25% off Everything Storewide Including Sale Items @ Anaconda Thurs 21/11 to Mon 25/11/13
Excludes existing lay-bys, fishing licences, gift cards. Store stock only.
25% off Everything Storewide Including Sale Items @ Anaconda Thurs 21/11 to Mon 25/11/13

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And you had to go and ruin it. For everybody.
Don't you just hate that… :)
It already made it to the front page, what was me commenting going to ruin? Stop it from making into Page 0 without a comment?
Any specific bargains ?
This is a SCAM, according to Snowgum CEO.
Anaconda specifically puts up all their prices the night before a so-called 'Sale'. They and Kathmandu Stores are the worst at this tactic, and the main reason that SNOWGUM CEO said Snowgum went broke:
Kathmandu definitely, but in my experience Anaconda has always been pretty competitive. It probably helps that they stock all sorts of brands, and they also have a price guarantee where they will beat any price by 10%. I ended up getting a Black Wolf hiking pack for $80 less than Aussie Disposals at Anaconda.
Kathmandu is definitely guilty of this though, I don't know if anyone ever buys anything there full price!
EDIT: The article doesn't even mention Anaconda adopting the same high-low pricing model… in fact, it doesn't mention Anaconda at all! Do you have any proof of Anaconda doing this?
I tend to agree, yesterday i was looking at the website and all the prices already had 25% off, Today checked again and there was no 25% off. Having said that, I still think that their prices are good though.
Just come to the store a few days before the sale and take a note of the prices of items you are interested in purchasing. Then report back here the day of the sale.
Naughty, naughty. Putting words into other people's mouths. Elliott said nothing of the sort in that link because he knows the practice is against Australian law. They may well time the discount to coincide with a period when sale catalogues finish but if you can find an instance where they actually raise the normal price before applying the discount then you can ask for an explanation before reporting them to the ACCC. Some, probably a lot, of Anaconda's stock prices are ott from what I've seen, like Kathmandu but nowhere near as bad. Unlike Kathmandu (in my experience) though many of their sale prices are real savings. And that was the point Ross Elliott was making. The business model is to have "high" normal prices and offer regular deep discounts to keep customers coming through the doors. And bugger me Anaconda will probably get me again. So thanks OP, but no thanks as well.
Well, they took the item I was looking at off discount. It's now more expensive than it was yesterday.
Amazing. A business offering discounts with a time limit. You must be sooo disappointed when you shop for groceries that were on spedcial last week. I understand your disappointment though. Getting a further 25% off an already heavily discounted item is consumer nirvana, until of course the business has to close and competition disappears.
I'm in need of some rock-climbing harnesses. Anyone got an opinion on this one at 25% off:
Need one for an adult, and two for little kids (don't know if that matters).
Great if you want to support your Local B&M shop selling GOPROs:
http://www.anaconda.com.au/Brands/GoProAfter 25% off Makes:
- GoPro Hero Black+: $396.75
- GoPro Hero Silver+: $321.75
- GoPro Hero Black: $329.25
Not bad for local prices and they sell GoPro accessories too.
excludes gopro cameras. The mounts are there tho.
And i don't know if buying a gopro for 25% under RRP would be supporting your local B&M store, or stickin it to them.I can't see where it mentions gopro exclusion for this deal.
Majority of gopros have been removed from their website.
My mate used to work in the cycling dept of a Perth store - his opinion: The are certainly NOT worth the price they charge, but if you can pick one up at one of their (almost fortnightly) 50% off sales then they're actually really good value.
Popped into a store today and was informed most of the sale prices have finished as of last night. I wanted to purchase some Deuter backpacks. Asked if I could get the 25% off now and they said okay, but then when they scanned, it came up as full price of $399, not the advertised sale price of $279 on their website.
I got a few excuses….website is cheaper because of shipping costs, website store has different prices too, and lastly from the manager, the website just hadn't updated yet in removing the sale prices.
They would not give 25% off the web price, as they said the web price should be finished anyway and would most definitely be updated by tomorrow.
So they gave me the website price of $279, which worked out better than 25% off $399.
Also the 25% off will be open for Anaconda members as off tomorrow night. Supposedly sms will be sent out??
So that 25% off sale items as advertised….is a bit of a sham….as there will probably be hardly any sale items, or they will be priced and discounted to accommodate giving an extra 25% on top
Received this SMS today - 25% off EVERYTHING STOREWIDE @ Anaconda, 1 Day Exclusive Club preview, starts 9am Wed 20/11. Some exclusions apply. Txt STOP to optout 0427021665 Ph 1300558990
Just confirming the above poster everything is 25% off its on there website seems to be a day early
Been watching the web pricing on several items leading up to this sale. A double burner camp cooker was 39.95 monday, now 79.95 just before the sale. big scam
Are you telling the full story Shan? I'd bet good money that the $39.95 was a 50% off deal which ended, just like the Coleman lamp I bought a few days ago. Join your mates Surferman and Sammy in the naughty corner if you've left out that important detail.
Gotta know when to go for the deal in this business or just accept the 25% discount they're offering off RRP.
Borderline slander some of the rubbish on here. If you have evidence of price tampering or failure to meet advertised prices then you know what to do.
Sounds like you have some vested interest in anaconda the way your sprouting claims of borderline slander etc and challenging some to support claims of price fixing .
I priced the item on monday online, where there was NO evidence I saw saying it was on any particular limited timed sale. Most companies usually post any limited offer details wether it's a time or while stocks last. I posted to register my disappointment that this went up just before a "sale" having worked in many sales areas esp. computer software, I'm well versed in pricing changes the day before a percentage based discount sale.
So my comments are based on industry experience as well as the item going up, Nuf said I shouldn't have to explain my actions here. But if the rep wants to add his 2c worth he has my explaination and only HE has the right to comment not you
So that's the story, and as for your comment "Your radar's wrong. If I was a rep I'd be reporting the posters and telling the mods to clean up their acts." You're not a rep or a mod so maybe the mods should look at your sandbagging not the so called whiners, wingers etc.
I've already answered that "vested interest" rubbish fella. IF as you claim you have "industry experience" in pricing (or even if you have a modicum of consumer experience) then you'll know that for many years now the retail pricing/discounting regime sees prices fluctuate regularly. On one week off the next. AND when a store does storewide discounts it is NOT UNUSUAL for previously discounted items to come off sale - or alternatively as some small print often says "does not apply to already discounted items". Do you understand what slander is? If so then at least a couple of the comments on this post qualify. They make unsubstantiated claims suggesting some sort of (illegal) price fixing thereby impugning the reputation of the business unfairly. Nothing wrong with genuine fact-based experience even if it isn't typical, as long as the company has had the right of response or to rectify an error. I have every right to comment on anything you or others post - particularly where the comments are wrong or imply some wrong-doing by the business without any evidence of same. Reputations are important to every business and trash talking like some of the rubbish on here deserves a response, if not from mods then from other Ozbargainers.
Yeah, I was going to head out to my nearest Store, to get the GoPros @ 25% off, but I doubt they would have honoured it.
Luckily I stayed home, from what I read, Anaconda isn't a store I should support.
Yep stay at home until you learn to read Sharkie. GoPro cameras were SPECIFICALLY excluded.
not according to the pamphlet image posted for this deal - the only specific exclusion I saw was the click frenzy sale on the other night.
It was on the website, albeit in very small print. The whinging about a store offering a limited 25% off is breathtaking.
I just went back and re-read all the comments to confirm my suspicions… Most of the negativity in this thread is from you Possumbly, and towards other OZB'ers. Are you a REP?
Your radar's wrong. If I was a rep I'd be reporting the posters and telling the mods to clean up their acts.
Tell me where my comments were inaccurate. As I said some of the claims on here are borderline slander of a business. Typical web rubbish. Iirc a "rep" invited one of the whingers to come back with some evidence of his claims of illegal price raising. Nil return - no surprise at all. Time a few people got a sense of proportion.
Anaconda sucks! pricing as well as items not being available or
oh! sorry we have/had one only
LOL made it to the front page without a single comment.