• expired

Free UBank 1GB USB Drive for first 1000 Twitter follower


At UBank we like to tweet! Being on Twitter gives us the opportunity to interact with you - our customers, fans and followers. To say thank you we're giving away a UBank USB to followers of UBank on Twitter!

All you need to do is be one of the first 1000 followers to fill out the registration form below and still be a follower on the 31st of May and we'll send you one. It's easy.

And because we like you, we know we're going to like your friends, so spread the word about following us on Twitter and how to get a UBank USB stick too!


(Edited by scotty — UBank's Twitter account is obviously @ubank. Don't forget to follow @ozbargain as well, although no prize for that :))

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closed Comments

  • kind of nifty shaped little usb. Although, i don't have a twitter. Sorry

  • Thanks ubank! I can't wait to see the next thing you give out.

    • dude, it's a $5 USB key, if you dont have twitter, then don't worry - its not the end of the world.

    • +1

      It takes less time to open a twitter account than it does to fill in the form for the free USB drive. Either you want the freebie or you don't.

  • sweeeeet

  • Very viral… Followed. Let's see whether the USB drive turns up :)

  • -1

    haha thanks man =]
    just made 2 accounts for this - one to sign up my friend as well lol
    i'll probably just end up deleting my twitter though =O i dont like getting stalked by future employers rofl

  • 670 followers so far.

  • ubank got me to finally join Twitter! Thanks :D

    • aren't you from vogue forum??

      • I'm from everywhere :P
        However, yes, I do frequent the Vogue forums as well.

        • Apologies for an unrelated question. How do you post on Vogue forum? I can start a new thread or reply to posts but it never appear in the forum? Being a new member I can't pm the admin or mod or any other user to get help.

          • @browser: i want to know that too.
            my wife curious about that!

            • @tinx: I joined up ages ago (in 2004) when you could immediately post after registration. Things have now changed in that members have to gain credit, I guess, first. This is probably done by posting some useful replies to existing posts, which won't be displayed, but the mods will look at. There doesn't seem to be a consistent time as to how long the whole process takes though. It's not foolproof though because I have seen spam pop through.

              Check out this thread: http://forums.vogue.com.au/showthread.php?t=244769

  • I'm guessing if they live up to the deal then everyone who's joining them now will defo get one, since they dont have 1,000 followers? I followed them!

  • Hope they have enough for us :)
    850 already…

  • Thanks for your support. Those drives are limited edition, so they may well become collectors items :)

    (don't forget to check out our fun MoneyBox videos on http://www.youtube.com/user/UBankMoneyBox)

    Speak soon.

  • I was 879, so it's going fast!

  • +1

    Nice deal! Great marketing concept by UBank too. Not sure how successful it will be in terms of actual account sign-ups, but it sure does put UBank under a positive light.

  • I'm 965!!

  • It's almost over! There are less than ten 'follows' remaining as of this post! Get in as quick as you can if you still want one!

  • 3 LEFT!!!
    lol this is like
    a countdown

  • BOOM
    1000 =O

  • Phew I think that I just snuck in!! Just hit 1000 :)

  • LOL, I shouldn't laugh, but I feel sorry for the person who signed up at 1001…

    Oh well, for those who signed up tonight, remember that you'll need to fill out the form at www.ubank.com.au/thanks as well as remain followers of @UBank until the end of the month to receive your USB drive.

    • LMAO, I believe that was me

      • -1

        LOL the form says you have to "be one of the first 1000 followers to fill out the registration form below and still be a follower on the 31st of May"

        So I'm kinda guessing that just cause you were 1001st doesn't necessarily mean you don't get it because maybe you filled out your form faster than I did for my friend xD

        When I signed up I was 1000th, except I took my time filling out the form cause I was Facebooking and thought that as long as I was 1000th it would work -.-'

        Then I read that you had to be the first 1000 to fill out the form, not just follow T___T

        • Good thing for me I started following and completed my form at around the 775 mark :D

          • @GreenGuava: lol! yeh i filled one out for myself and a friend round 600
            then just decided to try get another one for another friend just for the thrill of being the 1000th person xD
            but she probably wont get it haha

            • +1

              @clem: Yes but i'm guessing that not every single one of the thousand followers on twitter would've completed the signup form…

  • +1

    Damn. Just went to the site and saw 1005. I bet no one is going to join anymore lol

    • I'd still join. You can absolutely guarantee there are at least 50 or so spammers following ubank, and most of those account will be disabled by the time the USB sticks are awarded.

  • +3

    Just got this in a tweet from UBank:

    Hi everyone, a few queries on "how you know if you got in for a USB", we'll drop you an email letting you know over the weekend, thanks ;-)

    • Anyone received the email yet?

      • Anyone get the email over the weekend?

        • nah

        • Still waiting on it here as well. Hopefully this campaign won't backfire on UBank in terms of Twitter follower backlash due to sloppy handling of these USB keys. :)

          • @GreenGuava: Update from Twitter: UBank - An update for those *still waiting for an email from us regarding USBs, we're running a bit behind with that, it'll be out later today, thx*

            • @GreenGuava: Just got a confirmation email from Monty.
              it should arrive in May or June.

              • @Blinda: Same here! Thumbs up to the OP and UBank.

                • @GreenGuava: Awesome. Just posted the email just for others who havent received it to read.

                  • @bevisaurus: i got it yesterday afternoon :)

  • -1

    nah. Not yet…

    • +2

      I would love to see where you can get a cool usb like that for 2 bucks? smart ass?.. I think that's a totally crap point for a negative…

    • +1

      You shouldn't be on this site if that's ur reason for a negative lol

  • got one :) although I was something like number 1,100 - maybe some people unsubscribed :)

    • Just got confirmation email. I was around no 1055.

  • -1

    This is the email I got….


    Good news! We've received your registration and your UBank 1GB USB Drive
    will be in your hands soon.

    We're posting these out progressively during May and early June. Although
    we anticipate you'll receive your USB earlier, please allow 2-3 weeks for

    Thanks for tuning in to our tweets on twitter. You can also keep in touch
    with UBank online two other great ways:

    Facebook - ubank.com.au/facebook
    YouTube - youtube.com/ubankmoneybox

    If you have any questions, check out ubank.com.au/thanks (you'll also find
    the terms and conditions here in plain English), reply to this email or
    contact us on Twitter @UBank.

    Speak soon,

    Monty Hamilton
    Online, UBank.

    • Interesting…as I'm one of their 1000 followers but didn't get the email above.

      • Did you fill out the form on their webpage after following @UBank?

        • Yes

          • @POWERevolution: Have you checked your spam folder? If it's not there then maybe Twitter @UBank and ask if you are on their list.

  • Got the email as well today :D

  • Got mine too :)

  • I got my email, and when i signed up it was nearly at 1200, so i'm pretty lucky and surprised.

  • Got one too.

    I was number 1200!

  • got my email, as well as my wife. yayy

  • Fantastic!

  • +1

    Hello folks -

    Thanks for your interest.

    Watch out on Twitter for @ubank: in a few weeks we'll post limited invites to become "beta testers" for a new ubank product.

    Speak soon,



    such a freakingly awesomely cute usb!! =D

    • i got mine in the mail today too. im in syd.

      • haha same ^^
        lol i wont delete my twitter account though cos i feel kinda guilty if i join just for the usb then quit just as soon as i get it T___T

  • Received mine today
    Thanks :)

  • +1

    Received mine yesterday. The actual drive is pretty small, and cool looking without the added bulk of the U. So i altered it, and cut of one side of the U, and rounded off the end of the cap so it looked the same both sides.
    I used the existing curve on the drive side as a stencil and used a kitchen knife to cut downwards to form a clone of that curve. Then in order to even it up i rubbed it on a hard surface in the jagged areas, and it rubbed down to a nice smooth curve.
    Looks awesome now. I put it on my keyring.
    Feel bad about dissing Ubank's marketing freebie, but couldn't resist cause it's so much smaller now.
    Check it:-



    • Good work. Very nice and simple mod. I might have a go at doing that (if I ever get it that is!)

    • Good job Josh :)

    • That looks cool, I like that pill looking design :D I'd be too scared to cut mine though.
      I'm still waiting for my usb, but looks like ubank is sad about your mod; probably because you cut off their branding.

      @UBank "Josh81" on @ozbargain did some 'mods' to his @UBank USB :'( …don't try this at home folks! http://bit.ly/EL6xG & http://bit.ly/3JDt5A

  • Got mine today!

  • finally got mine today too :)

  • Got mine today! Great freebie!

  • Just got mine.
    Very nice freebie, came with a lot of cheesy videos though, haha.


  • wee, got mine. SLowest USB drive ever though lol. Not bad for freebie

  • still waiting…

  • End of the month & still hasn't arrive.
    Anyone in SA receive them?

    • Yep, almost 2 weeks ago.

  • I haven't got mine yet although I received the email saying I would get one…

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