Free Stuff Day: BACK NEXT MONTH!

Just wanted to say to people who joined
Free Stuff Day
(MORE HERE), that they've missed out of the first Free Stuff Day (it was on the 12th September) & there will be another one next month.

I received Kevin Sheedy's AFL Triva Challenge DVD


  • Yaaaah. Free stuff day! Was this the first one?
    I got a kids computer in the priority access, and Thomas the tank engine DVD's in general time. So the baby did well, but my high hopes of a new camera or laptop were fast dissolved. Good Job Jeffrey on our AFL DVD!!

    • Yes it was the first freestuffDAY - how did yo get two items. I thought it was one item per member (even if you got Priority Access)?

  • Bookmark 14 September for the next one!

    • No John - that's when the website will be back up. It's only once per month.

  • If you get priority access, you can get 1 item in the first hour during priority access, and then you can get 1 more item in general time. Definitely easier to get something in priority access, but it is still random which items come up, so you don't really get what you want. But it's free, so you can;t really complain. Best just not to have high hopes!

    And honestly, I spent HOURS refreshing my computer trying to get a website package. It ended up going off at 7.15pm ish, and what do you know, I was putting the baby in the bath!!! My neck is so stiff this a.m. from sitting at the computer all day, so it wan't really worth it in the end. I'll try not to be so compulsive next month!!!!

  • So how did everyone go at free stuff day? I am a free stuff day junkie!

  • I'll sign up, who want 2 points credit then give me your id :)

  • OK… What is going on with Freestuffday?? Every month the format is different. I clicked like a crazy woman yesterday to no avail. There was a car at 8am, then at 3.30pm, and now rumour of another one? I will have RSI.. How about you all? Whats the scoop.. did anyone win anything?

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