Listed in sundays herald sun, victoria - probably not mentioned online.
A bloody good price for a bloody good game.
This is for the entry level "special efition" - how special is itwhen everybody has it?
Eb games will no. Doubt price match if there is a target in the vicinity.
This is probably 1 game i wont return to eb games after a 1week trial especially at this price.
Goes up to $79 on 31 october.
Nice toget it cheap,yday 1 instead of waiting weeks for cheap imports.
So foget getting excited aboutred faction armageddon being $1off heres a real deal to get worked up about fellow bucanneers
Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag Special Edition Xbox 360 or PS3 $58 at Target

Last edited 27/10/2013 - 18:57 by 1 other user
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Cant think of a better game in the past year.
Previous ones 2,3 revelations etc looked a bit tired but this looks like a nice change.
Sea battles etcThe Last Of Us, GTA V, Batman, BioShock Infinite, Borderlands 2, Luigi's Mansion, Fire Emblem, Soul Sacrifice, P4G, Muramasa Rebirth.
Hell pretty much everything that was decent I would consider better. This is just a other tired rehash from what I have seen. They obviously had a talk about what next to do and had three choices, zombies, ninjas or pirates. Expect the other two to be released before Xmas.
Early reports are hinting that the game will be good. After the mixed reviews of AC3, Ubisoft realised that if AC4 wasn't a hit, the series was dead. As a result of this pressure, and from early reports, I think this game will be good.
Early reports were that Ass 3 was going to be revolutionary, here we are not 12 months on and we are being told the same about Ass Pirates.
I've got all of these games BTW, including Bloodlines and Liberation but there's no way you can create a top 'new' game in less than twelve months. They've rehashed again, last ditch cash grab from those who are still faithful.
Considering they are building on the then-new engine of AC3, you can only expect that they've learnt something since last year.
If they prove me wrong fair enough, I'm not buying into the franchise again though, it ended for me with Bro Ho.
Yeah, that's fair enough. Revelations was the only letdown for me… with the weird character face models. Desmond and Ezio didn't quite look like themselves.
It was horribly dim wasn't it? There aren't many story driven games where I actually just can't be assed continuing through. Especially knowing that I wanted to pick up the sequel.
Ass Pirates
Looks to me like they used the engine/concept of AC3 - as most of the ship scenes look/feel the same.
More like ful price DLC rather than a new revolutionary game ;-) .
I would not be surprised if they already planed this pirate "mod" when/while they where programming the ship part for AC3.An WTF, have look at the youtube clip- if you can take it for longer than 2 minutes.
AC and Pirates= does not mix. Not in that dress….And what is the deal with the ships taking of like cars. Jump in, lower sails, and from 0-100 in 3 secs……
All feels/looks like rubbish….Just my 5 cent anyway
Let the record show that I am not the only one who thinks this game is going to blow so hard that you could sail from here to the Carribbbean from the resulting wind.
Though I am one of the more obnoxious.
Did anyone play the Xbox360 version of AssCreepThree? Desmond had a gigantic, triangular tumour sticking out his right side, through his clothing, on his model, at all times, until the end (huehue)… Indian Ezio stabbed a cougar with hidden blades, before he had hidden blades. INVISIBLADES! Indian tech is pretty hardcore. I got stuck in a tree after getting punched by some guy. Buggiest game ever. Which, in Red Dead Redemption's case made it a BETTER game, but this one was almost unplayable.
The only reason I'd want to buy this one is to compile a list of even buggier, more awful features so I can be reminded of the absolute pit of game design. Game a year model does not work for me.
Uh…can we get some proof?
it's the same price at Big W
It's $58 at Big W too. It's in their latest catalogue…
Starts tomorrow (28th) and ends on 13/11.
Bigw catalogue 'big toy event' starts october 31 it states on page 1.
I imagine they would sell it at $58 on telease date before then but cant guarantee it.
It might be hit or miss with price matching EB. People were complaining on their FB today that their local EBs weren't price matching Arkham Origins for $58 because it was too low.
My yokel price matched without any fuss.
neah…..too expensive for PS3 version….
reasonable price if it was for PS4.Buy the ps3 version and pay the $14.45AUD upgrade fee on psn when the ps4 releases and you get the ps4 version as well for a total of $72.45. I haven't found the ps4 version for preorder cheaper than that anywhere locally, and you get to enjoy it on ps3 until then.
is this upgrade eligible for other games aswell? Eg Bf4?
Yep. Cod ghosts, bf4, ac4, nba2k14, watchdogs.…
$58 seems to be the sweet spot for new releases (barring GTA5). I actually quite enjoyed AC3 however I do admit it did begin to drag along nearing the end. Revelations was in a completely different boat though. I just kept wishing it would end. The story was so forgettable and was such a letdown from 2 and Brotherhood.
I have to agree with you there with Revelations. At the start of AC3 I had completely forgotten the end of AC Revelations and had to watch it on youtube again. I didn't mind the way that Enzio's story ended however, I thought it was quite fitting.
As for AC3, it did kinda drag near the end, and the civil war/battle part with everything exploding was very annoying. The trading mechanic was not very well executed either - although high level items could be created and traded, they did not compare in terms of profit to animal skins. Animal skins were the bomb! The boat missions were great, and I hope there's a whole heap more in AC4.
What I really miss is buying stores and buildings and upgrading a headquarters to gain a latent income. That was probably my favourite aspect of AC2. Hopefully we can do it in AC4, buying stores and upgrading your boat?
************SPOILER FOR AC3*****************
But probably the thing I'm looking most towards is the disctinct lack of a boring individual who has been there from the start.
************SPOILER FOR AC3*****************
*************MUCH MORE OBVIOUS SPOILER FOR AC3**************
How are they even going to Animus without him? This guy might not even be related? I thought that was the point of AC.
*************MUCH MORE OBVIOUS SPOILER FOR AC3**************
Assassins Creed 3 was an absolute shemozzle. Its massive PR campaign utilized the services of skillful editors who (masterfully) managed to cherry-pick enough footage to make the pre-release teasers unbelievably appealing….. in order to cover up the fact that the end product was a dogs breakfast.
It overreached by trying to be a bit of everything -fps, stealth, adventure, rpg- and did none of them well, underwhelming in every aspect it attempted
The marketing juggernaut behind AC4 will ensure it sells to a million 13 year olds who don't know any better -and I respect that- yet, as an annual release now, I have no doubt it will be same shit, different bucket; there definitely won't be the pleasant surprise that accompanied the release of Far Cry 3 after same old-same old Far Cry 2.
I don't really get how Far Cry 2 was "same old-same old". Far Cry 3 has a lot more in common with Far Cry 2 than Far Cry 2 has with Far Cry 1. In particular Far Cry 2 and 3 was an open world game where the original Far Cry 1 was not.
Probably because the changes in Far Cry 2 were badly implemented and bored users to a stupor whereas 3 was a thing of beauty.
Except for the boss "fights" of course.
Far Cry 1? What's that?
Crytek doesn't know what you mean by this term…..
Biogenetically engineered supersoldiers and monsters? You must have dreamt that up. YOU'RE SPINNING TALES, BRO! REALISTIC MODERN SHOOTER+SANDBOX MODE IS GO!
You can't argue with the current market.
In Far Cry 1 I was creeping around the jungle being stealthy and stuff and then a mutant with rocket launcher arms came out and blew me up. True story.
The first half of Crysis was almost like the sequel to the first half of Far Cry, if you catch my drift.
Yes, Crysis 1 was awesome during the first half, OK second half but the atmosphere died.
Target have advertised AC4 as $69 in their new catalogue……
Is $58 still valid?
Has anyone successfully purchased this today for $58? BigW/Target won't sell them until 31/10, which means EB and JB won't price match. If anyone has, could you please upload the receipt? Thanks!
I went in this morning and asked if they had AC4 in stock, an employee told me that stock hadn't arrived yet and would probably be stocked (earliest) tomorrow morning if they received the stock today.
Why won't BigW/Target not sell until 31/10?
I ended up getting it at JB Hifi, price matching BigW for $58.
The chick at my local Target said they have a note to hold off selling until 31/10. No idea why, assuming that's when the sale starts. Maybe they have an agreement to let JB Hifi/EB games sell some before the big retailers?
I went to eb and just showed them the photo of the bigw catalogue price. They didn't question the start date and price matched straight away.
Not sure how long it has been since I could consider an Ass Creed game "bloody good" especially if I hadn't played it. They've flogged this franchise way too much.