This was posted 11 years 3 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Domino's Wagyu Pizzas Only $29.95 -One Day Only $20 off


If for some strange reason you wanted to try these Wagyu Pizzas from Dominos, here's an opportunity to get it CHEAPer.

Only just launched for $50 for two, today for one day only it's $29.95

Not really a bargain IMO, but it's less than RRP so I don't endorse the price but if you feel compelled, go right ahead.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Bahahaha the wagyu is probably sitting around going off

    • +4

      Probably expiring/(ed)

  • They say the bigger the better… :D

  • +10

    Thanks OP, still too expensive for my taste though.

  • +5

    Oh the irony of getting the revoker badge on a deal I posted myself.

    • +2

      bxpressiv has submitted a new deal for Food & Grocery
      Rip off Dominos Wagyu pizzas only $29.95 one day only $20 off

      loved the original title… and in the spirit of your revoked vote, have another revoked + :)

      • double irony that i also got the revoker for the same deal you got it on?

        nosdan was awarded a badge.
        3 min ago

      • Lol not sure why the mods didn't like that title.

        • +1

          I take responsibility of that(the title), just due to the fact that it was unnecessary(as Dominos may see this and prevent further bargains from being posted here)

          Not sure about the positive vote being revoked though

        • That was just me doing it. Fair call re title, I was just poking fun. I have Dominos pizza pretty often I'd say.

  • +2

    or $37.95 delivered with code 26847. The reviews I've seen on it get they get a pretty good wrap. The pickup option works out at $15 per pizza (this is for 2 pizzas) which is pretty cheap when comparing to a normal pizza place (not the cheap chains). Still, not sure if I'd buy them when I'm so used to getting normal Dominos for $5-8 a pizza….

  • +16

    lol Domino's pizza for $30

  • +6

    they are on the tiny chefs best bases. hardly worth it even at this price for a few little bits of wagyu on dough

  • +9

    Don't worry people, start buying when they hit the normal price of $6.95

    • +1

      that's when the Wagyu starts going off lol

  • Haha what a bargain!

  • +5

    Purely an exercise of trying to lift the reputation / quality of a shitty brand. I doubt they care if you buy them or not.
    The average Dominos consumer wouldn't pay this for pizza. Conversely, anyone who likes quality food wouldn't eat there. Marketing. You're not fooling me though, I know Dominos is rubbish.

    • +1

      Reputation/quality of a shitty brand????

      Lookup DMP on the ASX, I wish all my shares were a shitty brand like Dominos.

      In the pizza business, Dominos are killing/slaughtering the rest.

      • +6

        They are killing the rest because they are cheap, not because they are the best, the gourmet pizza makers shit all over domino's in every aspect of making a pizza.

        • +2

          Who cares, what the reason is, the shareholders are loving the divvys and the growth.

          I agree with what you're saying, I live 15 minutes from Little Caesars, so I'm in Pizza heaven.

        • -4

          Exactly. What Dominos is great at is marketing. Look at all the free advertising they get on here and Whirlpool for starters. Any company that can manage to use it's customers as tools (or fools?) to PROMOTE THEIR PRODUCT FOR THEM is obviously doing something right. Too bad the clientele are filling their bodies with cheap, addictive, nasty rubbish as a result. Oh well, the shareholders are happy.

    • or would you prefer pizza hut? lol.

      • isnt pizza hut letting ppl win a ps4 would prolly get from there now till the promotion is over

      • I prefer to eat something substantial that won't make me sick.

      • I prefer my local pizza hut over domino's any day of the week. The quality varies a lot between stores though. I only get domino's now when they give me free pizza.

        • where i used to live, the local dominos serves cardboards.

          the new place i am at now, is okay. I would've preferred pizza capers instead though.

      • Very much so, havent eaten dominos crap since they came to town, dominos is only good as an alternative to pot noodles, and it's even worse out here than in the city (most of the lower hunter other than newcastle is owned by one cheapass moron who treats his staff like ****).
        Be nice to be able to get real pizza out here, but at least pizza hut is edible.

  • +2

    is this another one of their game changers?

    • Depends… if it goes well it would move Domino's up a peg on the gourmet ladder :P

    • +1

      Well the Domino's symbol on the TV ad now has the appearance of being gold-embossed. That's got to be a game changer!

  • +6

    I took one for the team and tried one of these yesterday. The wagyu itself is surprisingly decent. If they would work on the price and keep the quality the same I think it would be a hit.

    • Surprisingly it is reviewing well. Interesting to hear.

    • How cooked is the wagyu? I don't like my wagyu cooked passed medium. I know its a long shot but I want to try it but only if the wagyu is medium or rarer.

      • it's sliced thin and has a marble score of 6, people seem to think these days you can slap the word 'wagyu' on something and price it at a premium.

        I honestly feel Dominos doing this because they are feeling the heat from Crust in a lot of areas!

        • If it is like that… no point. I will pass on this deal. Wagyu is meant to be eaten at most medium cooked. That sounds like well done considering the length of the oven.

          Crust still doesn't rate that highly in my books. I find Crust pizzas tend to have way too many toppings which ruin the flavours, due to the many toppings. Others may disagree :P

      • +4

        to some, wagyu is just fatty beef cooked in a half-arsed way.

        i don't know about you, but i bet you 90% of the people expecting wagyu on a pizza have no idea what real wagyu tastes like.

        • people just hear the word 'wagyu' and expect it to be amazing, even if it's just shitty meat.

          ignorance is astounding,

          I had some Matsuzaka beef a few months ago though, and it was worth every dollar.

          $200 / 200 grams

  • -8

    Anyone who spends $30 on a pizza isn't quite right. That's my opinion.

    • *two pizzas

      • -2

        Two or one, that's simply over the top.

        Anyone in Domino's target market who spends $30 on two pizzas as "a treat" for their already financially struggling family does indeed need their head read.

    • +1

      i had lobster and scallops in my pizza, let me know if you can find those sort of pizzas in the same quality+quantity under $10, i'll buy them.

      price is not the issue, it's whether if it's value for money.

      • I'm curious: Do you live in Fountain Lakes?

        • i live in boganville :) where the richer bogans go for gourmet pizzas and burgers.

  • Probably the wrong forum to ask but has anyone actually tried the Wagyu piece? and if so, does it taste good and is it worth it?

    • -1

      Wagyu is a damn tasty piece of meat. The best I have ever tasted was a Wagyu Beef Tataki at a restaurant whose name escapes me but I know it was at the Crown complex.

      That was definitely a melt in mouth moment.

      • +1

        Except that here we're talking about Domino's:

        • The company is very unlikely to have purchased the best of the best Wagyu beef.
        • The pizza is likely being prepared by a 16 year old who is simply going to dump the Wagyu on to the pizza like any of the other trays full of pre-prepared ingredients.
        • It's going to go through the same smelly pizza oven as every other pizza ordered at the time.
        • It'll be delivered to you in a cardboard box like any other Domino's pizza.

        Can you feel that melt in the mouth moment now?

        There's Wagyu and then there's Wagyu.

        • +1

          Uhmmm not after that… LOL.

          I think I will stick with Wagyu done properly and not on a Domino's pizza.

    • LOL i meant Wagyu Pizza* not piece

  • I'll stick with my 9+ steaks, good try though Dumbinos

  • Actually purchased them and was surprisingly happy with the pizzas. Thanks OP. Wouldn't pay more than $30 though

  • +1

    Just eaten said pizzas with son and they would be the nicest pizzas they make, but $50 is too much. Great for $30. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    $30 is the price it really should of been, as in 2x the Cheifs Best normal price.

  • +2

    I never paid more than $6.00 for a Domino Pizza.

    I would probably spend my money elsewhere if I got 30 bucks.

  • Just had them, pretty average and not worth the $30, i would say $25.

  • now I generally just make my own pizzas at home… never thought about wacking some wagyu meat on one… I wonder which cut would be best for this…. bugger it I just want to have a nice steak now.

    *tip for those who make there own….. nandos hot source mixed in with your tom base is f.n.or.som! on a Mexican style pizza

  • +1

    seriously who would get "premium/gourmet" pizzas from dominos when there is pizza capers which are cheaper than this and are actually premium/gormet

    • At a guess people who don't have access to other options.

  • I'd be interested in hearing how much Wagyu Domino's is going to dump after its latest experiment to upsell its pizza range.

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