• expired

Free Cot from IKEA for Babies Born on Thursday 14/11/13


This deal was posted on ozbargain 9 months ago http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/93921 as an Ikea Valentines Day promotion. I think it has to be the funniest posting that I have read on this site.

If you are lucky enough to have a child born on this date, print out the voucher and take it into ikea for your free cot (or $99 ikea voucher if the cot is unavailable). Valid in SA and WA stores.

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closed Comments

  • My niece was born Thursday but they live in NZ.

    • +44

      my cats name is bob

      • +11

        Yesterday I went to the grocery store but they were out of ketchup

        • +9

          i posted a ozbargain comment 1 year ago.

        • +2

          i am the answer

        • its raining here in sydney now

      • +4

        Robb and his cat bob

        • +1

          My name is Rob

      • -1

        I thought incase someone managed to get the offer for someone else in another state or something and since someone is going to NZ in the next few days, I thought it was worth a shot posting incase we were able to get one for them. Wasn't such a random comment.

    • +14

      I think you mean hatched if she is from NZ….

    • +6

      I read your comment on Saturday, but i live in Australia.

    • +2

      she sells seashore shells

    • +3

      my cats breathe smells like cat food

    • Your mum.

  • surely we can spread the word and get someone to take advantage of this offer! so epic XD

    EDIT: something ozbargain in the left column? o_O

    • I just posted it on my local buy and sell facebook page. Maybe others can do the same. I assume most would have a cot already but maybe they can give to someone in need.

    • something ozbargain in the left column? o_O

      I believe it was the FREE valentines listing

    • +1

      I've posted it on a couple of mum's fb groups I'm on, hopefully it will start spreading if a few people post to mums forums etc.

      I presume a copy of the voucher is sufficient - as it doesn't state clearly on the voucher that it has to be the original.

      • make sure you indicate its 2013 nov offer.

        otherwise you would have a lot of angry moms to contend with come 2014.

      • I know alot of people struggling at the moment. I managed to find someone who could claim the deal.

        Thanks OP for the reminder.

  • Wouldn't you need the original voucher?

  • My friend living in Adelaide just had baby on 13 November! Just missed out by 1 day! Oh well.

  • … Everyone born in November is basically a valentines baby.

    Sadly, I was born in February. Bleh. Now I know why so many people have birthdays in November.

    • -1


      • +21

        Sex. That's why.

      • +1

        In case you are truly asking,
        Feb 14 is valentines day. If a woman gets pregnant on this day, a typical gestation of 9 months would result in a baby being born nov 14 ( 9 months after valentines day)…

        However, as someone else said, sex has something to do with it ;)

  • I know someone who had a baby on that day!
    … but they live in Victoria and I doubt driving to SA is worth a $99 cot/voucher.

    • +13

      Take enough cans and bottles to cover the fuel.

      • +1

        And the cost of attempting a 1000km trip with a 4 day old baby? … priceless!

        • well if you took all the empty soft drink bottles you had been collecting all year for the S.A. refund

  • +8

    should stick this promotion in the maternity ward of all hospitals in wa and sa

  • -1

    deal is expired.

  • +1

    Limit is one cot per baby. Anyone had twins or more?

  • LOL. My sister had one born on the 14th, but its not valid in VIC??

    • Just send a copy of the birth cert to a relative of friend in SA or WA and get them to claim the cot. She will have to have it shipped though.

  • +4

    + to remember a deal 9 months later ;)

  • +25

    Wow, my sister in law just gave birth to two gorgeous twins on Thursday.
    I just printed out this voucher and it says "one cot per baby", so we should be able to get 2 free cots.

    WA too :) woot woot

    I love you OzBargain, and of course the OP… thank you kind internet friend!

    P.S. She already has 2 cots but the missus and I are trying so it'll probably come back my way

    • Sell them and use the cash to buy baby formula :)

      • +8

        Why would they need baby formula if they sold the babies?

  • -4

    Hellooooo fake ID

  • +20

    I kid you not (pun intended) but we just had twin girls on the 14th. My sis forwarded this offer to me, couldn't believe it! WA too. Will be heading down once we get the birth certificates (and are out of hospital of course) :-) Although already got two cots, might see if they will offer the gift certificates.

    • +5

      Are we related?

      edit: apparently not because they had 1 boy and 1 girl.
      Congratulations to your new family :)

  • There's nothing in there to say that the baby has to be human.

    • +15

      Baby Cos Lettuce is alright then…

    • +1

      So if your dog had a litter of puppies youd be laughing

    • Most of the scum reproducing in this country ate barely human.

      • +1

        Soylent green!

      • Google keyboard update is useless,

        • .

      • Gah tapped the store rep box. Monday!

        • Fixed for ya.

      • Ive been meaning to see Soylent Green is it any good

        • +1

          It varies from person to person.

        • So is it about people getting minced up and fed to people, whats with the 70s n mincing people up, Pink Floyds The Wall did that too

  • +4

    I 'got in' too late to take advantage of this deal.

    • You meant it came out too late?

    • +1

      At least it's better than coming too early.

  • -4

    Do you need to present birth certificate?
    I was thinking of rocking up with an adult diaper, dummy and an empty VB bottle full of fresh milk. Do you think they will fall for it?

  • +1

    I'd love to see this deal actually get OzBargained! If they're doing this in 2014, I say we plan ahead, buddy up and give it all we've got come 14 Feb 2014.

  • Great deal for the new borns, although would you not be concerned about the quality though.

    • +2

      All new cots sold have to be standards-compliant for things like bar spacing, height from mattress to top and things like that. Beyond that, cot quality probably isn't going to be a big issue for most people, considering that there are probably a lot of cots on the market of similar or lower quality than this IKEA model.

    • -2

      Yeah I dont think Id be wanting to put my newborn in something from Ikea. Id be too scared to and would it be comfortable for the baby? Probably not

  • if people didnt think we were professionals before they do now. 9 months prep for a bargain is saying someting

  • I "did" it on absolute valentine's day but my child born on 15/11, how could I claim :(

    • ikea US maybe?

  • Rang Ikea Perth to check, they said you need physical voucher cut out from the paper itself, not a print out copy etc. Oh well… prob too much effort to track one down. Don't even know what date the ad was in the paper.

    BTW - did anyone notice in the photo of the ad attached, 4th notice on the left side references OZBARGAIN?

  • +7

    Well, ended up actually claiming is one with the twins :-) Back ordered 2x copies of the paper (for cover cost only, who knew you could do that?), and sorted! They even gave me a gift card ($198) instead of the cots since we already had two. Thanks OZBARGAIN and Ikea.

    • well done!

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