• expired

VistaPrint Free Shipping (Again) and 25% off Storewide

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Free shipping and 25% off on VistaPrint by entering the site through the Facebook link. Feel free to then use one of the other codes to bring the cart total down:

  • New users - TAKE30 or TAKE20
  • Existing users - APOLOGY20

Previously I've had most of my completely free orders cancelled so usually try to pay a (very) small amount to increase my chances.

Thanks to all those who contributed on the previous deals (OzBargain,OzBargain,OzBargain).

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closed Comments

  • you have to use the code FBFREE at checkout

    You can only enter one code per order though

    • No code needed for the free shipping, at least when I did it, so you can use one of the other codes to stack the deals. You just need to enter the site through the link above.

      • How did you stack it doesn't work here. Tried the link then take30, which code are you using? Wait seems that it brings some things down to <$5 but no free ship then.

  • Thanks, put in an order. Last two free orders from previous deals shipped so hopefully this one does too :)

  • +2

    Have you tries using the link http://www.vistaprint.com.au/FBFREE

    • I like the fact that they now state… Orders must be higher than $1.00 for discount to apply

      • I wish they'd just stop all this mucking around with discounts and offer the best price. Their discount email the other day said "free custom T-shirt". But the kids shirt had $5 before even starting to design it (so that was out). Then I uploaded a simple logo of my own which they charged for… By the time it was ready for checkout, my "free custom shirt" had climbed to about $15 and that was before postage.

        (Yes, I did buy a white T-shirt from them and it was terrible quality. But I was going to try the grey to see if it were any better.)

  • "APOLOGY20" not working for me…

    • Try adding something dearer into your cart first, then delete it again after you've put what you want in!!!

      • are the codes still working?

        • +1

          The best way I can answer that is… SOMETIMES!!!
          I had one account that no matter what I did, I couldn't get it working. It kept saying that it had been applied, but didn't subtract from the total. I managed to get the apology code working on another by adding a couple of posters worth about $36, then adding the product I wanted, then deleting the posters!

  • TAKE30 worked, then when I sent the money they deducted the full amount (not less $30) despite showing the reduced amount on the confirmation screen…

    Check your payment receipts…

    • thats happened to me before, just email them and they should sort it out :)

  • +2

    With all the links, the emails, the accounts, free uploads, free promos, free shipping, free store credit and the ridiculous amount of individual post packages received… I could just about write a book about the dealings I've had with Vistaprint over the last 3 years!

    • +3

      It would have to be written using the pens and notepads you ordered from them for free.

  • Stacked apology20 for me, $1.43 for 2 x XL photo magnets with 7 day delivery

  • -3

    VistaPrint Free Shipping (Again)

    I tried to get the Free Shipping but you need to order something first… :(

  • +1

    Use APOLOGY20 for $0.64 in Total for,

    • 250 Starter Business Cards (FREE)
    • Pocket Business Card Holder (FREE)
    • Rubber Stamps (FREE)
    • 2 x XL Kids' T-shirts ($20.64)

    It said "Orders must be higher than $1.00 for discount to apply", but works for me with $0.64…

  • Another free mousepad, thanx OP.

  • +3

    280 return address labels for $1.43… And 7 the day free shipping!!!
    Mind you, I had to stuff around a bit to get the apology20 code working properly.
    First I put a couple of posters in the cart that added up to about $38, then added the address labels, then deleted the posters. It came up as accepted after entering the code, but wouldn't actually give me the discount off the total otherwise!!!

    Ps. I made up quite a few of these for free a couple of years ago with Xmas themes on them to use as present labels with just the words To: and From: on them. Just an idea!!! ;)

    • +2

      I use them for school labels. My kid loves them esp with Dora!!

      To make them water proof either laminate them to use as keyrings or use clear contact paper to stick on drink bottles lunch boxes etc

  • Great deal, thanks OP. Rubber stamp, note pad, pen, business cards and bottle opener for $2.75!

  • Worked for me, got a Personalised photo wall calendar and a USB flash drive for 13cents! 'You saved $53.91'

  • +3

    Not working anymore for me, anyone else confirm? It auto adds FBfree as the coupon and when i swap to take30, take20 or apology20 the free shipping disappears

    • +1

      Happening to me as well.

    • Yeah same :/

    • Not working here too…

    • Just played around a little bit… And yeah, it seems like they've got onto this and, like you said, made it auto fill the coupon code!
      I can get the code changed by clicking on the 'saw it on TV' link near the top and blanking it out again. But then once the apology code is added the freight price goes up!!!
      I suggest people keep playing around with different methods until we crack it again!!!

    • That's what I get for waiting :(

  • ordered 3 sets of 250 business cards. Total $2.07 for 750 cards. Not Bad.

  • Check your accounts guys. Anything I ordered "free" is now cancelled. Anything I ordered over $0.01 is still processing

    • Mine still says 'In Progress', though I did only make 1 order. Maybe they are cancelling those who made multiple orders?

      • I was ordering from 9:30am until they cut it off around 1:20pm. All my "FREE" orders are cancelled.

        What did you order for free?

        • Ordered 2 USB sticks and a stress ball last night about 5 minutes after this deal was posted.

    • Not having a go at you Pandabargain, but ever since VP was allowed back on OzB back in May, VP has been getting smashed. There's a few that have had some things come through but probably more than 95% of all free orders have been cancelled. Most people including myself have been suggesting spending just a small amount to give you a much better chance of receiving your goods!
      My suggestion… Have a go getting it free first. If it gets cancelled, reorder it along with something else, pay a few bucks, and you're almost guaranteed you'll get it!!!

      • Thanks for your advice Snoop, but I had already cracked on to that a few weeks ago.

        Ordered a whole heap of "free" stuff, and only t shirts were received.
        Following time I ordered "free" t shirts, with sub $0.50 purchases for other goods.
        This time I ordered "free" t shirts (cancelled), with $0.96 - $2.50 purchases still processing.

        So fingers crossed =)

        • lol, so how many free t shirts have u scored so far? :)

        • For family members and myself, 30.

          Tried to grab another 30 today!

        • Bravo!

  • Yep, my FREE order is cancelled too.
    Also Free Shipping is no longer working ….
    Can someone also please confirm?

  • Mine already says shipped
    Seems legot

  • Not working here on new account.

    Adds both FBFREE and TAKE30 and it reverts to full price after logging into paypal, paypal account has never been used with vistaprint before.

  • Got 4 orders in this morning with $2 and $3 totals, hopefully get them! But no longer working!
    Scored 10 Minion keyring torches for the kids bday party bag filler for $3.23

  • +1

    Still working for me. Just ordered 250 cards and got free 7 day delivery.

    • Were the business cards free?

      • The cards were free but I paid $4.99 to not have the vistaprint advertising on the back. So all up that's 2 cents each for 250 cards delivered in 7 days.

        Happy with that.

    • I just tried, FBFree is entered to my cart on the check out screen. Tried take30, take20 and apology20 all resulted in them charging for postage

      • I didn't bother trying the other codes seeing as it already looks like those aren't working now. Free post is good though.

    • Ditto. Only paid $4.80 to remove the promo they write on the back of the free cards.

      • Can you link me the free cards?

        • Just click the link at the top of this page and then select Business Cards - Starter Business Cards - Choose from 45 Designs.

        • Sure mate - here you are(vistaprint.com.au).

  • Thanks to OP, my order shipped today, zero cost, still went through.

  • my 750 cards arrived today! :D

  • got my custom diary today :)

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