This was posted 11 years 4 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[SYD] Canon 600D- $529, 700D- $749 *$599 after Cashback*, Nikon J1 - $249, Sony A58 - $499


Hi all,

I apologise if this looks like a repeat, but we've changed a few prices around, and added a few more specials.

We are offering (ONLY) the: (**these are the only cameras on special)

  • Sony A58 18-55mm lens $499
  • Sony A57 18-55 - $599
  • Canon 700D with 18-55mm STM Lens -$599* [after $150 cashback – pay $749 in store] ( [twin lens - add $200]
  • Canon 600D with 18-55mm lens (non stm) - $529 [Twin lens - $685]
  • Nikon j1 [with 10-30mm lens -$249] [with 10mm lens - $229] [with 10-30mm lens & 10mm lens - $299 (black only)]
    -Nikon s800c $199

We are also offering the following specials:
-Canon 50mm 1.8 II -$109
-Canon LPE-8 Battery(for 600d/700d) - $49.99
-Canon 600EX Flash - $499
-Nikon EN-EL14 Battery- $49.99
-Sony Nex lens 16mm 2.8 - $199

This is all Australian Stock with Australian Warranty.

*Canon Cashback claimed through
**Canon now offers double warranty on their cameras and lenses

Only available in-store at these three locations, Broadway Camera House (9212-7373), Top Ryde City Camera House(8068-6988), Hornsby Camera House (9476-1086) Sydney.
We apologise but we do not offer delivery or shipping at this time.

Related Stores

Camera House
Camera House

closed Comments

  • Any offer on 5D Mark III

  • The Canon cashback link doesn't work for me…

    • sites not available yet ;)

      "01/11/2013 - 30/11/2013 (Starts Tomorrow)"

      so try at midnight :D

      • Still does not work

  • Our prices are:

    Body- 3339
    5DMk3 with 24-105mm L- 4249
    5DMk3 with 24-70mm L - 5689

    There is currently a $200 cashback on the 5D from canon.

      • hmmph

        2 year warranty (with them)
        $55 shipping
        total - $2832

        2 year australian warranty with canon\
        $200 cashback from canon
        total - 3139

        The total difference is $507

        Its really up to you if you think the $500 saving is worth dealing with a grey importer vs a bricks and mortar shop and Australian warranty.

        • Sorry total difference was $307… :| dunno what i was thinking :P

  • -1

    I'm looking for an a57 but noticed:
    - Sony A58 18-55mm lens $499
    - Sony A57 18-55 - $599

    A58 is the newer model, comes with the same lens, but cost more?

    • +1

      hey mate, the A58 isnt exactly a replacement of the A57, in some ways its really a replacement of the A37 (or some amalgamation of the A37 and the A57.

      you can do some research yourself. But I can certainly feel the difference with both cameras in my hand, i feel personally that the A57 is better built (obviously it comes down to the individual).

      There was some discussion about this in the other thread below ( lens mounts especially)

      "As aim54x mentions above, this is a better camera than the A58 (the A58 is the successor to the A37, not the A57 as the numbering would imply). "

      Why don't you come in store, and have a chat with us about it and see for yourself :)

      • I see, how long is this sale on for? I'll be in Sydney in a couple of weeks so i think i will bite the bullet when the time comes.

  • Hey rep, can you do the $708 from 2 weeks ago instead of $749 for the 700D?

    • +2

      Unfortunately not, because of the cashback the price we buy the 700D in at has increased (somethings gotta give).

      $749 is still a pretty good price for a 700D. We're still cheaper than Jb Hifi, Teds, Georges, bingers, Harvey etc.

      If you can find a better price (obviously from a comparable b&m store) come in-store let us know and we'll see if we can work something out ;)

  • Hi rep
    The canon 700d is $897 twin lens kit @goid guys before cashback.

    Price match that ??

    • +1

      Got mine on hold, picking up tomorrow night. And getting GST back when I go overseas next week :)

      • +1

        How much GST will you get back? Do you also get the $150 cash back offer as well?

        • +1

          You get back the GST component (10%) from your tax invoice if total bill is more than $300.
          Yes you can also claim from canon and TRS eligible. :-)

        • +1

          Yep, will get $81.55 back from TRS ($897/11) and the Canon $150 so $665

        • +1

          Hi, I was very newbie in camera field (don't know anything even how to use)and was about to buy from CH with $708 last week. Unfortunately my wife took me to GGes just to take a look. Then I asked about 700D and showed them CH price, 2 of GGes staffs told me that it's grey import may be from HK or CHN so I ended up with GGes (1st yr Canon Wty plus 2nd yr GGes Wty) and paid $798 on 22/10/13. Can I still participate cash back program from Canon. It's just 10 days late :(

        • +1

          Mate, you got ripped sadly. Wow.. LOL.. people lying about our stock. Maybe you can get it returned to them because they falsely made claims and buy from us instead?

          If it were grey imports, our price would be even cheaper .. :P

          How much extra was GGees warranty? Ours for an extra year is $49.

          As a camerahouse we cant sell grey imports, or we'll lose 2 things.

          We will lose
          1) our license with CameraHouse
          2) our license with Canon itself
          3) possibly licenses with our other suppliers as well(nikon, pana, sony etc).

          So we do not under any circumstances sell GREY IMPORTS.

          And unfortunately this double warranty and cashback only applies to cameras sold form 1st November.

        • +1

          Thanks for the reply Rep. My bad, I haven't do a research first so that's why they ripped me easily and again bad luck for the cash back deal. I'm really frustrated but can't do anything. So just give this issue for someone for an ideas.

        • yeah its unfortunate doubly. You payed more, and missed out on the new promotion.
          You can never tell when the price is going to drop or there is going to be a special promotion. Even I didn't know about it until a couple of days ago when some flyers arrived.

          Next time you need a camera, or some accessories for your 700D come in and see us, we'll try and help you out as much as we can.

        • +1

          Yep, I will. I am thinking about buying some more storages and batteries. I will go CH Broadway by next week. Thanks.

    • +2

      hey mate, good spotting! Let me get back to you on that one. Going to bring it up with the general manager tomorrow and let you know for sure :)

      • +1

        Cheers mate.
        We were almost buying at TGG tomorrow, might wait for your response.

  • Anyone have a direct link to the cashback offer page? Can't find it browsing on my phone.

  • Rep, any update ??

    • Sent you a pm mate :)

  • +1

    WOW, 700D is good deal.
    Especially if you go to overseas in a month time.
    $749 - $70 - $150 = ~$530

    700D body = $400

    • If you're interested our body only is $698

    • GX1 doesn't seem like a good deal at all.

      • Hey mate, where have you seen it cheaper (from a b+m) out of interest?

        digidirect 14-42mm- $499
        Teds 14-42mm- $599.95
        Camera-pro 14-42mm- $835

        Georges body only- $449

  • [edit: deleted duplicate]

  • rep, can you give us your best price for 6d?


    • 6D Body only 1849

  • Rep, do you still have stock? Canon 700D with 18-55mm STM Lens -$599

    • yes we have plenty of stock


  • +1

    Nooooo I missed the specials. I am always a few days behind, lol.

    What is the current price on the 700D w/18-55mm?

  • Wow! Nice!

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