This was posted 15 years 9 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Best Mobile Plan Is Back Again $39/Month 3GB Mobile Internet Data $49 Cap+Bonus Credit


$49 Cap. $350 Spending include sms mms national calls international calls

3GB data over 3 zone. It’s unlimited via Blackberry Browser somehow.

mobile internet are charged $0.50/MB when roaming, if you wanna avoid this charge. Make sure you disable roaming on your handset.Your network logo will be showed up as "Roaming"/"R" when out of 3 Zone.

A free Fun/News/Sports Pack

$40 X-Series Platinum pack

All these above only cost you $39 per month plus you will get $50-$100 bonus credit (Edited by scotty — but you have to find the coupon code somehow, it's on OzBargain). The code will also work when you upgrade on the phone. Just keep pushing the rep and that will do it.

ps: Be prepared that you might have billing issue for the first month. check the thread on whirlpool.
Save screen shots when you order online.…

Dunt put referral email in my post… It's for your own good. Believe me!!

* Credit will apply over a 24 month contract and will appear on your bill as $40 credit, a $49 Cap plus and a $30 Blackberry Pack. Total minimum cost over 24 months is $936. If service is disconnected within 24 months, you must pay $49, per month for remaining months of contract and you must pay all outstanding charges. Research In Motion, the RIM logo, BlackBerry®, the BlackBerry® logo and SureType are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries - these and other marks of Research In Motion Limited are used under license. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google Inc. If buying through 3 Direct or online, connection only available to customers who live or work within 3’s Broadband Zone.

Related Stores

3 Mobile
3 Mobile

closed Comments

  • Blinda — you sure you want to post this again? :)

    Btw, what's the point of MMS when iPhone can't even send one?

    • uh…. I didn't promote Moneybackco this time????
      It did me get me in a big trouble last time.
      Should I delete it?
      You can do it with JB iphone..

      • Well. Leave it here — or until someone there asks it to be removed again. I know that jail broken iPhone can send MMS but then it just gets trickier with warranty and upgrade issues…

    • +1

      the new OS 3.0 which is being launched shortly will support MMS on the iPhone. Or it's currently supported if you have a JB'd iPhone.

  • Yep I just got this. Upgraded my phone. But dont need the credits so yeah…

  • What's happened last time ???

  • I signed up last time and I'm very happy with this plan. I kept the blackberry and love the unlimited download. Sometimes use the phone as a modem for my netbook. For $39 per month it is great value.

  • +1

    By the way — if someone got this offer via a promotion email, can you please forward it to me (scotty at ozbargain). Thanks.

    • +1

      Just emailed it to ya

    • Thanks! That'll do.

  • damn 11 months to go on my current contract….

  • -7

    Anyone need a three referral code?

  • +1

    Looks like they plan to continue offload the old blackberry handset by offering a good plan.

    I got this plan the last time Blinda posted. I must say, I got it mainly to use the x-series plan on my N95. Just heads up for those who plan to do it this way, check your handset to ensure that it can switch GSM roaming off, otherwise you'll be getting a surprise on your next bill if you live in area where WCDMA network is sub-par. I know the iPhone can't do this either. I learnt the hard way. :(

    • +1

      "I know the iPhone can’t do this either. I learnt the hard way. :("

      Doesn't the iPhone's 'Data Roaming' option give you that choice?

      • +1

        Data roaming only apply to international roaming…

      • Like Blinda said, I believe the data roaming on the iPhone applies to international roaming and not the selection between UMTS and GSM networks.

    • +2

      Setting it to 3G-only used to work for me, but now they have 3G roaming on Telstra.
      So make sure your phone cannot do 850MHz. The iPhone can, so being able to turn off GSM would not help much.
      You need to be able to choose 2100MHz-only.

      • Wow, this is quite a trap. This stuff is important to know - the roaming charge is 50c/MB = $500/GB!

      • If I understood correctly, by disabling GSM on your mobile you're also effectively disabling the 850 MHz frequency. UTMS-only enabled device (3 removed this function in their N95 handsets with their branding) will only attempt the frequencies of 1900-2025 MHz and 2110-2200 MHz, which is technically the frequencies used for 3G data (except for Telstra who uses the 850 Mhz bandwidth to transport its 3G data in rural areas). So even if 3's network roams on the Telstra's older 3G network (i.e. on the 850 Mhz bandwidth), the phone wouldn't use this frequency if it is set to only connect using UTMS.

        Unless of course if you meant that 3 roams on Telstra's NextG network (uses 2100 Mhz). However, this wouldn't be a problem as they both share the same network. So on the 2100 Mhz, where there's Telstra coverage, there's also 3 coverage.

        • +1

          Telstra's NextG network uses 850MHz. The Telstra's 2100MHz UMTS/3G network is the shared 2100MHz network between Telstra and Three (for all our intents and purposes, this is Three's 3G).

          My guess at Telstra & Three's agreement is:
          Telstra gets to roam on Three's 2100MHz 3G
          Three gets to roam on Telstra's 1800MHz GSM
          for free (voice calls and SMS only).
          Then Telstra built their 850MHz NextG network.
          Then as of last month, Three negotiated with Telstra to roam on their NextG network.

          See my post below for some tips on disabling roaming onto Telstra.

          • @inks: You are right. I got it the other way round. NextG is 850 Mhz and 3G is 2100 Mhz. So effectively, by enabling only UTMS, you still won't roam to Telstra's NextG network.

            • @pauly: Telstra's NextG IS a UMTS/3G network, just on 850MHz with some extra features. So you will still roam onto Telstra's NextG if your phone is told connect UMTS only (if your phone supports 850MHz, which the iphone does) unless you exclude the 850MHz band (something that's supposedly difficult to do on the iphone?).
              Note however, you're supposedly only able to roam to NextG 850MHz outside of Three's 2100MHz 3G coverage area, ie. fringe areas. It is allegedly disabled for metro areas (though I can't test this, my phone does not support UMTS @ 850MHz).

              Telstra markets their 3G network as NextG because they tout that the 850MHz band travels further and penetrates buildings better (which it does). They've also recently introduced enchanced HSPA (aka. HSPA+ not to be confused with HSDPA/HSUPA, which nothing except their 21 USB Mobile Card supports at the moment), so they get to (rightly) say they have the fastest commercial wireless network in Australia.

  • D'oh…
    I disabled automatic select ünder network setting..
    How much you end up?

    • Unfortunately, this function was removed in the 3 branded N95 handsets. I've only found out that you can bring this feature back by debranding your phone (my phone is out of warranty anyway) to the generic product code, which I have since done it. That's quite sneaky of 3 if you asked me. :)

      The roaming charges wasn't much (around $20) but then again, I didn't expect to get charged for this at all since I live fairly close to city and it wasn't mentioned by the rep when I signed up over the phone. For me this is quite trivial, however I thought that people who lives in a 3G dead spot should be well informed before hand to avoid any heart attacks. :)

  • Thanks for heads up on the awesome deal Blinda. I'm about to get an outright iPhone (anniversary present from the GF) and presume from the comments here that iPhone can be used on this plan with no probs even though this is a blackberry plan. I just wanted to check a couple of things with you ozbargainers:

    1. I don't think you can get the "free Fun/News/Sports Pack" Blinda mentions above with this plan coz normally when you add a phone to the shopping cart, it takes you to a screen which lets you choose which free pack you'd like as well as any additional services you want on your account. However when you add this blackberry it skips this screen and proceeds straight to the cart. Is there any way to add the free pack from there?

    2. If you use your iPhone (or any phone for that matter) as a modem on your laptop (aka tethering) does it come out of the 3gb data allowance or is it an additional charge?

    3. If I switch the iPhone to 3G only and disable auto network selection, then technically wouldn't any data usage only be in 3's broadband zone and so no additional (roaming) charges would apply??

    4. Can the planet3 portal be accessed on iPhone, thereby allowing usage of the $10/month unlimited TV and YouTube pack? harhar really trying to milk 3mobile here.

    Sorry I know 2,3 and 4 are more tech/network questions, but I asked three 3mobile reps (1 in melb and 2 in syd) and none were able to provide me with a definite response. Thanks in advance!

    • +2
      1. I don’t think you can get the “free Fun/News/Sports Pack” Blinda mentions above with this plan coz normally when you add a phone to the shopping cart, it takes you to a screen which lets you choose which free pack you’d like as well as any additional services you want on your account. However when you add this blackberry it skips this screen and proceeds straight to the cart. Is there any way to add the free pack from there?

      You should be able to choose one, however it doesn't matter if it doesn't let you choose any. By default, all the fun packs are included in your x-series plan.

      1. If you use your iPhone (or any phone for that matter) as a modem on your laptop (aka tethering) does it come out of the 3gb data allowance or is it an additional charge?

      Yes it comes out from your 3GB allowance from the x-series plan.

      1. If I switch the iPhone to 3G only and disable auto network selection, then technically wouldn’t any data usage only be in 3’s broadband zone and so no additional (roaming) charges would apply??

      I guess you could try that. This post suggested it as a possible solution, but there's no follow through and others still seem to have the same issue. This post says you can by jailbreaking your iPhone, however this post seems to invalidate such method.

      1. Can the planet3 portal be accessed on iPhone, thereby allowing usage of the $10/month unlimited TV and YouTube pack? harhar really trying to milk 3mobile here.

      Sorry, no idea about this as I don't have an iPhone. I don't see why not though, as Planet3 contents are still accessible via my debranded N95.

      • Thanks for the quick research and response Pauly, much appreciated :)

        After more research it appears that in relation to my point 3, if I disable auto network selection, it will have the desired effect of eliminating GSM data roaming. HOWEVER that will also stop voice calls on roaming, and so you will only have phone reception when inside 3's broadband zone - which is not such a good thing.

        Also, in relation to my point 4 it appears the portal can be accessed by typing the address directly in safari on the iphone, however it unclear whether those tv packs etc can be used as iphone doesnt seem to be able to stream from the portal.

        • type the link once and save it as a bookmark.

          Almost all planet 3 content is free as already included in x-series 40.
          However, I dunt think you can watch streaming video on iPhone, except YouTube.

          PS: I'd strongly suggest you hold off the anniversary day, as new iPhone is coming out in June/July

          • @Blinda: hehe dunno if i can hold off the anniversary day but m'lady has agreed i should wait and see what mr jobs says at WWDC in 3 wks - fingers crossed new 32gb iphone :D

            question is.. will this plan still be alive then? i was hoping to compare it with any new iPhone plans that might be announced with release of the new iPhone (essentially i would prefer to be on optus being a heavy user of yes time, but the data and calls value has me swaying to this 3 plan atm)

      • Is it possible to get more data with tethering if you use the included blackberry phone? Some kind of blackberry browser emulation?

    • +1


      1. Dunno

      2. Comes out of your 3Gb data allowance (of course, as long as you're not on "national roaming")

      3. Does the iphone support UMTS 850MHz? If you can disable UMTS 850MHz (or if the iphone does not support it), then you are technically right (should not have any additional "national roaming" charges). Auto network selection does nothing useful, because your network is "3Telstra" which still allows you to roam onto Telstra NextG (UMTS 850MHz) and Telstra GSM. This is the main reason why Three's "national roaming" is different to real network/international roaming.

      4. Yes. Your planet3 portal is just a website, The exception is, you have to use the "Planet 3" service. Note that "Planet 3" is a website AND an access point (see below). When you receive your Three SIM card, there are two connections (or APNs) you can use. One is "Planet 3" [access point/AP] (APN = "3services"), the other is "Mobile Internet" (APN = "3netaccess"). The mobile (your online web browser / phone) will default to connecting via "Planet 3" [AP], whilst if you use your modem, it will default to connecting via "Mobile Internet" (this is true for Nokias / Windows Mobile afaik).

      Difference between "Planet 3" [AP] and "Mobile Internet" -
      This is widely speculated, but essentially it is the following:

      A. They connect via different ISPs (this is true)

      B. You get an external IP address (like connecting a standard 56k / ADSL modem to most ISPs) with "Mobile Internet" but not "Planet 3" [AP] (I believe this is true). This is important for online games, P2P, etc.

      C. "Planet 3" [AP] has a PROXY for your "Planet 3" [website] and your Planet 3 services. This means, to use your 4000 Skype minutes, free email, access to the "Planet 3" WEBSITE, etc. you will have to connect using this AP. If you use "Mobile Internet", all traffic (regardless of Skype / email / etc.) comes under your 3Gb quota. (I have NOT confirmed that if you use "Planet 3" [AP] via your computer and using your phone as a modem/"tethering" that Skype comes under your separate "Skype 4000 minutes" quota).
      See this thread if you want to be even MORE confused -…

      Sorry for the lengthy explanation.

      • Thanks for the answers inks :) I don't think specific UMTS frequencies can be disable on iPhone.

        Your explanation of the 2 different APNs makes sense, i guess I'll have to try it out once I get the plan. LOL at whirlpool.. everyones an expert there (unfortunately with differing opinions) - left my head spinning reading those and other threads about 3's various oddities.

  • be careful using 3 mobile net people, i had it a year back and had the $29 plan and used a few hundred mb but unfortunately it was roaming at the time, 3 sent me a bill for nearly $1000, i was using my phone as a modem for my desktop at the time and my home is in a 3 area, they expected me to pay just because the 3 network had gone down and it had roamed to optus!

    they got nothing but lost a customer

    • Shocking!!!!

      • I dont think 3 roam to optus. They roam with Telstra.

  • +1

    this is a great deal and im using the plan but be careful the three customer care peope didnt have a clue about the deal after it had expired last time and also set it up wrongly.

    The person who set my plan up didnt include the $40 credit and didnt activate the xseries pack…suprise suprise


    I argued with one dochebag for like 40 mins until finally being transfered to someone who knew what i was talking about…

    once set up properly i highly recommend this deal for people with iphones and live in major cities

  • Well I know my xseries got activated after upgrading my plan/phone when I called them up yesterday. Because I am now able to browse on my phone, previously I wasnt able to. w00t

  • +4

    Do be careful with this plan. I signed up the last time, it IS good and the "$30 Blackberry Internet Service" really is equivalent to X-Series Platinum. I signed up and switched to a WM6.1 phone.

    Things to consider about national roaming / Telstra roaming:

    1. "National roaming" (this means Telstra 3G NextGen and Telstra GSM) still costs $1.65/Mb (you have 2Mb of quota with this plan).

    2. How to tell you are using "national roaming" -
      "National roaming" is different to international roaming. The main indicator that you are roaming is that the network operator name changes from "3" to "3 Roaming". Beware, the operator name changing is dependent on a feature called EONS (Enchanced Operator Name String) which you CAN accidentally turn off with Windows Mobile phones (don't know about other phones, but the feature is usually on).

    3. GSM/2G/3G/NextGen/850MHz/2100MHz very briefly explained -
      Telstra NextGen (3G) is UMTS (transfer protocol) on 850MHz (WCDMA technology), Telstra GSM (2G) is GSM on 1800MHz, Three 3G is UMTS on 2100MHz (WCDMA). Note that Three does not have a GSM network.

    4. Alternative way to know if you're roaming is look for GSM/GPRS/EDGE as your connection type (ie. 2G/2.5G/2.75G), but it will be more difficult to distinguish between Telstra NextGen and Three 3G (UMTS/HSDPA, aka. 3G/3.5G).

    5. To prevent "national roaming" data costs -
      Turn off GSM/select WCDMA only (UMTS is a protocol that uses WCDMA), and select 2100MHz only. Note that this will impact on your voice calls/SMS which roam at no cost on Telstra's GSM in poor coverage areas (or indoors in big buildings).

    6. Alternative way to prevent "national roaming" data costs -
      disable UMTS 850MHz (or find a phone that doesn't support UMTS 850Mhz, ie. Telstra NextGen INcompatible) and kill your data connections anytime you see 2G/GSM/GPRS/EDGE/"3 Roaming". GPRS/EDGE is much slower, so you'll probably notice and have time to kill your data connections before your bill skyrockets.
      For Windows Mobile users, you can disable UMTS (Settings -> Phone -> Band -> Select "Auto" for "network type", Select "GSM (900+1800)+UMTS(2100+900)" or something similar in "GSM/UMTS band". You can then use "WombatPhoneRoam" (google this, it's on to auto-kill your data connections whilst GSM roaming.

    7. WM6 specific -
      On Windows Mobile 6 phones, the top bar usually shows your data connection type. GPRS comes up as "G", EDGE comes up as either "G" or "E", 3G comes up as "3G", HSDPA comes up as "H". So as long as you're not able to roam on Telstra's NextGen, you're safe using data when you see "3G" or "H".

    I had headaches with my bill/plan primarily because I signed up over the phone. I also learned about the "national roaming" the hard way. I recommend you sign up online, print out the plan you selected and the terms and conditions for future reference. Then make sure your first bill shows "$49 Cap", "Blackberry Internet Service" (NOT "Blackberry Enterprise and Internet Service") and $40 credit (mine shows up as $30 + $10 credit).

    Other than that, still a very good plan and I don't regret signing up. =)
    Thanks blinda for looking out for us with good phone deals.

  • Definitely interested in this. Missed out on last time.

    But I'm just comparing it with the BB Bold plan.
    Is the $30 the BB pack or X-series ?
    Cause BB Bold one you'll get unlimited data but this one you'll only get 3Gb.

    Has anybody actually used this BB (and not just replace it with iPhone)?
    What do you think about the phone ?

    • Read carefully, there is a catch with the "unlimited data" for the (RIM) Blackberrys.
      It's actually "unlimited internet" VIA THE BLACKBERRY SERVICE. (edit= ah see spot2001's post below, beat me to it.)
      quote= > Unlimited Mobile Internet via BlackBerry Browser in 3’s Broadband Zone1…

      Ie. you have to use BlackBerry's inbuilt browser that employs RIM's PROXY internet server. I'm not sure, but I'd guess that it doesn't apply if you use the BB as a modem for your computer.

      Mind you though, it's worth considering buying the $39 BB 8707g plan and then buying a BB Storm/Thunder 9500 outright (have you seen them? touchscreen + tactile clicks! on a BB!). Or just getting the BB Bold. Or just forget about trying to surf/email in excess of 3Gb on your tiny mobile.

  • wow this seems awesome
    im finishing my contract in a few months, just wondering a few things:

    1) How does the phone upgrade work? I want to upgrade my phone to an e75, can i go on this deal and upgrade the phone to an e75 for $10 a month? (the e75 is currently on $10 a month on the $49 cap, which is the same cap in this deal) Is there a way I can do this via the website and see the charges, or will i have to contact the three reps?

    2) Can i upgrade my current contract to this plan? Im on a 29 cap at the moment with 3 months left (I pay $20 for x-series 1gb so this is a bloody bargain!), im thinking i might just have two plans for the next three months and ill still be paying a similar bill to what i currently pay so no loss …

    Not too worried about roaming as i have used my e65 as a modem for almost a year and have locked it to UMTS after flashing the firmware.

  • BB 8707G is not HSDPA (3G only). Will this matter if I'm planning to use this mainly as a modem for my laptop half of the time?

    • +1

      Sell it and buy another one that does do HSDPA. The SE G502 is a cheap example.

      • 3 website says the following on x-series:
        "Megabyte allowance to access Mobile Internet Sites and Applications"

        It is not completely true, isn't it? Because when we thethering, it will also be included in the 3 GB data allowance.

        • +1

          Yes and yes

  • +2


    I've signed up this last time when Blinda posted and this is what's in my this month's bill:
    Plus $49 Cap ($49 Minimum spend, $350 Cap limit includes $100 Talk - international)
    Talk - national $200.74
    Talk - international $62.45
    SMS $38.85
    Total Cap eligible $302.04

    Cap Discount - maximum credit applied $302.04cr

    Total ($49 Cap + $0.00 usage above limit) $49.00

    Non-Cap Eligible
    Talk - Skype $0.00
    Mobile Broadband $0.00
    Planet 3 $0.00
    Subscription $0.00
    Total non-Cap eligible $0.0

    Monthly fee: Blackberry Internet Service $30.00
    Discount: Acquisition $10 $10.00cr
    Discount: Loyalty bonus credit $30 $30.00cr
    Total $39.00

    So the break down as followed:
    - $49 plus Cap plan
    Blackberry Internet Service $30.00 (Unlimited BlackBerry email, BlackBerry internet using BlackBerry browser.) Note. if you use anyother browser such as Opera Mobile etc, it will not be counted as BlackBerry internet since the traffic will not be going through the RIM/BlackBerry server

    So you total bill will read: $79, They will then provide a $40 credit (as you can see from above, a $10 + a $30 credit) which will bring your bills down to $39 per month.

    Now on top of all this, they will put on your bill a X-Series Platinum $40 (3GB Mobile Data, the section where Mobile Broadband is) and that item/services will not incur any charges as you can see above. Worth to mention also comes with 4000 minutes of skype and free Email on 3

    And yes I have used the 8707g. It good for e-mail and since it has a physical keyboard, you can email and sms faster. It's however not as "Entertainment" as iPhone since, there is no video player, no youtube and no good games. Having said that…… i found iPhone is really hard to use without a physical keyboard.

    I'm actually using a Nokia E71 now and all my data usages is counted towards X-Series Platinum Mobile Broadband. This will be the same is you use iPhone. the only thing needs to keep an eye out for is the Data Roaming mentioned in the posts above.

    I think this is the best plan in terms of mobile data, after all, I have only used 1.5GB last month and I doubt I'll ever use more than 3GB on my mobile. Thanks again to you Blinda :)

  • From tommorrow:
    Blackberry 8707g will be free for the first 3 months on the $39 Pack Only.
    Unsure if the $100 promotional code will stack but I wouldn't think so.

    • Hmmmm.. what is your source? OCAU?
      Checked 3 shop&store online and nothing

      • It'll be a bummer for me if there is such a deal, I just joined last week.

        But I'll vote positive for that deal :D

        • even the deal do exist, you wont be able to stack the $100 credit on top of the 3months free. So it just $17 better

  • For anyone that doesn't understand the blackberry plans… here goes:

    When you use a blackberry, and the blackberry browser, any page you visit goes through RIM's servers (possibly one run by three with RIMs software on it), the server compresses and formats the page for your blackberry screen, and sends the data/webpage to you. This means faster web browsing for you. Your device doesn't have to download as much data, nor does it have to process it to fit on the screen.

    Email is also handled by the same service.

    Its called the Blackberry Internet Service (BIS).

    You CANNOT use this service with a non-blackberry phone.

    Three give you 3GB for use with other applications on your blackberry like google maps. Any browsing on a non-blackberry phone uses this data.

    Basically this plan has Unlimited Email/Web for blackberry devices only. Using this plan with your non-blackberry phone simply gives you 3gb of data usage.

    (Note: the "unlimited" email/web has a fair usage policy of like 50mb. Not sure how strictly this is enforced. Anything over that would just count towards your 3gb though)

    • thanks, how about if you use the sim on another blackberry, will it count from the BIS?

      • I'm not too sure if there are carrier specific settings for the BIS. But if you do end up getting this plan, you should be able to copy any settings from the 8707 to your own blackberry device. I'm heading in to a store tomorrow to pick up a blackberry bold on the $69 plan so I'll let you know. What I said above is simply what I understand from doing some research before deciding on the Bold :)

        You can add upto 10 email accounts to your BIS. Any more and you need to setup a Blackberry Enterprise Service (which costs more but has MS Exchange integration etc). Basically it checks your POP3/IMAP accounts and "pushes" any new emails to your phone.

        The blackberry plans are more than just $xx Cap + $40 x-series pack, but you need a blackberry phone to use the extras ;)

        Some of the nokias have a blackberry connect app… not sure what you can do with it though. I think its more for BES users (large corporate fleets with BB integrated with their servers).

        EDIT: this is in the T&Cs for the BB Bold

        • Unlimited access is via Blackberry browser in 3’s Broadband Zone and 3G Roaming Zone (fair use limit applies). Access via Planet 3 is charged separately. Bonus 3GB for Planet 3 services (e.g. YouTube). Excess Planet 3 Usage charged at 10c per MB. Data usage is calculated per KB.
        • Included data awarded does not include video streaming or downloads from any application not loaded by Research In Motion (RIM) or single downloads of 3MB or larger
  • If anyone's still following this, we've received the Blackberry 8707g, and I've come across this setting: Under Options, go to Mobile Network, then there's a Data Services selection with three settings.. ON, OFF, and OFF WHEN ROAMING. I've since set it to OFF WHEN ROAMING, and judging from the looks of searching on the web, this setting pretty much makes sure that you don't use data services when you've hopped onto the Telstra's 2G network. So hopefully that solves that, but will keep people updated if anyone asks.

    ALSO, the 8707g is basically NOT compatible as a modem with MAC OS notebooks. There are workarounds and all that, but right now it is a major pain trying to sort this shit out. When I signed my girlfriend up for this, I told her that it would be usable as a modem for her notebook, and now I better make sure that it happens. So if you're not a tech/IT person, I do NOT suggest getting this phone if you were hoping to use it as a modem for your mac.

    • Be careful! Technically, Telstra is seen as a home network, and the phones do not see it as roaming.
      Certainly my Nokia does not. The word "roaming" on the screen is just the network name given by telstra to '3'customers.

  • This all looks too good to be true. I'll believe it when I get it.
    I kept a screenshot of the checkout, listing 3 months free and the $100 credit.
    Subtract $150 for selling the handset, and some from moneybackco, and
    I'm down to $22 month. Its going to be refused, isn't it?

  • I've got my 3 of my friends signed up with this and all 3 of them are happy with it.

    As you can see from the comments, since it's a BlackBerry Plan, if you are using another BlackBerry other than the 8707g, you can and will still be able to use BIS.

    You can either setup you e-mails with the getting started app on the BlackBerry or goto and register an account, which will allow you to setup your email accounts.

    For those who does not use this plan on the BlackBerry, Email on 3 app can be downloaded and since this plan is esentially a mobile plan + $40 x-series plan, you are entitled to Email on 3. However, limite phones supported by three, so the best way is launching your mobile phone browser and goto (you can not use Wireless - WiFi, use the three 3G) and see if you can download it or not.

  • Hmm, this thread is still active …

    I'm happy with the plan.

    The 3 customer service offer me:
    Do you want to pay 10$ for 100 minutes international call? No, got it with the plan.
    Do you want to add a broadband plan? No, got 3 GB with the plan.
    I see, you sign up to x series, but you have to pay for it don't you? No, it's free.
    That's fine, can I help with anything else? No, thank you.

  • Is this offer still available? My cousin is interested in it.

    • no. sorry.
      Maybe wait for the iPhone plans, and sell iPhone on eBay??
      I doubt it will include 3GB, but it should have a decent amount of data.

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