This was posted 11 years 3 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20L Jerry Can (Approved for Petrol) for $15 at Ray's Outdoors


Fully approved for filling & storage of petrol and kerosene
Made to Australian Standards
Manufactured in Australia

Edit: I don't know much about metal vs plastic jerry cans, but current US military fuel can is plastic (changed from metal):

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closed Comments

  • +20

    They may be Auatralian approved, but they leak like all buggery.
    The little air vent on the back leaks fuel, and you need to store these things somewhere well ventilated.
    Use only in emergency imo.

    If you want a proper fuel container that doesnt smell, doesnt leak, and is generally much better at holding fuel when transporting (either in the car, in the boot, or on the back of the ute), stick to metal jerry cans folks.

    Yeah they are 2-3 times the price, but they are worth it.

    If anyone is in the ACT and wants one of these for free, happy to give it away. It's shait :).

    • +8

      So bad quality, must be a cheap Chinese knock off… Hang on it is made in Australia.

    • BUT why cant we used it for water?

      • +8

        That will cause mayhem!! People will think you are drinking petrol and will lead to a new trend where all the druggies junkies and the schoolies will be at the petrol station drinking directly from the bowser. Imagine the chaos and the queues.

        • COOL~ ^_^

      • +4

        red = petrol
        yellow = diesel
        blue = water
        and I forget the rest, but they are the important ones.

        obviously dont just rely on colour before skulling one after a hard days work, but pretty sure they are the colours most camping/4wd folk use.

        • +4

          red = shoot to explode

        • Take down those Zombies !

        • Brown = PortaPotty ?

      • If its had petroleum in it and you put water in it and drink it you can get very sick. I know a group of men who did.

      • +1

        With all the practicalities aside, it's more than likely to have BPA.

        • What makes you think that? Wrong kind of plastic.
          But plenty of water bottles do have BPA, e.g. those clear polycarbonate bottles on top of water coolers.

      • Because the plastic used on the non water containers can leech chemicals into the water. Been there tried that.

    • This has two identical openings - one on each side (so no separate little air vent).

    • +1

      I regularly store and transport (from the servo to home) E85 in Willow 20L plastic jerry cans without a problem. They are Aust made and best spot to get them is Kmart for a bit over $25 any day of the year. I have also used them on a few occasions (stocking up on the low cycle with a decent discount voucher) for 98RON fuels and never had a drama.

      • Will be getting some willow ones then, but 20L sounds a bit small. Sometimes we would be transporting up to like.. 4-6 cans or so @ 20L each.

  • +3

    i have found the scepter ones to be pretty good. of course like all things you need to look after it.

    clean the seals, give the tank a wipe down once a while to get rid of residual petrol and exercise care when transporting.

    cant say the same for these cheap plastic copies.

    the willow ones are even better imo because unlike the scepter they dont stick the spout into the tank and submerge in petrol.

    • +1

      +1 my willow hasn't missed a beat. No leaks and had it for years.

    • Yeah that is a stupid idea sticking the spout inside

      • +1

        With the spout inside, there is no need to worry about flushing all the dirt, dust, water and other crap into your fuel tank that collects in the pouring spout on these ones that store it on the outside. Inside = protected = best IMO

  • +2

    I have one, yes it leaks.

    • No clue about brand, but my red one does not leak. Keep petrol for the lawnMower since years.

  • +1

    So why is this getting so many votes if it's sub-par? People will think its good and go out and buy it.

    • Good question. Just the idea of keeping 20 litres of petrol in a plastic container around the house gives me the sh*ts!

  • The jerry can is a design classic.

  • +3

    This is not a jerry can.

    • +5

      This are not the jerry cans you are looking for.

    • Totally not a jerry can.

      • +4


        • Jerry Springer?

  • +1

    Are these cans E85 compatible?

  • -2

    Does it come with free unlimited petrol?

    • +2

      It is a JC not an oil well.. Just in case the description was not clear enough.

  • Looks closely like the one in GTA V

  • Wonder where does the jerry come from in jerrycan

    • Germans.

      In the war, the german army came up with an awesome design to store and transport fuel.
      COMPLETELY superior to the UK version, that used to leak and crack.

      So much so that allied soldiers would scavenge these fuel cans from "the jerrys"… hence jerry can.

      I remember watching it in a doco once about the world war.
      When they showed the UK square box version, and how the UK army persisted even though it was shait, I was like…. there we go, English stubborness right there.

      Yeah so, thank the germans :).
      They are actually responsible for a lot of really good inventions.
      They were nazi pricks, but damn good brainiacs too.
      You might have heard of one guy in particular ;).

      • Wernher Von Braun?

      • And the Jerry can they came up with is nothing like this. This is a cheap knock off and the op is confused.

      • no, they weren't Nazi pricks, that was their leadership.

        I think you meant to say "I admire the inventiveness of German engineers during the pressures of world war 2."

        When admiring something from that era of German history, we do NOT need to close with a 'politically correct' idiom such as "but they were evil Nazis". It is inaccurate and sheepish to do so.

      • Julia Gillard? Oh no - wait she's a wom… aw, never mind.

  • Made in Australia, must be good, everything made here is good.

    • +3

      Shite is shite. No matter where it is made.

  • +4

    These truly are terrible. They leak like buggery. When you are carrying or storing flammable fuel, I'm sorry, but cheaper is definitely not better (I know; "Bite your tongue, you're meant to be an Ozbargainer"). If you must get one, make Bunnings or Kmart beat the price by 10%, because they sell the same shite. Cheap, nasty and unfit for the intended purpose.

    • +2


      I used that earlier… and I'm happy to see it again, plus vote :).

    • If it doesnt work its not a bargain.

  • +1

    Looks like the crappy one I got from SCA. Its awful to use.
    I got a Willow-brand one for $10 more, and worth every penny.
    Almost as good as the proper steel gerry cans.

  • +1

    To the guys saying they leak, how full were you filling them? i use alot of these for work (diesel ones though) and we find that both these type and the willows only tend to leak when they are overfilled (ie you dont leave an expansion gap)

    We have 24 of them per road train for emergencies when we arent pulling one of the flat beds with the 9500L fuel belly fitted.

    • I always watch the meter on the pump and fill to about 20L and I have never had issues with my Willows ones.

      • even on my willow ones, i can get an extra litre or so in without any issues. it only leaks if i leave them in the sun and if i dont put the lid on properly.

        the only ones which dont allow me to carry more than the specified limit is the scepter ones, because the spout inside the tank causes the fuel to flow out if i dont leave enough air in the container.

    • Doesn't matter how much you put in - this brand is CRAP. If fuel moves while being transported in one of these containers they will leak from the outlet.

      • We use ours when we are doing Syd-Darwin return or running down the gunbarrel, they get belted around and shaken and dont leak, but again we dont overfill ours and leaving expansion will significantly help, petrol and diesel volume can increase by as much as 5% due to heat.

    • No, it's not overfilling.

      It's the fact that the plastic ones require venting because they cant handle the pressure of fuel expansion.

      I had mine half full sitting in a shed upright, and when I would walk into the shed a week later the fumes from it would prevent you from going in there.

      Plain and simple…. the metal jerry cans are sealed. No venting required.

      And I know the OP has quoted US Military spec ones are plastic now, but give me a break- that's stretching things a bit trying to compare those military grade ones to cheap plastic ones like has been posted.

  • So it's not approved for Diesel?

  • +6

    The metal one is reduced from $65 to $35.…

    • +1

      Wow! Now THAT is a Bargain!! The Proquip Metals are the best on the market by a long, long way. At $65, they are worth it; at $35, they are an absolute steel (get it?? :-)
      I've seen a lot more Chinese copies come into the Oz market recently, with big retailers shafting us for POS quality at Proquip top dollar pricing. Jump on this price people!

      • Agreed! Bargain!

        $35 for a proper metal jerry can, with that proper latch and safety pin style cap is a real bargain.

  • Yeah it only leaks if you don't leave extra space as the petrol expands a lot when warm.

    I learned my lesson from this and never filled my car to the brim as the petrol expands and goes to waste. All cars have a hose in the tank where the extra petrol from the petrol tank goes out. So when you hear the petrol bowser clicks, STOP filling up on more petrol specially in summer. You don't smell the petrol coming out because the overfill hose in cars have charcoal canister fitted to protect the environment.

  • Got a willow 20L from SCA when it was on special. Had it for almost a year. Have more than compensated its cost in cheaper stocked fuel at home by not having to buy on super high price days.

  • +1

    Not a bargain. Free at any Los Santos petrol station.

  • Leaks thru the caps (mine has twin caps at the top) eg. when placed prone/on its side.

    I have a metal jerry can, actually ex-German military one bought off a garage sale - is good, no leak whatsoever.

    Another big diff - when full & placed in the car, the jerry can emits no smell ie. air-tight, whilst the red can freely distributes fuel fumes in the passenger compartment.

  • I have a small plastic 5L for emergencies but it's bucked in on itself a little while empty, anything u can do about that? I think I had the lid on too tight when it was nearly empty

    • +1

      Fill it with fuel and leave in the sun - away from animals and small children - unless they're someone else's. Then it will bow out the other way - but you already know how to fix that. Hours of fun for the whole family making it go back and forth.

      • Thanks, so obvious when you hear that, should have thought of it on my own.

  • +1

    I bought the exact same looking one last night from Bunnings at their normal shelf price of $18.79. I was desperate because I had a 22c/litre coles discount voucher expiring yesterday and needed more Jerry cans.

    They looked and felt OK, but the result was not so good.

    Reasons I bought it:

    1. As people mentioned before 2 inlets of same size with O rings inside the lid.
    2. Spout nicely tucked in its special hole along with one opening.
    3. Handle looked sturdy and round and felt good while holding
    4. Plastic felt strong.

    Reasons I regret it later on:

    1. Filled Petrol and tightened the lids properly, but it leaked just while travelling less than 3 kms from petrol station to home. I think it spilled like 0.5 litre on the floor of the boot. Now the car stinks with petrol.
    2. Doesn't have a good grip at the bottom like the Scepter one I had which helps while filling your car with it.
    3. Don't have a child lock like mechanism which the Scepter have
    4. Spout can get dirty with dust and cob webs I guess as it's stored outside or can get misplaced.
      I guesss if I can return it..?
  • the seals fall out of the cheaper jerry cans easier then the better brands. once they fall out and you dont have a spare then its pretty much useless till you get more seals.

  • I have a 20L Willow for cars and a 5L BMW (same brand as this deal) for the mower. The smaller one is even 5 years old but has never leaked during its life. The 20L Willow is also a plastic one - and from memory was $20 at a SCA special.

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