I'm looking for a tablet for my nearly 79 year old Dad for Christmas and would appreciate some recommendations.
He's been using windows on his laptop - so I don't know if keeping with windows on a tablet would be helpful. As long as it's easy enough to use I don't suppose it matters, although I'd probably lean away from an iPad due to cost. We can set it all up for him, and fix up any issues when it goes wrong.
I'm assuming 10inch is better - bigger screen, bigger text etc
He needs it for browsing, maybe a game of chess here and there and email. Something that won't break the first time he drops it too….!!
I'm going to be too late for getting anything posted now, so it has to be from a shop.
I don't want to spend more than I have to for what he needs, but I'd like it to be decent quality and good enough to last him for at least a couple of years.
Thanks for any ideas
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sildenafil">Tablet for elderly gentleman</a>