My 5 year old son today asked if he can please have an alien t shirt for Christmas. He's pretty sensitive, so I'm not sure of my chances of finding a "non scary" looking alien (definitely no monsters - has to be a classic, cute kind of alien) and if I could, whether it would be an acceptable price (I don't buy expensive brand name clothes for my kids- they have mostly on sale stuff, or hand me downs from friends)
I thought maybe my best bet was to get a tshirt printed and went to trusty Arts Cow to find they were not so trusty! They only have t shirts for adults, not kids.
So - any ideas? I really wouldn't want to pay too much - I've already got a couple of presents for him, but he did ask, so I'm having a look for him.
Thanks for any ideas
You could try vista print, they have kids tshirts from $14, look around on the net they usually have deals popping up with reduced prices.
Or maybe you will find something here