot sell a digital copy. As for the hard copy, even if you sell it at EbGames, The Last of Us would fetch 15-20 bucks. Much better option for those who are looking to simply play the game, find out what the fuss is, and then return it.

      By the way, in my opinion, Game of the Year. Definitely debatable. 2013 had some great games. But The Last of Us, in my opinion, was more than just a game. It was an experience.

      • In my opinion, if you plan to resell it, you're better off renting the game from video ezy.

        I think I can get behind GOTY, but I haven't played every game, or every major release even.

        Gamespot handed it to Zelda on 3DS. I can't agree with them. It's a Zelda game by the numbers. If you've played one, you've played them all. The 'innovation' is that you can now rent items and do dungeons in any order you want. Cool, but it's still a familiar Zelda game, and you still have to do every dungeon, so what order you do it in doesn't change anything. Oh and they've laid off the handholding. Otherwise, it's the same experience you've come to expect. Good, but nothing new.

        TLOU was a bit different from your typical shooter. It's not a cover based shooter with regenerating health. I couldn't trust my aim (it starts out wobbly), so I depended on melee weapons a lot. It does something different rather than retread the same formula, and it's all the better for it.

        I just wish you had a choice on Joel's final action (during the prerendered cutscene) before the epilogue. Won't spoil what it is.

        • Actually I've never been much of a Zelda fan before ALBW. While many may get the nostalgia from playing A Link to the Past, I've had horrible experiences with Windwaker, Phantom Hourglass and the Ocarina of Time 3DS version and hence never came to trying out ALBW's prequel. I gave this game a chance, expecting nothing but disappointment and I was gladly surprised. It has great graphics, a touching storyline, the fast pace suits its battle aspect. The puzzles required your ingenuity to solve and not once did I refer to an online game guide, all the more satisfying to solve these puzzles. While the game is short, it leaves a lasting impression on you.

          I have played the top nominees like GTA V, TLOU and Super Mario 3D, and I can say that ALBW hooked me tighter into the game from the beginning until the end.

    • Do you then buy the season pass?

      • If you're buying the season pass, I think #2 option above is better. The season pass by itself is $29.95. So whether you pay $39 at Big W (as pointed out by sparkles above) or $39 in option #1 in this deal, you'll be paying an additional $29.95 for the season pass making it 69 bucks. Option #2 has it for $55.47.

        • Thanks for the heads up.

      • +1

        Don't buy the season pass unless you intend to play multiplayer. 2 of the 3 DLCs is MP DLC.

        • Also, based on Naughty Dog's track record with Uncharted, the multiplayer DLCs eventually become free for everyone.

    • +1

      Brilliant—thanks sparkles. And thanks ragflan for the main post, too.

    • +1

      Just in case for people that don't know, the $10 off coupon was mentioned in this deal:

      "Be sure to use the previously shared coupon "10OFFBR" to get a further $10 discount off the DVDs/Blu-rays online. Coupon expires at the end of the year. Shipping for DVDs/Blu-rays is a fixed $5, so order one item per shipment (unless you opt for click & collect at $40)."

    • Now I just need a cheap PS3.

  • +4

    Persona 4 is also similarly priced for a hard copy.

    • Yup, eb has/had it for $25 for eons.

      Worth more than digital for reasons put out by ragflan and also because digital copies take up precious storage on a vita. For those not aware, vita memory cards have year 2000 prices.

      Au/eu psn deals are generally quite shit unless you can score a deal on psn cards.

      • -3

        There weren't any memory cards in the year 2000 to my knowledge. There weren't even USB sticks yet, and definitely nothing of this capacity. 20GB was considered big for a HDD.

        I paid $80 for a 128MB (that's MB not GB) USB stick in late 2003. That was a bargain price.

        In late 2005 I paid over $220 on ebay for a 2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo. And it turned out to be a fake. The genuine article was significantly more expensive than that.

        A year later, I bought 4GB MSPD for $155 USD (the dollar was nowhere near parity back then). Again, I felt I got a good deal.

        A year after that I got an 8GB MSPD for $120.

        2008 I got a 16GB MSPD for around $80.

        All of these prices were the lowest available at the time.

        A Vita 8GB mem card is $21 on PA. A 16GB card is $44 on PA. I am not searching for the lowest prices, only checking PA. The prices are maybe 2 or 3 years back, not 13.

        • +1

          2000 had memory cards, even 1994 had memory cards…. how do you think we saved progress in Resident Evil in our PS1? :)

        • -2

          I exaggerate all the time!

        • I think everyone exagerrates when it comes to Vita memory cards. Yes they're expensive, but nowhere near as outdated in pricing as they think it is when they actually look at statistics of pricing. They always think they're hideously expensive or a massive rip off, but when you compare them to prices only a few years earlier those were even more expensive, and it's almost certain they've paid more for mem cards before.

      • What's the average price for a 2nd hand game if you are looking at GTA V or TLOU?

  • +1

    Thanks OP.
    Wanted to buy TLOU and missed this special.

    Re: Disk vs Digitial - Be buggered if i want to change disks all the time for each game.
    If I wanted to change games manually i would have bought a sega megadrive

    • +1 because I agree.

      I'm way too lazy to get off my ass after playing for 1 hour straight, then spend 5 seconds walking and change disks.
      Much easier to just be able to do it without moving.

      Muscle atrophy? - nah, it's an urban myth.

      • +1

        I love it too. If I can download 40GB at painfully slow speeds through PSN why the hell would I want to insert a disc?

  • +1

    not saying this isn't a good price… it is… but for those that don't want to download it… i'd suggest going to play-asia……

    free shipping and the price is inbetween the PS+ price and normal sale price… win win

  • Expired

    • Not sure if mods want to mark as expired . Expired 11pm 25/12

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