This was posted 11 years 3 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Battlefield 4 $19.99USD Origin with Code


Visit to generate a $10 off coupon
Enter one of the following codes, along with your email address:
Copy your unique code
Visit here… to add Battlefield 4 to cart $29.99
Proceed to checkout
Enter copied promo code
Total will be $29.99 - $10 with your unique code = $19.99

Can anyone confirm that this can be played in Australia?

NOTE: It is directly applied to your account you are not given a code.
Also seems you need a VPN, Paypal is also the way to go for payment

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closed Comments

  • I really hope this works! Eagerly awaiting confirmation that it can be played in Australia.

    • +1

      I still can't get through.. Site's being hammered.

      • +1

        You didn't mention the use of VPN. I recommend tunnelbear. Worked the best for me.

        • Thanks for the suggestion on tunnelbear.

    • I just got it and it does work. I've done this before with BF3.

      Here a bonus: get Premium off Origin Mexico for $38. This way total becomes $50 including Premium. That's less than what base game usually costs.

  • +1

    Woo just got my order through, can't comment if this can be played in Australia though because I'm currently in the U.S. on holidays (never forget my ozbargain roots) but I'm assuming it can.. Hoping it can.

    • Bought it too. Can confirm it works.

  • Having a real hard time adding this to cart without getting a 503 error. At any rate you will need a vpn or you will keep being redirected to the AU version of origin's site where bf4 is still around the $45AU mark.

    Will keep updated once I've managed to purchase

    • Welp finally got it in my cart at $19.90 but origin don't want to accept my westpac mastercard.

      • Seems I got lucky since I'm in the US atm. Try paypal?

        If there's no work around I'll have it deleted by the mods

        • I'm probably one of the few that don't use paypal. At any rate It's probably a westpac issue more than anything as I also have trouble with netflix subs.

          Having a mate from the states purchase for me though. Hopefully should be able to redeem no worries.

  • +4

    This pretty much summarises my last half hour:
    See $29.99, add to cart, 503, 503, 503, finally see the cart, says $47.99.

    Screw this, I'll just go with Amazon for the extra $5 in a few hours.

  • Managed to purchase, tried a Mastercard and an Amex, neither worked for payment methods. Had to use Paypal then the transaction completed.

    • +3

      What address did you put in at checkout? Just your normal billing address or an US one?

      • Used my normal billing address in Australia (think it's also best the Origin billing matches the Paypal billing?)

    • Can you confirm what address you used please?

      • Normal (Australian) was used.

    • i just tried with paypal and commbank mastercard and says "We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. #10048]"

  • Okay confirmed working. Digital Deluxe for $25USD added to my account and downloading now thanks alot OP. Sorry for spamming up your post :D

  • how do you get it to go to the US origin site - mine keeps porting back to the AU site

    • You need to use a VPN mate. Here's what I used

      • error 10048?
        unable to process payment right now

        do you have to enter correct address information in the origin window?
        usually a paypal subwindow will come up?

  • Seems to work if you use a proxy, though I'm not sure about how Origin deals with such stuff (I've seen people lose their whole account because they swore on the forums).
    EDIT: Saw this: "Select eligible products totaling $29.99 or more by clicking the "Add to Cart" button."
    So I tried adding few "not too overly priced" games to cart from the Australian site, had 6 for $30. When I tried applying the coupon it said I had to remove the current coupon first?

  • Using a VPN but none of the Promo codes are working. :(

    • The codes in the OP are to REDEEM your Origin promo code. read the instructions!

  • Thanks alot OP. Got DDE for $US25. Used tunnelbear and payed with paypal.

  • +1

    Damn it!

    We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. #10048]

    I thought maybe it was because I had an Australian billing address, changed to USA, still doesnt work

    • Yeah looks like paypal or nothing for us Aussies

      • +2

        how did you get paypal to work - its giving me same above error 10048?

        cant get to paypal password window -
        tried AU and US address in origin window - same..

        • Not sure how it went through, but Origin already had my deatils (Aussie address) and prefered payment method (paypal) in their system already. Clicked checkout and it just went straight through to paypal and payed it no problem.

        • origin had my paypal details saved aswell but it dint go through and came up with this error.. bad luck

        • Mine too. Bummer.

    • my paypal is not working either getting same error

      • same. screw this wait a few hours and pay $25 then.

  • I'm getting an error using the New York Hilton address and Paypal.

    What did those people who got it working have for their address? And did you use an aussie credit card?

  • I get referred to the GB site when I sign into my account on Origin. Using Tunnelbear

  • Lol, seems like a lot of hassle to save $5 especially if there's a chance it may not work

  • Are you guys seeing a $1.77 tax added to the final amount during check out?

  • +1

    I get the [ref. #10048] error :(

  • fek me.. even with tunnelbear it still changes to the AU store

  • Worked fine, used AUS address in the billing address and then went through paypal. Used tunnelbear.

  • Worked…transaction went through…the game have not been delivered to my account though.

  • Woot,, worked with private tunnel using chicago city as the destination. paid with paypal aus address

  • +1

    I cant get it to work. Tried both PayPal and CC and I keep getting the 10048 error at the end! Anyone have any solutions?!

    • I got the same error before..
      so I used for my VPN and change the server to Chicago.
      Then login to Origin using IE10 (somehow chrome doesnt work with vpn). Add to chart+the code as normal, and select paypal..

  • Promo code isnt working? :S
    Got a new one, working now.
    Getting 10048 error too, dammit.

  • Couldn't be stuffed hanging around for the ever changing Amazon sale. Got a $10 off code, logged into my personal USA VPN, and bought BF4+premium for $80 AUD. Used PayPal (28 Degrees MC) to pay and my real USA address.

    • ummm you are meant to vpn both US and Mexico Origin to get the complete package for

      50 usd XD

  • Everything worked as per instruction until the very end.
    It wouldn't accept paypal

  • dosnt work anymore
    using my premium vpn cant pass the payment

  • God damn that price is amazing but need VPN? Do you need the VPN to buy & play or just to buy? EDIT: Nvm looks like they caught on lol

    Whoops replied to wrong thread

  • promo code dont work. anyone have new codes?

  • +1

    Tried like 30 times using different VPNs/Payment methods and browsers and doesn't work. Stupid #10048 error!

  • +1

    Yeah I'm getting error #10048 :(

    • +1

      same, tried browser and origin
      cleared cache and tried changing location to mexico from US. guess ill keep my money

      thats my $10 code if anyone wants it

  • So i tried changing, my origin account to location australia, using US address details for CC and paypal with no luck and a few errors… Order has been processed and cant be again (lies - no sign of it in paypal or the bank acc) and 10048

    • Sounds like a lot of hassle. I'd just buy from Amazon for 5 extra.

  • Ok this is what I did:

    click on that link to generate a $10 discount code.
    installed tunnel bear
    enabled tunnel bear for USA
    clicked on the origin usa store link
    add game to cart
    asked me to sign in…signed in with my normal origin account
    chose Paypal for payment option
    added a new Paypal payment
    put my AUS address
    clicked Checkout
    took me to Paypal
    logged in via paypal
    chose AUS CC linked to Paypal
    Said order completed, gave me a order number, asked me to check My Games for the game
    Fired up Origin
    Let it update
    Click My Games and its there
    Started downloading it.

    hope that helps.

    • This is what happens for me:

      click on that link to generate a $10 discount code.
      installed tunnel bear
      enabled tunnel bear for USA
      clicked on the origin usa store link
      add game to cart
      asked me to sign in…signed in with my normal origin account
      chose Paypal for payment option
      added a new Paypal payment
      put my AUS address
      clicked Checkout
      Get taken back to checkout with error code 10048

      • They supposedly had this problem during BF4 preorders as well.
        Go and grab the amazon deal for $25, still have some time left on that one I think.

  • just bought
    disconnected vpn before placing order, if not, will display 10048 error

    • just tried that, and still came up with same error. Did u disconnect on the last step where u check the box and press place order?

      • Try doing everything while logged out with the VPN on and when you get to the login part, disable VPN and continue with process. That's how I did it this morning at 5:30AM

        • Just did all that :( still no luck. Thanks anyway

        • I didn't disconnect my Tunnel Bear VPN till the very end…like even did paypal transaction through it. Only disconnected before I fired up Origin.

        • Still nothing. Screwed as.

      • at first, i got the same error(10048) after click the "place order" button.

        Then I only connected when add to cart, then disconnect vpn, select paypal, and done.

        • I tried that. I can't even checkout an Australian copy @ $47.99

    • +1

      try these steps:
      1. put it in the basket
      2. enter coupon code
      3. log in to origin
      4. turn vpn off
      5. enter your credit card/paypal and adress

  • Success for me. Did the VPN, once I went to checkout I disconnected VPN and did PayPal through AU. $22.80 after currency conversion.

  • weird, i couldnt get it to go no matter when i disconnected the vpn and paid with PP. Tried with credit card and it went through fine.

    • With AUS credit card?

      • +1

        yeah westpac. Paypal didnt work so i gave up after about the 20th try. I had disconnected the vpn before i went to the payment page if that makes any difference.

  • I bought mine with the VPN method…add to cart with VPN enabled, disable VPN and checkout as normal..
    I wonder if our origin account will get banned for doing the VPN?

    • -1

      People use VPN's for purchasing BF from Origin Mexico and I don't think they've had any problems.

  • For those who don't want to use VPN to get the Premium DLC for Battlefield 4 can get it here for $45.38 AUD:

  • Still works, Ta. Now I need a GPU.

  • Thank you OP, used a VPN and bought it around about 14:00 today.

  • Tried using my VPN and a US address with both Paypal and CC with no luck =(

  • Deal no longer works, sadly.

    The discount coupon site still works fine, it's just that Origin doesn't have the deal available any more for $20.

  • Just bought BF4 Premium using this method (bought BF4 off Amazon earlier today).

    This is what I did:

    1)Use FlyVPN ( to connect to a US based server
    2)Go to
    3)Add BF4 to my cart
    4)Go to checkout screen
    5)Disconnect VPN
    6)Login - it gave me a 'Network Change' error first time, I clicked back and re-logged
    7)Used my previously saved Paypal info WITH Aus address
    8)Clicked through to Paypal, paid.

    Hope this helps.

  • Tried all the tips above and I keep getting the 10048 error. Oh well looks like I'm not meant to spend this $20

  • Darn.. went out to shop and was going to do it after I got back. Missed it.

    Oh well, didn't really have time for it anyway. My backlog is growing by the day.

  • IF the VPN method has expired you can always get it from Amazon cheap Battlefield 4 PC online code US$30

  • I couldn't get past the checkout screen receiving the 10048 error. So I bought a $20 EA game card for $25 and it worked without a glitch. I believe the US sale is still on at the time of this post.

    EA Card bought from here.

    A discount coupon code you can still try.


    • +1

      Wait, you paid $25 for a $20 game card?

  • Other than the Mexican hookup, any other way to get BF4 at a discount? Can't believe I missed it on Amazon.

    • None that I know of. It won't go down that low again any time soon unless there a big Christmas sale. You may be able to get 20% off when GMG has coupons out but that's about it.

      • Thanks. I thought as much. Looks like Mexico is the place to go now.

        • Grab me some Coronas while you are there. :)

        • Wait! Amazon are having a flash sale today: 12:01 dt (about 4 hours from now) - Battlefield 4 is in it, and rumour is it'll be ~$25 again.

        • Hey, is this in reference to the Cyber Monday sale?

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