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Protoype 2's currently on sale for $13.59 USD on Amazon. Don't know how long it will be this price.
The game activates on Steam but you'll need a USA billing address to purchase. Australian cards work fine. Follow this guide if you need help:…
Definitely cheap, but please be aware this game is known to be a horrible PC port and it will NEVER be fixed as the developer is gone. Trawl through the Steam forums for a sample of the issues:
I personally found the game to be basically unplayable…there's a few tweaks and suggestions on how to fix it, but I wasn't ever able to have any luck with the lag (I've got an i5 2500K, 8GB RAM and a Radeon 7870 for reference). Your mileage may vary and here's a few links in case you do buy:…
It's a real shame as it's quite a fun game, so much so that despite it being unplayable for me on PC I just went and bought it on PS3 just so I could keep going!