• expired

New Super Luigi U Wii U, Pokemon White/BLACK Version 2 DS $10 ea + Other $10 Games @ TGG


Bargain of the morning is here for the gamers (I am not the gamer…hahaha).
I cannot believe it they are so cheap for very good games. delivery is only $2.
Many good quality games to choose from PS3/Xbox/3DS/DS/PS VITA
other bargain games $10 ea

Some highlights include:


Black Ops 2
Medal of Honor
NFS Shift Unleased 2
Batman Arkham City
LA Noire
Halo Reach
Battlefield 3 or the limited edition
Prototype 2
Halo 4
Max Payne 3


Batman Arkham City
Portal 2
Battlefield 3
Black Ops 2
LA Noire
God of War 3
Max Payne 3




Credit: skooter

Edit: Since Lugi U has already sold out, replaced the link to the main promo page.

Related Stores

The Good Guys
The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • +6

    So, I made a page one post originally but chances are the 'popular' items I ordered won't be sent because the dispatch ordering system doesn't work on first come first served… more likely they print out half a dozen orders, pin them to a wall and throw a dart at one?

    This whole thing is a massive balls up and has made me less likely to buy from the good guys again, both from the online system and from the bricks and mortar stores, which is a damn shame because I'm in the market to buy a new fancy ass dish washer…

    This 'gift card' people are talking about better not come with any conditions (eg, spend $100 to get $40 off) or you might as well just use it as wood tinder.

    Oh and I missed 'the call', tired to call back the 1300 number, left a message after I couldn't stand listing to the distorted hold music for 10 minutes and never received a call back. If its just going to be some joker muppet reading off a script telling me how Santa and his elves are working hard to bring me my ordered games but I can't have Luigi, Heart Gold & Soul Silver… save your breath.

    • +3

      Love the idea of the dart although with the chances it seems more like winning the jackpot in a powerball draw or all orders being placed in a demo-model dryer going on a 10 minute spin cycle and one lucky number is selected.

  • Got my call for my order for Pokemon White 2 and Heart Gold. He said White 2 will be coming to me 'shortly'.
    He said they haven't sourced Heart Gold yet but they are still trying, and I will know shortly if I'll get it or not, and if not I'll get a full refund.
    NO mention of a giftcard, but I assume that's cause I will only be missing out on one game.

    Postie has already come today, no games. So tomorrow is the last day for the 'deadline'.

  • +1

    Here's my experiences thus far with attempting to contacting TGG.

    1. I was initially told to email [email protected]. I did and never received a response.

    2. I then called my local store, who promise to call me that afternoon (I didn't even ask them to), regardless of whether or not they had an update. They never called back.

    3. Carla advised people to email [email protected]. I did and never received a response.

    4. Carla advised me to PM her. I did and she told me that she'd flag my order with customer service. This is the 5th day and still no call.

    5. Being told to expect a call last week, then by Sunday, then by this week and now by Friday. Haven't received any communication since the email notifying me of my 'allocated store'.

    I'll keep waiting, like everyone else, til Friday.

    • -1

      Hi steveau,

      I have personally responded to every email I have received.
      Please feel free to resend your email again.

      Carla DV

      • I sent an email to where you advised. I did and never received a response. I then directly PMed you and you flagged customer service. They never called.

        I don't feel entitled to be served before anyone else, just thought I'd note my experiences.

        • Hi steveau,

          Understood. If I've missed your email I do personally apologise. I will look for it again.

          Carla DV

  • +7

    …and the Tweet is deleted! Fast work, Ms. DV, fast work.

    • hey, could you PM me a copy of the tweet?

  • @blankedboy — I have removed your previous comment because it has contained too much personal information. They might be easy to find with search engine, but please don't post them in comments on OzBargain.

  • +2

    Must say I'm impress with the GG… ordered 4 games and received all of them :)

    • Were they all the ones on the list that they sent us in the email? Just wondering :)

    • Hi bibiphok,

      Really pleased to hear this

      Carla DV

      • +1

        Hi good guys,

        Please reply to your messages.


  • +8

    Fair enough, although the information I posted is publicly available and easily found I accept your decision. However, I still believe that everyone posting in this thread deserves to know that the person who is supposed to be "helping" us has been publicly disparaging this forum to her Twitter followers.

    • The policy here is no personal attacks. Bad mouthing TGG because they failed to deliver — maybe. However picking on the rep by her name — not cool. Since the rep here has already removed the tweet so let's just settle on that.

    • +1

      Found her twitter easy as pie. Can't see what you are referring to though. Poor Carla. She might want a latte or three after this.

      • +4

        It was deleted almost as soon as I mentioned it on here.

        • +1

          Mostly can't believe she posted here using her real name. Needs to take a page out of Phoebe Gaines book.

        • +8

          As a high school teacher, you learn really quickly that those who publicly slag their students don't last long. You'd think it would be even more important as a social media representative.

        • +1

          I think the whole thing is frustrating on many levels, but she has a job to do and has little control over the actual dispatching of orders so that makes it difficult for everyone… I thought it was helpful that we were talking to a real person and not some made-up alias, so kudos to Carla for being transparent in my book.

        • Lol phoebe gaines once added me on Facebook she disappeared soon after xD

        • +8

          My issue is not with a GG PR rep being in this thread trying to help customers. It's the fact that the same person, while appearing publicly "helpful" to us here, was simultaneously disparaging the posters in this thread to Twitter followers. That's just really bad form and, frankly, rude.

        • +11

          She's also getting paid to help us, it's not charity work. Everyone has challenges in their job, but you don't go around slagging people. If you need to vent, do it in a private context.

        • +7

          That's terrible if it's true the The Good Guys are disrespecting the Ozbargain Community on Twitter. I'll definitely be escalating my complaint now.

        • +8

          Maybe the first rule of social media should be - Assume your customers can use Google.

          Second rule - Definitely use an alias if you choose to bag out your customers.

          The TGG are digging themselves deeper - why didn't they just refund everyone over a week ago and save everyone (Carla included) all the grief? Do they forget we also buy thousand dollar appliances and TV's and air conditioners? Not just $10 games.

        • +7

          Ah, look, I actually feel a bit bad about raising it here now. I'm sure Carla isnt having a very good morning at all, and we are all human. An "I'm sorry" would make a big difference.

          But, if GG had actually handled this better, been up front and not just continued to try and weasel out of things I might have not been prompted to go looking around for more info/details about the situation.

        • There's no real apologies in social media. Just the delete key. That is, until it goes viral with a incriminating screen capture. That's when it's time to delete your entire twitter account - and step away from the computer.

        • +4

          Screen capture, you say? Well, whoever would have thought to do that I wonder…….

        • The TGG are digging themselves deeper - why didn't they just refund everyone over a week ago and save everyone (Carla included) all the grief?

          From reading the comments, lots of people don't want refunds, they want the game.

        • +7

          It's really going off-topic here. However with Google and a bit of information what you say on social media (and community forums such as this one here) might come back to haunt you one day. Many people learnt it the hard way, myself included.

          4 years ago we have a pretty nasty merchant here attacking other OzBargain members and trying to sue us. I was doing late-night moderation patrol and tweet out something like "Handling troll from <company name> tonight who tried to sue me on my own site". A few days later because of that very tweet, I received death threat emails and phone calls :S Whole thing ended up being a police matter.

          Moral of the story = play nice online and think before you type.

    • She is a "strategist" after all and made a bad move. Let's all chill and have a latte.

    • -8

      I don't understand. You went out of your way to stalk her twitter feed, then go on to share such 'vital' information with the current forum? How thoughtful and nice of you.
      And you'd think WHY she 'shudders'.

      Carla is doing her job, whether we were satisfied with it or not is a different matter that you could have reported to TGG. We have to admit that some of the people here did a fine job showing disrespect and lack of mannerism. People are entitled to their rage, after all we all felt we got short end of the stick, nevertheless we should have been an adult about it and sorted out the manner with professionalism and not venting on the rep.

      Everyone has their own lives, which includes the rep. Whatever she says in her private life is up to her. Sure you may argue that twitter is a public SNS, but nevertheless you just had to go out of your way to publicly shame her.

      • Sockpuppetry makes me shudder.

  • +10


    Just got a call from Good Guys regaring my order for 9 games - no Broden's!

    I was told that whichever game they could source over the next couple of days they will post out. I should then expect a call advising the games titles which Good Guys can/will not supply, and then process a refund. No gift card, no explanation.

    He told me to expect a refund becausee that is all Good Guys were obligated to do. He repeated this, as I replied to him i am aware of the law and that the retailer is obliged to supply me with the items i paid for, which he rebuffed.

    Further, i stated to him of my intention to file a complaint wit the ACCC, and that i can not / will not accept, nor authorise a refund. He said fine and told me he would make a note of it.

    I and many others have been patient and not wasted our time chasing this mAtter up as we aware that we would get the run around.

    Despite your platitudes, we are still being lied too, kept in the dark and have yet to receive an explanation as to why this mess has occured.

    Yes, we are aware Good Guys oversold games without properly ensuring that suffucient stock was in place.

    We also know that Good Guys took money from peoples account knowing or should have known that they would not be able to supply the said product.

    Due to negligence or fraud, or both, the Good Guys have broken the law and i as many others will not accept excuses, lies and PR spin.

    • +2


      I think a great compromise, for some of us, might be to supply your slighted customers with a list of game titles that are available from Good Guys or suppliers, as suitable replacements.

      I'm happy to look at replacements of my choosing. I, and think many others just want our games, albeit something other then originally ordered.

  • Hi Carla,

    If our games are posted will we receive despatch emails? Or do we just apply the wait and see approach to this.

  • Ironically I decided to check my email for a dispatch notice but I seen a email from the goodguys eBay store instead

    This Christmas, let The Good Guys eBay store be your one stop shop for all your Christmas presents. We've got a huge range of fantastic electrical appliances all ready to wrap and put under the Christmas tree. Plus, if you purchase before 17 December, we'll get your shopping delivered to your door before the big day! What better way to Christmas shop than online, from the comfort of your own home. Put your feet up and relax!

  • +2

    I just got an email from "Temando" which initially looked pretty suspicious but decided to take the bullet and open. Below is the email and take note of the last line:

    You have recently chosen to use the Temando system for the freighting of item/s. The details of this order are provided below for your information.

    Request Id:


    Consignment No.:


    During the transaction of your item/s, you have also chosen to include insurance.

    Please click on all the following document names to review the Product Disclosure Statement and wording, the Financial Services Guide and the Privacy Statement. It is a condition of this service that you have read the Product Dis closure Statement and wording, the Financial Services Guide and the Privacy Statement.

    Please keep this email as it references your Request Id and Consignment Number, which you will need in the event of a valid claim.

    If in the event you do wish to lodge a claim please complete a claim application by filling out the form located on the Support page.

    Please note: insurance was organised as part of your freight costs for a recent purchase from The Good Guys.

    Anyone else got this?

    • What the…?

    • That's seems dodgy as all Hell. No way would I be clicking those links. Good Guys email got hacked, you think. Did the numbers you removed match up with your order?

      • No they didn't and it looked like their 'own' internal request/consignment number. I'll let you all know if anything does turn up.

    • I did but I deleted it as I didn't know what it was..,I might go check my trash…

    • Anaconda also used Temando system for dispatch which seemed dodgy at first, but turned out legit.

    • I got one of these on my order that only had ZombiU in it, and then shortly after that email one saying Teamando is sending you a parcel, and finally one after that from an @thegoodguys.com.au address with my order number. A day later, my game arrived.

      So you should be right trusting it….I didn't click any of the links in it though, cos I was suspicious of it too…

      Sadly I haven't had the same for my other order :(

    • What was in this order?

      • My second order has a few DS games, and Luigi…I'm not holding out much hope of getting Luigi at least.

        That email I got was on the day of the sale though….the store I got allocated for ZombiU must have just had one in stock and sent it out straight away…

        *just realised you were replying to the original post :p

    • I got this, never heard of them but it seems they're shipping my games as the tracking comes from the town my GG allocated store is.

  • +4

    Ahhh the power of social media. Who's up for a facebook rant attack on the TGG? (I'm kidding, well, at this point).

    • Ha i just checked their Facebook and there is little to no Ranting about this on there. Unless they are deleting the posts.. I saw one or two posts

      • +5

        Well if they are deleting good luck to them. In the end, if TGG doesn't deal with this well, expect several hundred complaints on their wall. That's what they get for talking s**t about us and for pissing of ozbargainers.

        • Can't help but think of the vengeance quote in pulp fiction, Ezekiel 25:17, lol.

        • +1

          Do they speak English in watty?

        • +1

          hahahahahahaha made my night. have a +

  • +1

    I still haven't been contacted via phone by GG so I have no idea whether none/some/all of my order will be fulfilled… but I received a $10 store credit from their "Chrissy Credit Promotion".

    • +9

      You can buy another game! Oh……wait.

    • Got one of those too, even though I was told on the phone it would be $40.

      Some of the fine print is interesting too:

      "Not redeemable for Apple products, laptops, notebooks, Ultrabooks, Chromebooks, desktop computers, tablets, eReaders, printers, scanners, inkjets, toner, paper, ink or cables, Software, USB or hardrives, keyboards, monitors, mice, computer speakers, web cams and headsets, gaming products including consoles and games and any computer accessories or any purchase of under $20."

      • +1

        The $40 was probably for a gift card whereas the $10 I received is a voucher.

      • +1

        i think that voucher was for the other promo they had going which was spend $100 and get $10 voucher.

        • Ahh gotcha, thanks for the clarification.

          Hopefully that means I will have $50 to spend before Christmas then!

      • Wait, is that the fine print for that Chrissy Credit Promotion, or for the gift vouchers we're supposed to get for being screwed around so much?

        If they're going to give me a gift card for the 'inconvenience' and then pretty much turn around and say "Sorry, you can't actually use it for any of the things you want to buy", then that is pretty pathetic.

      • +1

        I'm going to get a Tower fan :)

  • got $10 voucher from the email…

  • +2

    Got promised $40 gift card, ended up with a $25 e-voucher.

    What a disgrace.

    Lies lies and more lies.

    • +3

      Did you spend more than $250? Could it be from this http://www.thegoodguys.com.au/buyonline/content/store_credit…

      • +5

        Ah yes i did.

        Thanks for clearing it up.

        I retract my comments :)

        • Does your voucher say you must spend $50 at the end? Or is it still purchases under $20 excluded?

        • upvote from me.. one of the few mature activities in this entire thread

        • At least you got something.

          I havent even had a call from them yet. Last i heard was that mass email they sent on saturday and before that was the allocation emails.

        • Says purchases under $20 excluded.

      • I thought that promo didn't include games?

    • +7

      So you ordered more than 25 games? Hi Broden

      • +1

        There was a lot of games on sale. I know there's that many games I would like to play that I could've bought if I didn't have restraint.

  • got email from gg and only got $10 voucher, still no update on my order.

    • $10 voucher is from a different promotion, not related to the $40 (or $20) gift card.

  • -2

    EDIT: Appears you can't even use the $10 on games/consoles.

    Wtf is everyone going to do with theirs?

    • +2

      Neg away neckbeards, neg away.

      • lol I don't get why people are negging. It's reasonable to be annoyed if you get told you're going to get a gift voucher but then can't actually use it for what you want to buy. To me it seems odd to have a restriction on what you can use it for anyway.

        • +4

          Negged because the $10 voucher is an unrelated promotion. This has been mentioned several times on this page of the comment thread.

          P.S. Not a neckbeard, I have excellent grooming habits.

        • -3

          Rofl get a life mate.

  • Just got my call, dude on the phone was very polite said that tgg will try to fill the order. Otherwise a $40 will be sent to me. I was about to tell him about ACCC and legal blah blah but he said stock was still being sorted and to call back in 2-3 days so I held off. Pretty sure we all know the result though but yeah…

  • +3

    Got the $25 voucher. I ended up purchasing a beard trimmer. I won't be cutting or trimming my beard until my games arrive.

    • +2

      You are gonna look like Santy Claus then.

  • +4

    Justin from the call center just called me 5 mins ago and told me that the games I ordered were still showing as back-ordered but "I would definitely be getting the games" once the stock arrived. I got him to repeat it twice just to make sure I understood him correctly. He was switched on and knew what he was talking about.

    Well done Carla DV and team for finally getting your staff to provide clarity.

    My games were Battlefield 4, Portal 2 and Black Ops 2 - all PS3.

    • Good choice of games, though I assume you mean Battlefield 3.

      • so i should be getting my black ops 2 copy as well then

  • Got another call from a confused lady saying I got my order. I said yes I got 1 of
    My 2 orders. She didn't even know I had another order, found it on the system and have me the whole "waiting for suppliers" spiel. Not sure what the point of the call was lol

    Game I received was black ops 2 for xbox

  • Tracking for my games from that website Temando.

    Pickup Location
    MELTON (3337)
    Delivery Location
    BALLARAT EAST (3350)
    Tracking Details
    Consignment: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Tracking Status: Picked Up
    Tracking Details: 1 item has been picked up
    Date/Time Status Extra Details
    2013-11-28 11:47:03 Awaiting Pickup -
    2013-11-28 14:40:00 Picked Up 1 item has been picked up

    I have received no phone call, no email besides the one we all got. I guess this is a good turn out for me. I only ordered 3 games however. No Broden'ing here…

    • My tracking information also says the same..picked up 1 item at 14.40.00 !! Hopefully I should be getting something not sure though which games out of my ordered ones !!

      • Hey guys,

        Just a quick question… those of you that have received tracking emails, when you ordered did you log into the GG website first? Just wondering if anyone who bought stuff as a guest has had much success with delivery… it's probably random but still!

        • I have received 3 deliveries, 2 from same order.
          Only one of them had tracking and I did not log in.

        • I had ordered as guest and have received the tracking email today..not sure how many order deliveries I would be getting though..

        • Ok thanks :)

        • +1

          That's odd, when the rep replied to my question on a previous page (about whether they were sending out partial orders while they waited for the backordered games or just waiting til the whole order was complete before sending), she said that only complete orders were being sent out. Did those deliveries make up all your orders, or are you still waiting for stuff?

          I'm just hoping that tomorrow we get the promised phone call or email letting us know what is actually going on. I haven't heard anything since Monday and my three DS games are still showing up as backordered…

        • One order had one game and the other order had 3 games and was split with a one game and two game delivery as they were allocated to 2 stores.
          One of the orders arrived the next day and the other two deliveries arrived in about a weeks time.

    • +2

      I'm in the same boat.. no call, only the email from a couple of days ago and the temando email today.. HOWEVER the delivery address is wrong and I've previously spoken to two different Call Centre staff over the last week and they had supposedly updated the delivery address… well it appears they bloody well haven't as the temando delivery address is going to the old, incorrect address.

      The internal lack of communication with The Good Guys is a little worrying.. I've worked for franchisee businesses before and there is a certain amount of communication errors between stores and head office.. however I'd expect head office, the customer support call centre and the warehousing in Melton to have their act together a little better.

      here's hoping that the parcel delivery ALSO includes the 'promised' gift voucher.. so I can put it towards getting a new frypan (or there's no pancakes for the kids for breakfast this weekend!)

      • was it your own error with the wrong delivery address?

        • +1

          initially yes, I didn't take note when I used paypal as to which delivery address it had - but I called TGG Customer Support immediately Tuesday morning after placing two orders and requested the delivery address be changed for both of them.

          A split order comprised of 2 games sent from 1 store, and 2 games and an accessory sent from a different store, both arrived successfully at the changed address.

          I spoke to TGG Customer Support again on Wednesday this week to enquire about the rest of my first order and the delivery address was wrong, so they changed it.. but when I received the email from temando, it has the incorrect delivery address. Hence my comments above about lack of communication between departments.

          I don't know what stock level / ordering / purchasing system TGG use, but it doesn't support unified information. I'm guessing the Customer Support people change the address in there notes, but it doesn't propagate back into the ordering system - which is a major oversight.

  • +14

    Just got that $10 Chrissy Coupon, the list of exclusions is flat out ridiculous. Yes, Good Guys, you have shown how inept you are at running a $10 games promotion, so of course I will take this huge sum of $10 and buy a new $1,000 fridge from you. What could possibly go wrong?

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