I want to buy a new mobile phone, I am considering iPhone 5S and galaxy S4. Which one would be better, also outright or contract which will be good? I m happy with apple except screen size. Never used Samsung so, just need some help from you all…Thanks
iPhone 5S or Samsung Galaxy S4?

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Yes add this to your List of "top 3" mobiles to consider.
Outright price $399-449 , depending whether you want the 16 or 32 G
(But need to wait for just a little while)
Don't want to start another android or apple war, but pricewise this is a good phone to consider!Pricewise it's definitely good but absence of card slot hurts. Phone memory gets occupied in no times with games, apps. etc.
the iphone 5s is out of option unless you get 64gb?
If you require SD card your only reason option are Samsung phones.
Don't forget the Sony Xperia Z1 which has expandable memory and a user experience very close to stock droid.
And some waterproofedness
Apps/games don't take up that much space, really. I have a 16gb device and it's plentiful with storage.
Most of the time smaller devices are filled with videos/music, which are considerably larger than apps in large amounts.
I have to disagree brezzo, but I guess it is based on what you use your phone for.
I've recently purchased a GS4 (16Gb). I spend about 2 hours a day on public transport and now I have a decent phone I have started finding decent 3D Android games. Real Racing, Dead Trigger, Deer Hunter, CSR Racing… Combine those with a few Zinio Magazines and there's 7Gb of the 9.5Gb available on a 16Gb GS4.
Buy a 64gb extreme microsd toughen. Enjoy the move to sd function so that you have a good amount of space.
Yeah, I have a MicroSD but I was just saying that 16gb isn't really enough for a decent spec phone if you plan on installing a few decent 3D games.
The Galaxy S4 is far from hopeless.
Price/Value wise you are much better off with the Nexus 5.
Unfortunately, the S3 and S4 were plagued with issues,
Here's one common problem that's continued ACROSS models,
http://ss.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1oaujw/samsung_galax…Failure rate as high as 30% … But Samsung have been very good about "out of warranty" repair.
A mate who fixes them really, really does not like Samsung.
Needless to say, I got the wife the Nexus 5. There is no comparison between LG and Samsung's offerings.
Did you even read the comments. That's how Reddit works. See comments first and most of the time it saves you even having to read the article like in this instance.
Having owned various iPhones for years, I can tell that they are very good, reliable phones, but very limited in terms of what the phone allows you do to, unless you take the risk and jail break it of course.
Now I'm a proud owner of Galaxy S4 and I'm loving every second of it. Its not perfect any more than iPhone is, but it most certainly is not behind it at all.I'd put them in the same basket and the deciding factors will vary for each individual.
If you prefer a phone that is reliable, has (proper) bigger screen, tons of free apps and OS which allows you to modify just about everything you want without having to jail break or root the phone, then Galaxy S4 is for you.
If on the other hand, you don't care about the screen size or personalising whatever you want and want something that is reliable and easy and simple to use, then iPhone is for you.
I obviously preferred the S4 and have made a switch because of the above reasons. Have absolutely no regrets and unless iPhone comes with something extra special, my next phone will be Galaxy again.
iphone being reliable.. yeah good one
I don't get why this is being so negged. You can argue all day about nexus 5 vs iphone 5s but the s4 is an older phone with a slower cpu and worse camera than the iphone 5s.
The iPhone 5s hardware is superior to the nexus 5 in pretty much every way except for screen density and price. For ozbargain price is a major factor so the nexus 5 is the clear winner. Anyone considering an s4 is insane - it is a rip off compared to the nexus 5.
arent they all fast and responsive in todays/curent standards.congratulations you think an iphone 5s is better in tests… what you didn't take into account is the reason it performed quite well in tests is because the screen res and ppi is so low… the nexus 5 actually out performed iphone 5s (very slightly) whilst using a 1080p display and 445ppi. Don't know where you got the idea that iphone hardware is better (1gb ram, slower cpu speed, dual core) and the iphone is 2x the price.
You forget that specs only mean so much. OS plays a huge part in the requirements within hardware.
iOS is more polished than Android, and even with what you seem to imply is worse hardware, the experience is overall better than "most" android phones in terms of smoothness, performance, and battery life even those that have better on paper specs.
If you want to flaunt having the fastest "on paper" CPU, RAM, and battery size, then sure.
Bottom Line: Both are great phones, depends what you want. If you prefer a more polished system (still delivering great performance, camera, battery life efficiency then go Apple). If you want customisability and the ability to tinker with ROMS, go with Android.
The CPU is adequate enough to do anything you ask the phone to do.
What are you doing with the 'faster' cpu in your 5S that you can't do with any other phone?
iOS is more polished than Android
Can you elaborate?
yes, i would quite like that as well.
Get the best of both - Samsung Galaxy 4 Play Edition… Vanilla Android (nexus 5), with the features of the Galaxy S4 (camera, battery, removeable storage)
Although not sure whether it'll work on our networks
Forsure get the Nexus 5, forget the ifruit its like yesterday man
Its not that great… camera is so so… bad battery life.
I have to disagree. I'm willing to hedge a bet you don't own a nexus 5 and are just reading a couple of early reports on battery life.
I received mine last week and let me tell you, the battery is far from bad. It lasts me all day with 4g on, plenty of screen on time (depending on how much I use it) and by the time I plug it in at night (after 16 hours of being on battery) it's still at 20-30%.
As for the camera, it's a phone, not a camera. If I want a camera, I will use a camera. For a phone camera, it is good. Photos are very clear, low light is excellent. If you're going to criticise a $400 phone's camera against a $900 phone's camera, when really they are extremely close in terms of picture quality, that's just plain ignorance.
You get what you pay for. Doesn't stack up to the hype.
Sounds like your an Apple fanboy that's pissy that people say that the nexus is better bang for buck and it is.
Everywhere that iPhone is equal or better than the Nexus is rendered mute because of the price point.
I agree with you. Battery lifeis actually quite decent. 18 hours unplugged and still going strong at the moment
So… which part of my posts made you think I'm an apple fanboy? lol. It is bang for the buck. You get what you paid for like I stated. I'm just stating that it has a pretty a so so camera compared to other higher end models like OP posted.
Yes you do, it costs $400. That's like half of a note 3 with better performance because of stock android. I don't think it's worth spending $400 more for a better battery and camera.
At the end of the day, both mobiles have their pros and their cons, it all comes down to personal preference. I would personally get the Samsung Galaxy S4, due to the bigger screen size and customizability of Android in general. As others have suggested, you should probably consider the Nexus 5 too.
Have you used Android before? Try it before you go and purchase an Android mobile, if you haven't. If you have enough money lying around to purchase one of these mobiles outright, I would personally do this.
Agree with Mark-F and the others above. Just want to mention to buy the Nexus 5 or one of the other premium handsets.
Samsung Galaxy S4, LG G2, HTC One, Sony Experia Z. If you really like big, the Samsung Note 3 is trouncing the benchmark and review charts also.
Do NOT let your first experience of Android be with a cheap pre-paid or one of those sub-$200 handsets.
I find most people who have done this have gone back to iPhone, whereas most people who got a decent Android handset would NEVER return to iPhone.
A cheap Android handset is generally not a nice experience. Although it looks like below some people have had nice experiences. Maybe it really comes down to what you want, but I personally would not get a cheap no-brand Android handset.
I used android in the past but it was 2.2 version of android but now j am seriously considering nexus 5 …thanks
Android 2.2 was first released in 2010, a lot of improvements have been made since then. :)
Have you considered the Huawei Y201, it's usually $40 with bonus flybuys, you can get it uncocked by someone here for $5.
Why throw away cash for junk. If he/she got enough to buy iPhone 5s/Samsung Galaxy S4/ Google Nexus 5, why suggesting a cheap phone and luring him/her to have a bad experience with Andriod phone.
I would suggest pure Android, Google Nexus 5
If you have a Mac, iPad and/or like iTunes you would be better off with the tight integration between devices.
I was unfamiliar with an Android phone and when Aldi came out with a Bauhn 5" android smartphone for $299 a couple of months ago I purchased it. It has 8gb memory , 8mp camera, 1.2ghz quadcore, built in gps, micro sd card slot plus above all dual sim slots, with one for 3G. I use my phone on and off all day largely as a mp3 player to listen to talking books and also to watch movies, wherever I am, that I am easily able to transfer from my desktop to the phone via the micro usb port on the phone using a 32 gb micro sd card to store all this on and I can tell you that this is the greatest phone you can buy for less than $300.00. But it gets better, Aldi in their latest catalog have this phone on special from Sat 16 Nov for a crazy $249.00. After experiencing Android, I can say that it is far superior to iPhone, ipad etc, which restricts you to the inbuilt memory and it is very difficult to copy from your desktop to iPhone without a complicated procedure. I had an Ipad and have sold it on eBay and bought the Samsung Galaxy 10.1
Or pay $150 more for a Nexus 5.
Whilst I prefer Android when it comes to mobiles, I prefer the iPad when it comes to tablets. The lack of high quality Android tablet apps is depressing.
You know Mark? 6 months ago I would have agreed with you but a lot of the newer apps look as good if not better (HELLO NEXUS 7 AND 10 HIGH DEFINITION) than on an iPad, and are becoming more stable also.
If I was buying today, I would grab a Nexus 10 over an iPad.
These HD titles for example look INCREDIBLE on the new Nexus:
Just as the NUMBER of apps have now equaled the Apple Store, the HD (tablet) stuff is fast getting there also. Just takes time.
Stability was more difficult for game designers due to varying hardware, but the newer stuff shares a lot of libraries. It's getting heaps better.
The issue isn't just with app quality, the issue is also with developers who are happy to release a tablet app for iOS, though not for Android. Facebook is a great example, they don't seem to care less about releasing a tablet app for Android.
As someone who owns both an iPad and two Android tablets (Nexus 7 II and Xperia Tablet Z), there are a lot more tablet apps worth downloading on iOS, than there are on Android. Sad but true.
I'm not sure about app quality but iPad still has a far better range of apps than Android, especially in the educational field. Try comparing music production or medical apps for the 2 platforms.
I also agree with Mark… iOS apps get much better support.
You'd buy a 1+yr old tablet over one which was released 2 weeks ago. Reverse techhead?
Or pay $150 more for a Nexus 5.
or pay $30 less for a Nexus 4 (8GB model) delivered. (I.e. ~$270)
I would go the Samsung S4 outright on contract. Its hundreds of dollars cheaper than the 5s , has a bigger screen, more customization , freedom and you can add in a memory card etc
Then get a prepaid cap. Shop around. Virgin has $29 with 1 gig and $450 worth of calls.
Thanks all for their valuable inputs, now I m seriously considering nexus 5. One more point what is the best place to buy an australian stock for nexus 5
best place to buy an australian stock for nexus 5
Directly from Google.
Unfortunately it's a 3-4 week wait until it'll ship from the warehouse if OP buys it now…
but I think the wait will be worth it ;)Most of them are shipping well before the 3-4 week wait. Like, 1 week at most. Obviously it's not guaranteed, but a hell of a lot of them are.
^^^ This. On Whirlpool, they are getting shipping super quick even with the '3-4wk timeline'. I'd be very surprised if you had to wait a week for it to turn up.
There's a pretty decent review of the N5 here (black vs white builds - there are actual differences to watch the video and take note as it may affect your purchase) and here (OS and hardware review).
As an N5 owner the reviews above sum up my feelings pretty well. Only thing I disagree with him on is the battery life. He is getting very little whereas mine is doing remarkably well (30 hours and still on 50%). Perhaps I just don't use my phone as hard as he does or something.
I bought mine straight from google. Took about a week to arrive - included priority fedex delivery, notifications and weekend delivery.
Can't be happier.
directly from google … incredible phone, well worth the wait and disregard reviews about battery life, the battery lasts a day on heavy usage :)
yeah +1 for nexus 5.
Only phone which is worth getting on plan would be a iPhone, pretty much every other phone is cheaper if you get it outright then purchase a sim like Vaya.
iPhone is cheaper outright + a Vaya plan. If anything, it's the reverse of what you've said…
Android may be cheaper on a plan (ie the above S4 deal $29 on Virgin), iPhone definitely not!
I am in the same buying process as you, with my Galaxy S2 at the end of it's long and useful life.
I had an iPad, and was so peed off with the crappy 16Gb storage I gave it to my kids and bought an Asus transformer tablet. Never again! It is so incredibly laggy in everything it does, I will buy a larger storage iPad next time.
However, I do like the Android system especially for phones, but I have an iMac as my desktop, so the integration of the iPhone with that is something to consider. But I am tightly tied into Google as well with my gmail, calendar, etc, and Android does that better than apple.
Here's a good review of the nexus 5 v iphone 5s - it knocked the Nexus out of calculations for me, and left me considering the S4, or perhaps looking deeper into the HTC Ome or similar
This site will let you do comparisons between any two types of phones. The iPhone v S4 review didn;t help me with my decision!
If you plan to jailbreak, be wary of the new Samsungs and read about their KNOX security.
If you unlock the bootloader you'll essentially void your warranty with no way of restoring it (unlike other manufacturers who don't have an "eFuse".)But they seem to be the only guys who are still making phones wiht removable battery and storage… ah first world problems.
Every phone has strengths and weaknesses. You need to determine what aspects are important to you first and then that should help you make an informed decision.
Asking an open question without defining your parameters probably isn't the best way to make a decision, coz you may end up buying something that's great for someone else, but not you.
E.g. I highly value the ability to put an SD card in, and both the iPhone and nexus 5 don't have this functionality. They're both great phones, but that point was just a deal breaker for me.
Note 3.
vodafone red plan, $100 +$26/handset repayment for 12 months contract, with unlimited local call, inlimited local&overseas text, 10gb data. +$5 extra/day at US, UK, NZ & Europe for unlimited talk/text and data plan allowance
say what, I got this with only 5GB a month, has it changed recently?
They have an offer running until some time in January where if you sign up now (now that they don't have a handset rush and have loads leftover) they will double the data for the length of your contract (if you carry on afterwards then it gets knocked back in half.
This is an interesting website for comparing mobile specifications:
19 Reasons for the Apple iPhone 5S, 26 Reasons for the Samsung Galaxy S4
Here's my $0.02 (note: due to OzBargain's love affair with the Nexus 5, I will include it here).
Nexus 5
Currently the best brand new phone for the price point (starting at $399 excl delivery for the 16gb version). You won't find a better phone, for that price - guaranteed. It's pretty much equivalent to most other flagship phones (i.e. SGS4/i5s/HTC1), in fact some people will argue that it's better. Why? Gets the earliest Android updates, and runs Vanilla Android. It is the best phone for a TRUE Android experience. Downsides: It's camera is very, very average. This is where it loses out big time compared to the SGS4 and iPhone 5. So really, the question is, are you willing to throw in a few hundred $ more for a better camera?
Now, next phone.
Samsung Galaxy S4
Still one of the most capable and popular devices on the market. Awesome screen, awesome camera, awesome hardware - pretty much everything you would expect in a flagship Android phone. Bonus: it has a microSD slow, and removable back cover - which most flagship phones DO NOT have nowadays (Nexus 5 and iPhone 5S don't). This phone has it all (almost). Major downside: the software - i.e. Samsung Touchwiz - you either hate it or love it. This phone has been on the market for some time now, and is easily in the maturity stage of the product life cycle i.e. expect the Galaxy S5 in the next 6-8 months - if you don't like your phone being "outdated" in the near future (although inevitable), then probably skip on this device.
iPhone 5S
Apple's latest iPhone. Remarkably similar to the iPhone 5. Awesome camera, super smooth OS, also has a fingerprint scanner - which you may find useful… or not. The iPhone 5S, like all other previous iPhone "S" series is just an evolutionary upgrade - nothing revolutionary. Main downside: The price. Yeah, be prepared to spend a sh!tload of money for this baby 'cause she's gonna cost you.
Note: It'll be a bit tricky at first moving from iOS to Android. Especially if you choose the Galaxy S4, you may find TouchWiz a bit overwhelming at first. However, with everything, once you're past the initial learning curve, all is well.
In terms of contract/no contract. If you're one who doesn't change phones frequently - stick to a contract.
It's up to you kt007, hope this helped.
Source: work at a leading Aussie telephone company, sold a 5S and Galaxy S4 today. Nexus 5 experience is from limited playing around with friends' device, and up until quite recently owned a Nexus 4.
It'll be a bit tricky at first moving from iOS to Android…once you're past the initial learning curve, all is well.
I'd have to say it's same with going from android to iOS.
I think it's a lot easier going from Android to iOS though. iOS is a very simple OS when compared to Android. It doesn't have as many features.
id have to disagree with that moving from android to ios for me was the easiest thing in the world. in fact it was too easy and I ended up getting frustrated at the lack of of capabilities and customisation it had and just ended up using it as a "basic phone"
I have also had friends that found moving from ios to android a bit hard but once they got use to it they loved it.
I'm in the same boat. I have a GS4 for personal and recently got an iPhone 4S work phone. Have ended up just using the iPhone as a basic phone/email device.
once you're past the initial learning curve, all is well.
Only a learning curve if you can't read.
Only a learning curve if you can't read.
You'd be surprised how many people "can't read" then.
no love for Win Mobile? ha
no love for Win Mobile? ha
OP didn't say anything about Windows Phone, so I didn't mention it. Also which phone in specific did you want to hear about yhakong? Anyways, my view on Windows Phone OS:
Windows phone is awesome. It's the most "buttery" OS. Smoother than iOS in my opinion. I always pitch it as the easiest OS to use when customers come in looking for an "easy" smartphone. There's not much that you can do to fiddle around on it, which makes it simple. The only downside to it (and a very big one): Apps.. the lack of them. Yes, there are thousands of apps on the Windows Marketplace, however you'd be pressed to find some specific apps if you're migrating from iOS to Marketplace.
Source: Same as my previous post, plus I have a HTC Trophy running WP 7.5 (I think 7.5?)
Also should mention Windows Phone does not play well with Google accounts? Since Microsoft have removed support for Google Apps/Gmail accounts, Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8's mail apps only get Google mail via IMAP and refuse to sync my calendars and contacts now.
UNLESS it's changed and I'm missing something, THAT can be a big deal breaker when you're invested like my company.
If you're a non-business user, you could change to an Office 365 or Outlook account I guess but if you're on Google suggest Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 are no longer an option.
Nexus 5 is kicking iPhone 5s in every way, listen to your posters ozbargainers are normally on the right path.
At its price, it's unbeatable. Having said that the absence of card slot may hurt many users. Add to that the LCD display which is inferior to Apple's retina and Samsung's LED.
lmao 'inferior' screen apple has a 326ppi and below hd screen…. retina garbage, good to see another isheep
Samsung uses a OLED screen - completely different to a LED LCD. They both have their +'s & -'s.
Having said that the absence of card slot may hurt many users.
No more so than an iPhone would.
Add to that the LCD display which is inferior to Apple's retina and Samsung's LED.
I think you've fallen for a some marketing FUD here. Retina is not a type of screen. It's still an LCD screen. It's just Apple's buzz word for a display that when held at a typical distance from your eyes has pixels small enough that you can't resolve individual pixels. For a phone that's 300 ppi. Note that Nexus 5 and S4 have significantly higher PPI than that, and by Apple's definition would also be classed as Retina, and actually even better than Retina.
Samsung's screens are OLED. There are pros and cons with these screens.
Just want to add also that most of these superior "retina" displays Apple uses are actually made by Samsung.
This is completely and utterly incorrect. The iPhone 5s as a significantly better cpu and better camera among other things:
not it's not, the tests were made with a phone sporting below HD screen and 326ppi, basically the iphone will beat any other phone because it is using less performance on the screen
Every time they do benchmarks on an iPhone 5S compared to a 1080p Android phone, they are not taking into account that the Android phone has 3 times as many pixels to push than the 5S.
If the iPhone was running its benchmarks at 1080p, or if the Android phone is running its test at iPhone's resolution the results will be much different.
No it's not.
At least you get the awesome new feature I got on my HTC Desire HD.
I guess if you have used iPhone then moving to any other User interface would be painful. iPhone is good for user experience. It cares about fine details & user comfort while using the device.
On the other hand if you are a techie guy with lots of curiosity & will to use lot of apps then Samsung or Nexus would be a better choice. Their user interface is different than iPhone. You would get lots of features like new ROMs, many free apps for Android base phones.
I have used both and as a techie geek I love to use Android base phones than iPhone. To me iPhone is more for executive or naive users.
iPhone is good for user experience. It cares about fine details & user comfort while using the device.
A simple comparison between Android and IOS (note: I'm an IOS user).
= How I copy music to my phone =
1. Convert music from FLAC to mp3 using a 3rd party (non-Apple) program.
2. Make sure all meta-data is entered (song name, artist, album name and genre - eg. Rock). If any of these is missing, i won't see my song on my phone.
3. Drag and drop the song onto iTunes
4. Sync my phone, which could take 30 minutes, depending on how many apps I need to sync.Android:
1. Copy my song to the "music" folderIn other words, if it involves iTunes, it's agonizing.
As an IOS user, I find iTunes very frustrating. Like the time iTunes refused to copy any songs to my 64gb phone (note: phone was near empty). Solution? Erase the phone and restore from a backup.When Apple's good, it's great - when it's bad, it's really terrible.
I love my iphone, but this is a great example of one of the disadvantages this phone has. I never sync my phone with my computer because its too long and half the time it doesn't work the way you want it (p.s kinda exaggerating).
If you care about screen size, get Note 3. I love it and only going to buy phablet in the future. It's fast, beautiful screen, lots of functionalities and battery is so damn good.
i dont think the transition from iphone to android is that difficult. especially with stock android.
i.e the interface isnt that confusing. basically instead of all your apps on your homescreen, its in the menu.
on 4.4 android is quite user friendly compared to previous versions of android.
and if storage is really an issue then you only have the S4 as an option.
if you want the premium feel but android, then i feel the htc one is a good option.
phone cameras are overrated when majority of people view the pictures on the phone screen
Nah man we've gotta have those 8-13MEGAPIXELS!!! How else would I use instagram and make pics look like they were taken with a broken polaroid? You people just wouldn't understand…
I had a colleague who is quite tech-savvy and owns a Nexus 4. He hates it. Not to say it's not a good smartphone but for a starter you may be better off to have a Samsung S4 or LG G2 with those hated bloatware rather than going for a pure Android to start with.
Htc One is the one. The built quality is second to none and the speaker sound is the best.
But only 4Mp photos. I know it's good in low light, but only 4Mp.
I so seriously want to love the HTC One, but that and the no expansion/battery swap thing.
GGrrr. Why can't Samsung have a build like that with those awesome speakers but the rest as is?
:) Too much choice is doing my head in. Seem to compromise at every corner!
Only 4MP. You must be a professional artist who needs A0 sized posted printed from your mobile's camera, yes?
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Nexus 5