• expired

Oscar Neo Slow Juicer $444 from The Good Guys


Cheapest I could find on this item brand new.
Please comment if u could find cheaper!

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys

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  • +1

    I bought for $344 from David Jones yesterday

    449 on their website - $50 for AMEX deal then they also gave me $40 worth of David Jones vouchers

    Was also hoping to sign up to the free David Jones credit card for the $100 gift voucher but figured it would take too long, that would have brought it down to $244

    Also you can get $429 -5% if you sign up to their newsletter here:

    Good guys also had it for $429 2 days ago but just changed their price yesterday

  • What's the $50 Amex deal? And how do we get the dj vouchers? Thanks

    • -2

      DJ voucher deal was one day only - yesterday.

      Amex deal:

      and https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/125697

      (use search function top right)

      btw turn on your private messaging, could be tempted to sell you mine if you were interested I'll just transfer the ownership to you haha but yeah otherwise ill keep mine. It will be 449 at David Jones until 24th Dec so try to wait for them to have another discount / deal you can add on to it

      The $40 DJ vouchers I have expire 31st Jan 2014 too so not much time to use them and means i have to go back to buy more stuff :(

  • +4

    Slow Juicer $444

    They obviously don't want any Chinese customers…

    • -2

      Is there some way to mute you? Or automatically delete anything you post?

      Your posts are just pointless and nearly always irrelevant to the topic.

      • +8

        dude its a joke..

        some lifts dont have the 4th floor as 4 is unlucky (death) in chinese.

        So 444 is like the worst and you will find chinese people skip that number when building hotels / rooms.

        • +11

          One time I wanted to buy a car from a dealer for $24444. I said I didn't like the price because of the last four digits (I'm chinese). He laughed and changed the price to $28888 >_<

        • Only cos it sounds like death in cantonese so basically $444 is saying death death death

        • That's logical

  • Sorry negative vote by accident. Ill keep looking around as I want the pink colour but nobody seems to have it yet

    • I got the burgandy one (red) as the chrome was too easy to get fingerprints on

  • Hmmm, the main part of it looks pretty much the same as the $50 mincer I bought a while back
    Connections to the motor look the same, its just that bit of plastic on the end that is different

    I wonder how they stack up against the slow juicer for $80 here

  • Mute who?

    • +1

      JV I think.
      $888 would interest Chinese customers.

      JV- please explain

      Edit: Thanks AussieMark. Never knew that. Might change apartments, I'm on the fourth floor. Street number 44.

      • +1

        U unrucky… :-(

        • I rogged in just to upvote you. Hirarious!

    • Don't like the way she fondles Oscar's growing protuberance at 58 secs. and what accent is that ?
      Got the Scoopon 800rpm(?) version from the other day. $80+P&H

    • single gear, three stip


  • looks like it may be from an updated version of the film Top Secret


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